Daily Podcasts Video search
Sources Our Common Humanity 11 Apr 2021
The article discusses the ethical stance of taking absolute responsibility for the reality of suffering, instead of relying on a hypothetical perfect world. ...
11 Apr 2021
Forward ADL may have violated Wikipedia rules — editing its own entries 9 Apr 2021
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) recently halted a project where its staff members edited Wikipedia entries using pseudonyms, potentially violating Wikipedia...
9 Apr 2021
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Cuomo's Tell-Tale Heart 5 Mar 2021
New York Governor Cuomo faces a deteriorating situation as state officials reveal concerns about job security if they did not help cover up COVID death data ...
5 Mar 2021
Unorthodox headphones Presenting ‘Hearing with Tali Farhadian Weinstein’ 4 Mar 2021
This episode features a conversation between Tali Farhadian Weinstein and Rabbi Angela Buchdahl, exploring the roles of faith and identity in tackling racial...
4 Mar 2021
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Cuomo’s Ugliness and the Horror at Smith College 25 Feb 2021
In this podcast episode, the discussion revolves around Andrew Cuomo's recent sexual harassment scandal involving an aide in Albany, highlighting the consequ...
25 Feb 2021
Forward Michael Che’s ham-fisted joke aside, what’s the deal with Israel, Palestinians and the vaccine? 25 Feb 2021
The article delves into the controversy surrounding Michael Che's joke on "Saturday Night Live" about Israel's COVID-19 vaccination campaign, which sparked d...
25 Feb 2021
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Shawn Zevit is one of my favourite rabbis. He has taught me much. A Canadian in Philly, a Justice warrior and a true mensch. If you're hankering for wisdom and soulful listening you've come to the right place. 25 Feb 2021
Rabbi Shawn Zevit, a Canadian rabbi based in Philadelphia, is praised for his teachings and commitment to social justice. Described as a "mensch" and a "Just...
25 Feb 2021
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The Rioters Were Role-Playing 11 Feb 2021
The podcast discusses the disturbing nature of the rioters during the impeachment trial, noting their role-playing as avenging angels and villains akin to a ...
11 Feb 2021
Promised Podcast headphones The “Shots & Tots” Edition 21 Jan 2021
In this podcast discussion, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida, and Noah Efron cover various important topics, including Israel's bioethics board dec...
21 Jan 2021
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones We Ain’t No Delinquents, We’re Misunderstood 22 Dec 2020
The progressive left is moving away from solely advocating for decriminalization and is now focusing on decarceration, which challenges the current criminal ...
22 Dec 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Politicizing the Vaccine 18 Dec 2020
The podcast discusses the controversial ethical considerations in vaccine distribution, the role of luck and gratitude in American society, a notable turn of...
18 Dec 2020
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones The wisdom of a Church elder and the spirit of an eco warrior. Former United Church Moderator Mardi Tindal on NTKTR 3 Dec 2020
The text discusses Mardi Tindal, a former United Church Moderator who embodies a blend of kindness, wisdom, faith, and determination. Tindal is portrayed as ...
3 Dec 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The Elite Thinks It Knows Best 1 Dec 2020
In a podcast discussion, the topic of elite condescension and credentialism is highlighted, focusing on how the elite often believe they know best in advisin...
1 Dec 2020
Forward Scribe | California Proposition 14 is about pikuach nefesh — here’s why 3 Nov 2020
In her article, Stacey Dorenfeld discusses California's Proposition 14 as a significant stride in stem cell research, likening its importance to Judaism's co...
3 Nov 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones How Dare You Cover the News! 28 Oct 2020
The podcast discusses the media's biased approach towards covering the recent riots in Philadelphia and their reluctance to report on the allegations surroun...
28 Oct 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Does Hunter Biden Matter? 22 Oct 2020
The text discusses whether the revelations concerning Hunter Biden's emails, which suggest his father may have been involved in profiting from foreign intere...
22 Oct 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Amy, What You Wanna Do? 14 Oct 2020
The podcast discusses the backlash against labeling Amy Coney Barrett as a colonizer and homophobe, despite public support for her. It also questions Nancy P...
14 Oct 2020
Tablet Recognizing Jewish Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust 9 Oct 2020
The article highlights the vital yet often overlooked efforts of Jewish rescuers during the Holocaust, specifically the work of the Oeuvre de secours aux enf...
9 Oct 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The State of the Race After Trump’s Diagnosis 5 Oct 2020
Donald Trump's COVID diagnosis has raised questions about how it will impact the national political landscape. Some wonder if the public will react with symp...
5 Oct 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The Cosmic Unfairness of It All 24 Sep 2020
The discussion explores the perceived lack of planning behind Donald Trump's controversial actions, such as refusing to consider a peaceful transfer of power...
24 Sep 2020
Unorthodox headphones The Apology Episode — The Reckoning: Ep. 244 24 Sep 2020
In this Yom Kippur-themed episode of Unorthodox, the hosts explore themes of apology and reconciliation across political and religious divides through divers...
24 Sep 2020
Unorthodox headphones All Together Now: Ep. 241 3 Sep 2020
In this episode of "Unorthodox," Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks discusses his latest book, emphasizing the importance of building a moral society and the relevanc...
3 Sep 2020
Forward Opinion | The Jewish community has a blind spot: class differences 24 Aug 2020
Annie Jollymore's opinion piece highlights the under-discussed issue of class differences within Jewish communities. Using anecdotes from interviews, she ill...
24 Aug 2020
Forward Bintel Brief | My rabbi went to a sex party. Should I tell the Board? 20 Aug 2020
The Bintel Brief advice column addresses a sensitive inquiry about a rabbi's attendance at a sex party, questioning the boundaries of personal conduct expect...
20 Aug 2020
Promised Podcast headphones The “Reflections on the Revolution in Jerusalem” Edition 23 Jul 2020
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida discuss the declining trust in Israeli leaders, ongoing protests outside PM Netanyahu's house, and...
23 Jul 2020
Forward A Juneteenth Haggadah for a new ritual meal 29 Jun 2020
The Keti Koti Table, an interracial reconciliation celebration, draws inspiration from the Jewish Passover Seder to commemorate the abolition of Dutch slaver...
29 Jun 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones 500 Episodes and Reckoning with Meritocracy 25 Jun 2020
The 500th episode of the COMMENTARY podcast reflects on its origins and delves into the implications of advocating for social leveling in the context of nati...
25 Jun 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The Moral Conundrum of Trump 18 Jun 2020
The text discusses the moral challenges posed by revelations in John Bolton's new book about Donald Trump, efforts to reform policing culture in America, and...
18 Jun 2020
Unorthodox headphones Talking it Out: Ep. 232 18 Jun 2020
This episode of Unorthodox dives deeply into the racial justice conversations following the murder of George Floyd, exploring Jewish perspectives on responsi...
18 Jun 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Community Policing and Speech Policing 17 Jun 2020
In this podcast episode, the discussion covers NBC News' attempt to pressure Google to demonetize The Federalist, the concept of community policing as advoca...
17 Jun 2020
Forward Opinion | How our growing consensus against racism turned into a moral panic 14 Jun 2020
The article discusses a shift in public opinion towards acknowledging and confronting racism, particularly in response to incidents like the murder of George...
14 Jun 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones A Revolution Without Ideals 11 Jun 2020
The COMMENTARY podcast delves into the current situation in Seattle where protests have moved from focusing on racial justice to advocating for the abolishme...
11 Jun 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Seeking Racial Justice in an Age of Mistrust 9 Jun 2020
The discussion revolves around the appropriate approach to addressing racial disparities in American institutions, balancing restorative justice with retribu...
9 Jun 2020
Forward A prayer for George Floyd: ‘We take this pledge’ 5 Jun 2020
Rabbi Naomi Levy offers a poignant prayer in memory of George Floyd, addressing the need for self-reflection and action against racism and injustice. The pra...
5 Jun 2020
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Gerald Kutney: The sky is falling! No seriously, its falling. 21 May 2020
In a tweet, Gerald Kutney, a scientist and climate advocate, highlights the urgent need to address the pressing issue of climate change, emphasizing the phys...
21 May 2020
Forward In Boston, a Jewish agency tackles “shocking” poverty and homelessness 16 May 2020
The Jewish community in Boston is confronting an unexpected and growing issue of poverty and homelessness, highlighted by cases like that of Tom, a highly ed...
16 May 2020
Forward ‘Moses was only 80 when he confronted Pharaoh’ 5 May 2020
Danielle Winter reflects on the societal need to honor and respect the elderly, inspired by her personal experiences with her grandmother, who exemplified vi...
5 May 2020
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Mohamad Fakih: Business Doesn't Have to be Just Business 30 Apr 2020
The article discusses the perspective of Paramount Foods CEO Mohamad Fakih on combining business success with compassion and social responsibility, advocatin...
30 Apr 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Punch Drunk and Reeling 22 Apr 2020
The text discusses the ongoing national debate about balancing public health concerns with societal needs, highlighting the clashes between these viewpoints ...
22 Apr 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones What Is the Breaking Point? 20 Apr 2020
The COMMENTARY podcast discusses the ongoing lockdown and questions when the public might reach a breaking point where economic risks surpass public health c...
20 Apr 2020
Tablet A Friend in Prison 2 Apr 2020
A woman reconnects with a friend who is in prison for money laundering and becomes her pen pal, navigating the restrictions and rules of the prison system wh...
2 Apr 2020
Tablet Points of Light 27 Mar 2020
"Points of Light" reflects on the challenging context of the COVID-19 pandemic, drawing parallels with historical pandemics to emphasize human humility. The ...
27 Mar 2020
Israel Policy Pod headphones Netanyacoup? 20 Mar 2020
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein are facing accusations of undermining Israeli democracy under the guise of managing the ...
20 Mar 2020
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Lou Schizas: Life is Just Choices-or-Not 23 Jan 2020
Lou Schizas believes that life boils down to the choices we make, emphasizing personal responsibility and a capitalist outlook on facing life's challenges al...
23 Jan 2020
Tablet Porgy and Bess 5 Nov 2019
The Metropolitan Opera in New York is featuring George Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess" with an all-black cast, a choice stemming from Gershwin's desire to avoid ...
5 Nov 2019
Tablet Yes, It Is Good to Hate al-Baghdadi 30 Oct 2019
A recent U.S. operation successfully eliminated Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, sparking a debate on the ethics of hating extraordinarily evil individuals. Drawing fro...
30 Oct 2019
Jewish Insider Jonathan Safran Foer wants you to stop eating meat 27 Sep 2019
Jonathan Safran Foer advocates for individuals to reduce their carbon footprint by cutting out animal-derived products, emphasizing the environmental impact ...
27 Sep 2019
Unorthodox headphones The Apology Episode, 5780: Ep 197 26 Sep 2019
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts explore the intricate process of apologies in both personal conflicts and broader cultural contexts. They discuss th...
26 Sep 2019
Tel Aviv Review headphones Creating Killers 12 Aug 2019
Christopher Browning's examination of ordinary German men turning into killers raises questions about whether the Holocaust should be viewed as a universal h...
12 Aug 2019
Tablet Is There Such a Thing as Mindful Slaughtering? 9 Aug 2019
During the Nine Days leading up to Tisha B'Av, a time of abstaining from meat and wine, a discussion on the ethics of animal slaughter arises, questioning if...
9 Aug 2019