Tag: Sin

In the discussion surrounding the Torah readings of early October, a key theme is the transition from shame cultures to guilt cultures, emphasizing the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and the distinction between right and wrong.
The TORCH organization is currently running a fundraising campaign to support the TORAH 101 Podcast and other Jewish outreach and educational efforts.
The article discusses the concept of "confronting the suboptimal" in various aspects of life, particularly in religious observance.
In this article, Rabbi Dr. Twerski discusses the concept of teshuvah (repentance) in relation to his experience treating alcoholism.
This podcast discusses the dilemma of reconciling the belief in divine foreknowledge with the concept of free will.
The story of Rabbi Elazar ben Dordaya, as found in Avodah Zarah 17a, is a well-known tale of redemption and repentance.
The author explores the concept of "aveirah li-shmah," which refers to a sin performed in the name of God.
Yehiel Poupko's upcoming collection of poems, titled "What Is Lost," explores themes of sin, repentance, and forgiveness in Jewish tradition.
Repentance is a powerful concept in Judaism, but it can be difficult to understand how it brings about change.
The excerpt discusses Rabbi Akiva's teaching about two types of purification and two types of repentance.
The article discusses King David's sins and confession, focusing on the redemptive power of confession in Jewish tradition.
The Midrash uses Adam's sin as a cautionary tale to illustrate the severity of sin, comparing his punishment to that of Cain's for murder.
The discussion on the Talmud's view of divorce conditions raises concerns about the inhumane treatment of women.
The text expresses a plea for God to take responsibility and apologize for the suffering inflicted on humanity, enumerating sins and injustices attributed to God, including diseases, death, and human suffering.