Tag: Tree Of Life Shooting

Following the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh, the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh and the 10.27 Healing Partnership discuss the community's resilience in the face of trauma as the shooter's trial approaches.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss the significance of the Jewish holiday Shavuot, which celebrates those who convert to Judaism.
The text explores the commemoration of the first anniversary of the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh.
A year after the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh, the Jewish community reflects on the tragedy and the ongoing threat of anti-Semitism.
In remembrance of the Tree of Life shooting a year earlier, an exhibition titled "Lest We Forget" featuring oversize images of Holocaust survivors by Luigi Toscano was displayed around the University of Pittsburgh campus.
In the podcast episode "Pittsburgh, One Year Later: Ep. 201," Unorthodox reflects on the first anniversary of the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh.
As the High Holidays approach, the article emphasizes the importance of deep reflection and self-improvement, particularly in the wake of events like the Tree of Life shooting.
A mother reflects on taking her daughter to synagogue in the wake of increased security measures following the Tree of Life shooting.
The author reflects on the need to combat Islamophobia within the Jewish community, underscored by the tragedies like the Tree of Life shooting and the Christchurch mosque attack.