Tag: Shoftim

In this episode, the discussion critiques Spinoza's philosophy of determinism, highlighting flaws in his ideas.
This episode discusses the structure of Rosh HaShana and the concept of Divine Judgment during this holiday.
This episode delves into the concept of determinism and its appeal to Einstein, while also examining the Torah perspective on the matter.
This episode discusses the influence of national identity on assimilated Jews like Einstein, exploring how being Jewish impacted Einstein professionally and how he reacted to this.
The text discusses the concept of rationalism from a Torah perspective, focusing on figures like Spinoza and Einstein.
In this discussion, the focus is on Spinoza's Jewish identity and his denial of being Jewish.
This episode discusses Spinoza's life in Rijnsburg and his move to Voorburg, highlighting his relationship with DeVries and his colleagues' reactions to his statement of not identifying as Jewish.
This episode explores the perspective of Torah on abortion and its relevance to the ongoing American debate on the topic, including questioning if the Torah can be viewed as pro-choice.
This episode explores the challenge of focus in contemporary society, noting the lack of discussion on ultimate human accomplishment.
This episode delves into the philosophical question of defining humanity and human accomplishment, exploring perspectives from classic philosophers to contemporary thinkers.
This episode delves into the context of Cartesian Philosophy and why Enlightenment Philosophers struggled with understanding reality.
This podcast episode delves into the changing perspective on philosophy and its significance in the modern world, highlighting the efforts put into studying philosophy and what it reveals about humanity.
This episode discusses Spinoza's motivations for his major life decision, explores the historical understanding of the term philosophy compared to modern times, and looks at the distinction between philosophy and science.
This episode explores the enduring impact of Spinoza's philosophy on the Western world, highlighting the differences in how Judaism and Christianity approach philosophical questions and engage with general culture.