Tag: Torah Scholar

In the Torah portion Vayigash, Joseph warns his brothers not to become agitated on their journey home.
The OU Press released several books in the past year that explore various aspects of Jewish thought and tradition.
This essay discusses the issue of excessive rabbinic honorifics and the pitfalls associated with them.
In this reflection on the sixth anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, the author expresses sadness that Rabbi Lichtenstein is no longer alive to guide and inspire others.
Rabbi Pinchas Horowitz's appointment as the Rabbi of Frankfurt, a significant Jewish community, is explored in this episode.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the Maggid of Mezritch's success in attracting students, exploring how he did so and the type of students he drew compared to the Gaon.
In this podcast episode by Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein, we explore the meeting between the Maggid of Mezritch and the Besht, focusing on how the Besht persuaded the Maggid to become his student.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the historical identification of Achashveirosh and the discrepancy between secular history and the Tanach regarding the dating of the Destruction of the First Temple.
In Gaon #24, the focus is on the Baal Shem's Holy Letter, exploring why he needed assistance from his Rebbe for a particular experience, his premonition of death, and the message conveyed to him by Moshiach.
In this episode of GAON #21, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores the impact of the 1772 Cheramim in Vilna and Brody on Eastern European Jewry, assessing whether they immediately divided the community or if the split took longer to manifest.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores the controversial topic of the Brody Cherem of 1772, discussing claims that it was influenced by the Maskilim movement, examining whether key figures like Yisroel of Zamosz and R Aryeh Leib ben Mordechai were associated with the Maskilim.
The hesped (funeral eulogy) for Rav Yehuda Herzl Henkin highlights his greatness as a rabbi and posek (halakhic decisor) in the Jewish world.
In the podcast episode "GAON #18 - The Vilna Cherem of 1772," Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the Vilna Cherem of 1772 within its historical context.
This episode is an appreciation of Rabbi Aharon Chadash, the Mashgiach of the Mir Yeshiva, presented by Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein, a renowned Torah scholar, Tanach expert, and historian.
In episode 14 of the podcast "GAON," Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the Vilna Gaon's unrealized ambitious projects, specifically his endeavors to write a final version of the Shulchan Aruch and to make Aliyah to Israel.
In episode 13 of Gaon, the discussion explores the Vilna Gaon's heavy editing of Rabbinical documents like Shas and other materials, questioning why some were heavily edited while others barely touched, and how his editing compares to other Acharonim.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein's podcast episode discusses the Vilna Gaon's Torah accomplishments, particularly focusing on his role as a posek and his extensive editing of Rabbinic material like Shas.
In this episode of GAON #11, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the legacy of the Vilna Gaon, focusing on the image he created in his students' eyes, particularly his legendary diligence.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the early life of the Vilna Gaon in episode 10 of the Gaon podcast series.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein, a Torah scholar and historian, discusses parallels between the Covid-19 pandemic and historical plagues in Tanach, as well as the connection to messianic redemption in Jewish history.
In this episode, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein delves into the Ramban's perspective on Hoshgocha Pratit, God's direct involvement in the world, and compares it to the approach of the Besht (Baal Shem Tov).
In this episode, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores Beshtian Theology II, focusing on the Besht's perspective on the world, his approach to raising sparks, and how this connects to prayer.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the presence of the Baal Shem Tov (Besht) in Mezhibozh, exploring if the Besht faced opposition upon moving there and examining available historical documentation on this.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein, a respected Torah scholar and historian, offers podcasts that delve into various aspects of Jewish history and Torah, covering important and controversial topics.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein delves into the life and controversies surrounding the Besht's first marriage in a podcast episode focused on Jewish history.