Tag: Ukraine

The author argues that Ukraine is in a strong position in its war against Russia, with a demoralized and poorly led Russian army facing a well-trained and motivated Ukrainian army.
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Anne Applebaum discusses lessons for Israel from Poland and Hungary regarding democracy.
Saul Rubinek, a Hollywood veteran, delves into his personal connection with Yiddish and the Holocaust as he takes on the role of a rabbi in the Yiddish-speaking film "Shttl," filmed in Ukraine just before the Russian invasion.
The podcast delves into recent events such as the sonic boom over Washington D.C., China's actions in the Taiwan Strait, weakening support for Ukraine, and a New York Times article on Joe Biden's age, examining their implications on defense readiness and international relations.
"I Wanted to Be a Man With a Gun" is a documentary film by Bill Farley that explores the experiences of three American soldiers, Paul Mico, Harold Kozloff, and Leo Litwak, who fought in World War II.
The podcast discusses the Biden administration's shift in tactics regarding sending tanks to Ukraine, as well as topics related to DeSantis and Trump.
Since the fall of Communism in Ukraine, there has been a revival of Jewish life and observance in the country.
Albert Reichmann, a member of the Orthodox Jewish community, played a significant role in bringing Jewish education and heritage to Jews behind the Iron Curtain.
The article discusses the state of the Western alliance and the prospects for Ukrainian freedom in the context of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
The podcast discusses the anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the current ideological and partisan divisions within the United States on this issue.
The discussion revolves around the question of how Jews can support Ukraine after the Holocaust, considering the history of anti-Semitism in the country.
The podcast discusses various topics such as the growing pessimism on the Right regarding Ukraine despite Russian challenges, criticism of The New York Times for not being pro-trans enough, and the relevance of balloons.
In this article, the author discusses the political career and traits of Boris Johnson, the former British Prime Minister.
This text discusses the fear that Vladimir Putin is trying to inspire and capitalize on.
In a podcast, the discussion revolves around President Edith Piaf, where Joe Biden's lack of regrets regarding his handling of classified information is scrutinized.
Tablet Top Tens is a collection of articles from Jewish media.
Leon Trotsky, born Lev Davidovich Bronstein, was a revolutionary figure from Ukraine who played a major role in shaping twentieth-century politics.
In a podcast episode featuring Eliana Johnson from the Washington Free Beacon, the discussion revolves around a remarkable letter sent by House progressives to Joe Biden regarding Ukraine, indicating a troubling development for Democratic prospects in the upcoming midterms.
The article tells the story of Maks Levin, a war photographer who was killed by Russian soldiers during the war in Ukraine.
The podcast discusses the situation in Ukraine, addressing topics such as nuclear weapons, Putin, and the United States's response, with a focus on whether the Ukrainian triumph is turning into a Western crisis.
The podcast starts with a discussion on whether people prioritize issues or negativity towards opposing views.
The podcast discusses a recent crime incident in Chicago where a criminal was released and committed further crimes, leading to a broader discussion about how Republicans might be impacting the Democratic polling surge by emphasizing crime issues.
The article discusses Russia's failure to modernize and its transformation from Soviet communism to a Westernized, market-based economy and parliamentary system.
This text describes the ongoing conflict in Ukraine between Russia and Ukraine.
Following Queen Elizabeth's passing, the discussion revolves around whether there are any prominent figures today who are admired for their restraint rather than oversharing.