Daily Podcasts Video search
JTA At Rikers Island, Jewish volunteers find a ‘powerful connection’ with inmates by leading prayer services 4 Apr
Jewish volunteers at Rikers Island, NYC's largest jail, lead prayer services and connect with inmates like Howard Padilla, who found solace and mental health...
4 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Rabbi Kornreich and Octopi-fish 4 Apr
Rabbi Dovid Kornreich clarifies points raised about him in a previous article, emphasizing his departure from Toras Moshe in 2021 to work full-time at Mir, c...
4 Apr
Rationalist Judaism The Bat and the Penguin 4 Apr
In this discussion of animals in the Torah, the focus is on the classification of birds as kosher and non-kosher. The text explores how the Torah's categoriz...
4 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Shemini 4 Apr
The Parashah of the week, Shemini, discusses the criteria for kosher mammals, highlighting the significance of split hooves and chewing the cud. It distingui...
4 Apr
Lehrhaus Letters To The Editor: A Further Response To Tzvi Goldstein On Centrist Orthodoxy And Haredi Orthodoxy 4 Apr
Chaim Goldberg responds to Tzvi Goldstein's essay on Centrist Orthodoxy and Haredi Orthodoxy by highlighting nuances in Ramhal's Mesilat Yesharim that challe...
4 Apr
Forward Inmates sue prison for right to watch solar eclipse, claiming it’s a religious experience 3 Apr
Inmates at Woodbourne Correctional Facility in New York, including individuals of various religious beliefs, have filed a lawsuit against the state's correct...
3 Apr
Hadassah One Beautiful Egg: The First Gestational Surrogacy 3 Apr
Sandye Rudnitzky shares her journey of pursuing gestational surrogacy in the 1980s after facing infertility issues, leading to the birth of her daughter Jill...
3 Apr
JTA My stepfather, Joe Lieberman, modeled integrity inside and out 3 Apr
The text reflects on the legacy of Joe Lieberman, showcasing how his life embodied integrity and principle, drawing parallels from a Talmudic story about Rab...
3 Apr
Ami Yosef Yisrael ben Chanan Lieberman // Remembering an inspiring visit with the late Orthodox Jewish senator 3 Apr
Iconic Orthodox Jewish-American politician Joseph Lieberman passed away, leaving behind a legacy of bipartisan politics and a steadfast commitment to Torah a...
3 Apr
JTA ‘Testament: The Story of Moses’ is one of Netflix’s top shows — and it features multiple rabbis 2 Apr
Netflix's new series, Testament: The Story of Moses, has emerged as a popular show, featuring a retelling of the Exodus story with commentary from religious ...
2 Apr
Creative Judaism Kosher PORK?! | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep. 26 (Shemini) 2 Apr
The video delves into a peculiar fish mentioned in the Talmud with a unique taste resembling that of pig brains.
2 Apr
Forward Why is Netflix's No. 1 new show a documentary about Moses? 2 Apr
Netflix's No. 1 show, "Testament: The Story of Moses," a documentary series about Moses, stands out for its atypical focus on religious content in a landscap...
2 Apr
Emes Ve-Emunah Avoiding the Draft - Reasons? Or Excuses? 2 Apr
The text discusses the reasons and justifications provided by a member of the Haredi Israeli yeshiva world, Dovid Kornreich, for Charedi exemptions from the ...
2 Apr
Mishpacha Pillars Imperiled: We Still Need Miracles 2 Apr
An Israeli High Court ruling on the chareidi draft issue has created a societal clash and legal uncertainty for tens of thousands of bochurim and avreichim. ...
2 Apr
Mishpacha Are IDF Draft Exemptions for Yeshivah Students Over? 2 Apr
Israel recently faced a significant change when the Attorney General ruled that yeshivah students are now subject to IDF drafting, with potential consequence...
2 Apr
Jewish Action Remembering Rebbetzin Bruria David: On the Occasion of Her First Yahrtzeit 2 Apr
Rebbetzin Bruria David, founder of the Beth Jacob Jerusalem seminary, is remembered on the occasion of her first yahrtzeit. Described as a great woman with a...
2 Apr
Kveller We Celebrated My Daughter’s Bat Mitzvah When She Was 18 Months Old 2 Apr
A mother recalls preparing for her daughter Havi's unconventional bat mitzvah at 18 months old, necessitated by Havi being diagnosed with Tay-Sachs disease. ...
2 Apr
Moment For the Love of Judaism with Shai Held and Amy E. Schwartz 2 Apr
Rabbi Shai Held, president of the Hadar Institute and author of "Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life," challenges the misconception th...
2 Apr
Rationalist Judaism BREAKING: Charedim will leave yeshiva to fight! 2 Apr
The Charedi community is facing a shift as the exemption from army service expires, leading to a realization that they can no longer solely focus on Torah st...
2 Apr
Future of Jewish Turns out, Israel is not illegally occupying the West Bank. 2 Apr
The article argues that Israel is not illegally occupying the West Bank, providing historical and legal background to support this claim. It discusses the or...
2 Apr
JTA Bert Pogrebin, attorney and partner to leading feminist Letty Cottin Pogrebin, dies at 89 1 Apr
Bert Pogrebin, a renowned attorney and partner to feminist icon Letty Cottin Pogrebin, passed away at 89. Known for their symbiotic marriage and political in...
1 Apr
Forward The secret Jewish history of Tax Day 1 Apr
The concept of taxation has deep roots in Jewish history, stemming from the biblical practice of tithing, wherein individuals gave a portion of their income ...
1 Apr
JTA Modern Orthodox and traditional teen girls find their voices through egalitarian prayer 1 Apr
Modern Orthodox and traditional teen girls are increasingly finding ways to participate in prayer services while adhering to Jewish law, seeking more inclusi...
1 Apr
Rationalist Judaism You're Not a Fool 1 Apr
The text discusses a controversial statement made by Rabbi Tzvi Friedman of the Yerushalmi Peleg movement, who expressed a preference for his grandchildren t...
1 Apr
Emes Ve-Emunah Is a New Day Dawning for Charedim? 31 Mar
Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch expresses the Charedi viewpoint that Torah study is crucial for Israel's existence, opposing mandatory army service for Charedi youth...
31 Mar
Forward How sitting shiva helped me decide to convert to Judaism 31 Mar
Attending a Jewish funeral and sitting shiva for a friend's mother led the author to reevaluate her relationship with religion, ultimately inspiring her deci...
31 Mar
Rationalist Judaism A Dose of Unreality 30 Mar
The text discusses the divide between charedim and the rest of Israel regarding military enlistment. It highlights a speech by Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch equati...
30 Mar
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #184 - The Challenge & Limits of Education 30 Mar
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores the complexities and challenges of education within the Jewish context, focusing on the historical disagreement between R. A...
30 Mar
Emes Ve-Emunah Joseph I. Lieberman, ZL 29 Mar
Joe Lieberman was a prominent politician known for his observant Jewish faith and commitment to public service. He made history as Al Gore's running mate in ...
29 Mar
18forty (What) Do Jews Believe About the Afterlife? 29 Mar
Judaism's beliefs about the afterlife are diverse and not extensively discussed, despite classical Jewish sources refuting the misconception that Judaism lac...
29 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy In defense of the congregational rabbinate 29 Mar
The article defends the importance of congregational rabbis in Jewish life, highlighting the deep connections and enduring relationships they create with the...
29 Mar
Jewish Chronicle The Etgar Quiz no 265 29 Mar
The Etgar Quiz no 265 tests knowledge on Jewish topics such as the destruction of the Second Bet Hamikdash by the Romans, Israel's second Prime Minister (Mos...
29 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Tzav 29 Mar
Parashat Tzav discusses the rituals of sacrifices conducted by priests at the Tabernacle, emphasizing the importance of maintaining enthusiasm and passion in...
29 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Hysteria vs. Hashem 29 Mar
The cancellation of the legal basis for exemption of charedim from the army in Israel has sparked hysteria and anger within the charedi community, with claim...
29 Mar
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/30/24 – Shiur 462 – What are our “Yeshiva bochers” struggling with nowadays? 29 Mar
In Shiur 462, the discussion revolves around the challenges facing Yeshiva bochers today, contrasting them with girls' challenges and examining the impact of...
29 Mar
Moment Israel’s Internal War 28 Mar
The article discusses the ongoing internal conflict in Israel regarding the issue of drafting Haredi yeshiva students into the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). ...
28 Mar
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The Lieberman Legacy 28 Mar
The episode delves into the life and career of Joe Lieberman, highlighting his bipartisan approach to politics and his role as a significant Jewish figure in...
28 Mar
Rationalist Judaism The Deadline 28 Mar
The Israeli government faces a critical deadline with Cabinet Resolution 682 about Haredi draft exemptions set to expire. There's controversy over Haredi cla...
28 Mar
Lehrhaus Is Silence Complicity?: An Analysis of Shtikah Ke-Hoda’ah from Classic Halakhah to Current Events 28 Mar
Silence is often viewed as complicity or admission, raising questions about when the principle of shtikah ke-hodaah applies in Jewish law and ethics, especia...
28 Mar
Emes Ve-Emunah The Lost Boys 27 Mar
The ongoing debate in Israel regarding Charedi military exemptions during times of war is causing a rift between Charedim and the rest of the country. While ...
27 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Why Reform and Liberal Judaism are stronger together 27 Mar
Reform and Liberal Judaism are considering joining forces to create a unified Progressive entity, rooted in the desire to modernize and adapt Jewish practice...
27 Mar
Jewish Chronicle McCain’s hash browns among foods approved for Pesach 2024 by Sephardi Kashrut Authority 27 Mar
The Sephardi Kashrut Authority has released its Pesach Guide for 5784/2024, listing certified and approved products for Passover. Newly approved this year ar...
27 Mar
Sonya's Prep Family Dinners A Week Of Meals What We Eat In A Week Kosher Including Freezer Friendly Meals 27 Mar
Join Sonya, a busy working mom of six, in this video where she shares a week of kosher Orthodox Jewish family meals, including freezer-friendly options like ...
27 Mar
Between The Lines God and the Jewish People: A Love Story 27 Mar
Rabbi Shai Held's new book, "Judaism Is About Love," challenges the common perception of Judaism as focused solely on laws and justice, arguing that love, co...
27 Mar
Culturally Jewish headphones MAiD takes centre stage in a new comedy about the difficulty of preparing to die 27 Mar
Jordi Mand and director Philip Akin discuss the issues of medically assisted dying (MAiD) within the Jewish community, as inspired by a personal experience t...
27 Mar
Mishpacha A Perek a Day 26 Mar
Torat Imecha Nach Yomi is a program that involves women studying a chapter of Nach (Hebrew Bible) each day, following a cycle that spans Neviim and Kesuvim. ...
26 Mar
Sonya's Prep 🤔 What happens after an Orthodox Jewish Wedding? #wedding #traditional #shorts 26 Mar
Exploring the customs and rituals that take place after an Orthodox Jewish wedding, focusing on the tradition of Sheva Brachot.
26 Mar
The Beinart Notebook Ask Me Anything 26 Mar
The author will be hosting a Zoom call to answer any questions, focusing on their recently published essay in the New York Times about the divide between Ame...
26 Mar
Lehrhaus Separation of Powers and Majority Rule: Insights from the Talmud, Maimonides, Spinoza, and Mendelssohn 26 Mar
The text delves into the current political tensions in Israel regarding the authority of the Supreme Court, executive privilege, and the role of the elected ...
26 Mar
Tablet One Maimonides or Two? 26 Mar
In his 1967 essay, Professor Isadore Twersky challenged previous views on Maimonides by rejecting both Leo Strauss's idea that Maimonides was primarily a phi...
26 Mar