Tag: Six Day War

The video discusses the reunification of Jerusalem by Israel during the Six Day War in 1967.
The video discusses Israel's control over Bethlehem and Hebron following the Six Day War in 1967 and the historical significance of these areas to the Jewish People.
The video delves into the historical significance of the Six Day War, where Israel emerged victorious against four Arab armies in a brief timespan, leading to ongoing territorial disputes.
This video explores the involvement of the USSR in funding Palestinian leaders during the Cold War era, delving into the reasons behind their support and its impact on Palestinian nationalism and identity.
Israeli real estate shows in Canada have sparked protests due to accusations of promoting the purchase of property in disputed areas, such as the West Bank and East Jerusalem, seen as illegal settlements by the UN and Canada.
In this article, the author reflects on the possibility of Israel ceasing to exist.
A new exhibit at the Steven Kasher Gallery in New York commemorates the tumultuous year of 1968 with 366 black and white photographs, each representing a different day of the year.
Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez, scholars at the Hebrew University's Truman Institute, delve into their book "The Soviet-Israeli War 1967-1973," revealing little-known Soviet involvement in the Arab-Israeli conflict post the Six-Day War.
In this "That War" edition, the discussion revolves around significant topics such as reflecting on the Six Day War's 50th anniversary, questioning the effectiveness of Members of Knesset, and debating whether universities should offer sex-segregated courses for ultra-Orthodox students.
Naomi Shemer's iconic song "Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (Jerusalem of Gold)" released in 1967 coincided with the momentous recapture of Jerusalem's Old City by Jewish forces, marking the first time in nearly two millennia that all of Jerusalem was under Jewish control.
"God, Israel, & Shiloh: Returning to the Land" by David Rubin recounts his harrowing experience of being shot at with his young son in Shiloh, a Jewish community with a rich historical and biblical significance.
In "Crossing Mandelbaum Gate," Kai Bird reflects on his childhood spent in the Middle East, mainly in Jerusalem, Beirut, and Saudi Arabia, due to his father's diplomatic service.