Tag: Ukraine

The article discusses the use of the word "obscene" in recent political and cultural contexts.
Israeli support for Ukraine in the face of Russia's invasion has been misconstrued as neutrality.
The podcast discusses the perceived unfairness in this week's Supreme Court confirmation hearings compared to those of Brett Kavanaugh in 2018 and expresses concern over the situation in Ukraine.
The Biden administration's approach to Ukraine mirrors the "Syria playbook" established by the Obama administration, according to this article.
In this discussion, former Israeli diplomat Eran Etzion suggests that Israel's mediation efforts between Russia and Ukraine signify a shift in the country's foreign policy.
The Russian government's crackdown on civil society, independent media, and human rights organizations has resulted in the exodus of many prominent figures in Russia.
Jill Baker Shames, a social worker and member of United Hatzalah in Israel, volunteered in Moldova and Ukraine to assist refugees fleeing from the war in Ukraine.
This article discusses the complex relationship between Ukraine and Jews, particularly in light of the ongoing conflict with Russia.
The struggle for Ukraine could establish China as the dominant power in Europe, surpassing both Russia and the United States.
Olga Gamzeynova, a 69-year-old Ukrainian refugee, shares her story as she crosses the border into Romania to escape the violence and destruction caused by the Russian invasion.
The text discusses concerns about the Biden administration's response to the crisis in Europe, highlighting its apparent contradictory actions of criticizing fossil fuel producers while calling for more production, as well as issuing warnings about a potential chemical weapons attack by Russia without providing a clear deterrent strategy.
In this edition, Sally Abed, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron discuss the important topics of Israel potentially accepting refugees from Ukraine, the dropping of sexual assault charges against a prominent figure in the gay community, and the allocation of government funds to make Shabbat more meaningful for secular individuals.
The conflict and tragedy in Ukraine have resonated deeply with Jews due to various reasons.
Jonathan Schanzer from The Foundation for the Defense of Democracys discusses the current situation in Ukraine and the West's move towards a new nuclear deal with Iran.
The spelling of place names in Ukraine, such as Kyiv or Kiev, and the transliteration of names like Zelensky or Zelenskyy, have significant political implications.
In an interview, Natan Sharansky discusses the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its significance.
In this podcast discussion, there is an exploration of the possibility of the American people pressuring politicians to implement a no-fly zone over Ukraine and the potential disastrous outcomes of such a decision.
The ongoing conflict in Ukraine is expected to lead to a significant wave of immigration to Israel, similar to the influx witnessed in the 1990s after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Marketing expert and bestselling author Professor Scott Galloway joins Yonit and Jonathan to discuss a range of topics including Ukraine and Russia, U.S. and Israel relations, angry young men, and big tech.
In this podcast, Dovid Margolin, a senior editor at Chabad.org, discusses the impact of the war in Ukraine on Jewish life.
Dovid Margolin, a senior editor at Chabad.org, discusses the religious dimension of the war in Ukraine.
Ukraine's President, Volodymyr Zelensky, has risen to the occasion as a wartime leader in the face of Russia's aggression.
The author reflects on the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the fear and desire for peace that it evokes.
In this episode, American Jewish Committee (AJC) CEO David Harris discusses the situation in Ukraine.
In this episode, hosts Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Rabbi Josh Weinberg discuss three important topics and share a heartwarming anecdote from Israel.