Tag: Teshuva

Rabbi Beryl Gershenfeld, a leader in Jewish outreach, discusses what the Jewish world can learn from Jewish outreach and how to engage in meaningful growth.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Pini Dunner and Rav Moshe Weinberger discuss the Yabloner Rebbe and his remarkable journey of teshuva.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Pini Dunner and Rav Moshe Weinberger discuss the Yabloner Rebbe and his remarkable story of teshuva (return to Judaism).
In this episode, Unorthodox explores the themes of apologies, forgiveness, and repentance.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Miriam Gisser shares her experience of rebuilding her life after her husband's drug overdose.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Miriam Gisser discusses her experience of rebuilding her life after her husband's death from a drug overdose.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rav Judah Mischel, executive director of Camp HASC and founder of Tzama Nafshi, discusses the topic of change and teshuva.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rav Judah Mischel discusses the topic of change and teshuva (repentance).
The discussion revolves around the inclusion of transgender and nonbinary individuals in Jewish death and burial practices, particularly focusing on the ritual of tahara.
As the High Holidays approach, the article emphasizes the importance of deep reflection and self-improvement, particularly in the wake of events like the Tree of Life shooting.
The author recounts a personal experience involving a fire accident to explore the concept of "middah kneged middah," or Jewish karma, where actions have consequences mirroring the initial deed.