Tag: Unetaneh Tokef

Leonard Cohen, the Jewish Canadian musician, had deep connections to Israel and Judaism throughout his life.
The author shares their personal experience of being shocked by their defibrillator during Kol Nidre services, which reminded them of their mortality and the unpredictability of life.
The author reflects on the significance of the prayer Unetaneh Tokef, which catalogs calamities that may befall Jews in the coming year, and its resonance with the Jewish community in Ukraine.
This essay explores the variations in prayer traditions among Jews in ancient times.
In this piece, the author mourns the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) and expresses anger and frustration over various issues plaguing society, including the COVID-19 pandemic, racial injustice, and political turmoil leading up to the election.
The author recounts how the death of their beloved dachshund, Ginger, brought them back to Judaism.
The author recounts their personal struggle with reciting the prayer Unetaneh Tokef after the tragic death of their mother, feeling conflicted by its perception of God as punitive.
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, falls on the first day of the seventh month Tishrei but is significant as a day for reflection, repentance, and judgment by God.