Tag: Teshuva

The Conservative movement's Rabbinical Assembly Committee on Jewish Law and Standards has approved a teshuva (responsum) on cannabis usage, addressing social, legal, and medical issues.
Rabbi Art Green, the founding dean of Hebrew College's rabbinical school, has been forced into retirement and barred from campus due to inappropriate behavior with a former student.
In this podcast episode titled "Hunka Hunka Burning Parliament," the focus is on the post-Yom Kippur repentance fest and the resignation of Speaker of the House of Commons, Anthony Rota, who apologized for inviting a Nazi into Parliament.
Daniel Rynhold, dean of the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, explores the concept of repentance in Jewish thought and its contrasts between medieval and modern philosophers.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, psychologist Dr. Joshua Coleman discusses familial estrangement and reconciliation.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, psychologist Dr. Joshua Coleman discusses the complexities of familial estrangement and reconciliation.
"Shuvi Nafshi: Hesed o Herut" explores the paradox of teshuva, or repentance, by questioning whether it is about changing ourselves or accepting who we are, and whether it is about personal freedom or divine grace.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Michael Rosensweig discusses the importance of returning to Torah study as a means of teshuva (repentance).
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Michael Rosensweig discusses the importance of Torah study and its role in the process of teshuva (repentance).
The author questions the practice of Jewish pilgrimages to the Ukrainian village of Uman during the holiest time of the year, arguing that it detracts from the main focus of repentance and prayer to God.
This episode of the 18Forty Podcast focuses on the topic of infidelity and its consequences.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the anonymous guest discusses the consequences and aftermath of infidelity.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, legal scholar Martha Minow discusses forgiveness, law, and the limitations of teshuva (repentance).
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, legal scholar Martha Minow discusses the limitations of teshuva (repentance) and the role of forgiveness in law and human culture.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Daniel Kalish discusses how individuals can forge their own path of religious commitment with the right help.
In this episode of the18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Daniel Kalish discusses how each individual can forge their own path of religious commitment with the right help.
Rav Jeff Fox's teshuva on queer women's sexuality is an important contribution to the world of Torah, as it challenges the default stance of condemnation and encourages the halachically-observant community to embrace queerness.
In this episode, the discussion revolves around parental alienation and its impact on families in religious communities.
William Shatner's latest memoir, "Boldly Go: Reflections on a Life of Awe and Wonder," offers a contemplative look at his life and experiences.
This text emphasizes the importance of teshuva, or repentance, in Jewish thought and observance.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts explore the theme of apologies.
In this episode of 18Forty, Mark Moskowitz shares his story of finding meaning and himself in federal prison after being incarcerated for defrauding his investors.
In this episode of 18Forty, Mark Moskowitz, an author, speaker, and coach, shares his transformative experience of finding meaning and himself in federal prison after being incarcerated for defrauding his investors.
In this episode of 18Forty, Rabbi Shais Taub discusses the concept of teshuva (repentance) and its different forms, including teshuva of innocence and teshuva of experience.
Rabbi Shais Taub, a Chabad scholar and author, discusses the mechanics of teshuva (repentance) in this episode.