Tag: Whatsapp Group

A New York City deputy mayor has accused the Washington Post of antisemitism for their article detailing Jewish business leaders organizing a pro-Israel campaign, pressuring the mayor to act against anti-Israel protests at Columbia University.
The text discusses the challenges of excluding extremists from public life despite efforts to define and combat extremism.
Australian Jews are on high alert after a list of Jewish creatives' personal information was published online by pro-Palestinian activists.
The article shares a story about the collaboration between women from a deeply religious community and a secular kibbutz in Israel during the war.
This discussion delves into understanding R' Chaim Volozhin's perspective on Torah Lishma and how it relates to the insights of the Vilna Gaon.
Many American Jews have been showing their support for Israel in the wake of the recent attack by Hamas.
This episode delves into the Rambam's perspective on defining heresy and its significance, along with a discussion on contemporary Jewish identity.
The Orthodox Jewish community in New York has become a significant voting bloc, with historic turnout in the 2020 election.