Daily Podcasts Video search
Jewschool The Rabbi Calling for Total Annihilation of Gazans is One of Us: How Do We Take Responsibility? 8 Mar
Dr. Elana Sztokman highlights Rabbi Eliyahu Mali's call for the annihilation of all people in Gaza, including babies, and the lack of action to address or co...
8 Mar
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/9/24 – Shiur 459 – The Haredi Dilemma in Military Conscription | Scaling Tradition: Reevaluating the Chazon Ish's Conscription Exemption | Study Time Required for והגית בו יומם ולילה 8 Mar
The discussion explores the challenges and dilemmas faced by Haredi individuals regarding military conscription, particularly focusing on the possibility of ...
8 Mar
Forward No sex this Shabbat: Orthodox influencer sparks strike to highlight plight of chained woman 7 Mar
Orthodox influencer Adina Sash, also known as Flatbush Girl, has initiated a Mikvah Strike, urging Orthodox women to withhold sex from their husbands until M...
7 Mar
JTA Orthodox women activists pledge to hold ‘sex strike’ to protest religious divorce refusal 7 Mar
Orthodox women activists are planning a sex strike to protest a husband's refusal to grant a religious divorce, leaving his wife unable to remarry under Jewi...
7 Mar
Forward A penetrating new book asks: What does it mean to be Jewish, especially now? 7 Mar
Noah Feldman's new book, "To Be a Jew Today: A New Guide to God, Israel, and the Jewish People," delves into the complexities of being Jewish in America toda...
7 Mar
Jewish Chronicle What does the Bible say about polyamory? 7 Mar
Rabbi Deborah Kahn-Harris offers a fresh perspective on the Book of Ruth in her book "Polyamory and Reading the Book of Ruth," suggesting that the relationsh...
7 Mar
Jewish History Nerds headphones Bertha Pappenheim: Life Beyond a Diagnosis 7 Mar
The episode examines the multifaceted life of Bertha Pappenheim, known as "Anna O" in psychoanalytic studies, highlighting her pioneering role in women's rig...
7 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Vayakhel 7 Mar
In the text discussing Parashat Vayakhel, the focus is on the construction of the Mishkan, the Tabernacle, with intricate details provided for its materials ...
7 Mar
Lehrhaus The Jewish Leap Day: A Halakhic Analysis of a Calendar Conundrum 7 Mar
The Jewish calendar's leap day in Adar, observed during a leap year, adds a full month to correct for discrepancies between lunar and solar years maintaining...
7 Mar
Jewschool A note on the massacre at the end of the Megillah 6 Mar
In a discussion about the ending of the book of Esther, the focus is on the distinction between self-defense and massacre in the text. While Esther 9:16 desc...
6 Mar
Emes Ve-Emunah Asking a Rabbi for Medical Advice 6 Mar
The text delves into the complex question of whether one should prioritize the medical advice of a rabbi or a doctor in the face of health issues. While ackn...
6 Mar
18forty Do You Need a Rabbi, or a Therapist? 6 Mar
The article discusses the distinction between seeking guidance from a rabbi or a therapist in the Jewish community. It emphasizes that rabbis and therapists ...
6 Mar
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones This Canadian lone IDF soldier describes life fighting on Israel's wartime front 6 Mar
Nir Maman, a Canadian-Israeli counter-terrorism expert, shares his recent experiences volunteering with the IDF reserve forces amid the conflict with Hamas. ...
6 Mar
Ami Fighting for Focus at Fabuwood // Joel Epstein, the CEO of Fabuwood, decided to change his company’s policy about smartphones. 6 Mar
CEO Joel Epstein of Fabuwood, a chasidic-owned custom-cabinetry manufacturer, instituted a policy banning smartphones at work and encouraged employees to lim...
6 Mar
Ami Flaco and Freedom // Seeing birdiness as a “hero’s journey” is a flight of fancy 6 Mar
Flaco, the Eurasian eagle owl who captured the public's attention after escaping the Central Park Zoo, recently passed away, prompting an outpouring of emoti...
6 Mar
JTA One Jewish law school’s unusually flexible study program: Classes on Sundays only 5 Mar
Touro Law Center offers a unique FlexTime JD program designed for students who cannot commit to full-time classes, with only in-person Sunday classes and fle...
5 Mar
18forty headphones Yoni Rosensweig: How Does Mental Health Affect Halacha? [Mental Health 4/6] 5 Mar
Rabbi Yoni Rosensweig discusses the relationship between mental health and Jewish law (halacha) on the 18Forty Podcast. He explores how individuals strugglin...
5 Mar
Creative Judaism GOLEMS and MIND CONTROL | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep. 22 (Vayakhel) 5 Mar
Exploring various themes including the construction of the ark and mishkan, this episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole delves into the topics of Golems and mind con...
5 Mar
The Habura headphones Personality of a Poseq - Rabbi Yonatan Halevy 5 Mar
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy discusses the personality traits of a Poseq (Jewish legal decisor) in a scholarly manner on a platform affiliated with the S&P Sephardi ...
5 Mar
Tablet A Guide to Death and Mourning on Tablet 4 Mar
Tablet has a collection of stories about death and mourning, exploring Jewish rituals and personal experiences of loss. The articles cover topics like Jewish...
4 Mar
Emes Ve-Emunah Charedim and the Army - Is Compromise Possible? 3 Mar
A longstanding conflict between the Israeli army and the Charedi community, centered on exemptions for Torah study, has intensified with the recent Gaza war ...
3 Mar
Lilith Our Embryos Aren’t Children, But I Wish They Were 1 Mar
A Jewish individual undergoing fertility treatment reflects on the emotional journey of having embryos that didn't develop into children due to scientific re...
1 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Rainbow hummus trio 1 Mar
This recipe presents a colorful and flavorful trio of hummus variations, including a basic recipe and two unique options: a pink Barbie hummus made with beet...
1 Mar
Bonjour Chai headphones Jacob & Rachel & Leah & Bilhah & Zilpah 1 Mar
The episode delves into the topic of polyamory, comparing it with traditional Jewish values and examining how contemporary Jewish communities might navigate ...
1 Mar
Bonjour Chai headphones Jacob & Rachel & Leah & Bilhah & Zilpah 1 Mar
Phoebe Maltz Bovy and Avi Finegold delve into the concept of polyamory and its distinction from traditional polygamy, questioning its ethical implications wi...
1 Mar
Sapir (Israel) Educators 1 Mar
The text discusses the importance of education in Jewish communities, particularly regarding Jewish identity, Zionism, and Israel education. It highlights th...
1 Mar
What Matters Now headphones What Matters Now to Haviv Rettig Gur: Haredim have to defend Israel, too 29 Feb
Haviv Rettig Gur discusses the pressing issue of ultra-Orthodox conscription in Israel, particularly in light of recent legal challenges and security threats...
29 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy To save a life: Lessons for launching a medical R&D initiative 29 Feb
Fernando Goldsztein's journey began with his son's diagnosis of medulloblastoma, leading to the creation of The Medulloblastoma Initiative (MBI) aimed at fun...
29 Feb
Jewish History Nerds headphones Rav Saadia Gaon: In Our Gaonic Era 29 Feb
Rav Saadia Gaon, a pivotal figure in Jewish history, played a crucial role in shaping Jewish thought and culture during the Gaonic era. Known for his scholar...
29 Feb
Rationalist Judaism Making an Impact 29 Feb
The 2023 Impact Report for the Biblical Museum of Natural History has been released, showcasing stories of individuals impacted, visitor statistics, upcoming...
29 Feb
TEXTing headphones To Laugh or to Cry? 29 Feb
Rabbis Elana Stein Hain and Christine Hayes discuss how the Talmudic rabbis used humor and satire as a coping mechanism for oppression, focusing on a passage...
29 Feb
Jewish History Lectures What is Judaism without Rabbis and Books? A look at Portuguese Crypto-Jewish Prayer 29 Feb
Exploring the enduring practice of Jewish prayer within the crypto-Jewish community of the Douro region, regardless of the presence of Rabbis and books.
29 Feb
Lehrhaus Modern Orthodoxy at the Crossroads: Past, Present, and Future 29 Feb
Joseph Kaplan, a retired attorney and Modern Orthodox intellectual, offers a collection of writings spanning over half a century in "A Passionate Writing Lif...
29 Feb
Tablet Sweating the Small Stuff 29 Feb
The text discusses the author's initial disappointment with the Talmudic focus on seemingly mundane topics like laws about damages and cows, questioning the ...
29 Feb
Forward The secret Jewish history of Leap Year 28 Feb
The article discusses the significance of Leap Year in both the secular Gregorian and Hebrew calendars, highlighting how intercalation is used to align fixed...
28 Feb
Creative Judaism HERESY! | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep. 21 (Ki Sisa) 28 Feb
Exploring the concept of heresy and theological questions surrounding G-d in the context of Parshah Ki Sisa.
28 Feb
JTA ‘Were you adopted?’ and other questions not to ask Jews of color 27 Feb
The article discusses common questions that Jews of color often encounter, such as assumptions about adoption, ethnicity, Hebrew language proficiency, conver...
27 Feb
Mishpacha Parshas Ki Sisa: Solution Evolution 27 Feb
In Parshas Ki Sisa, the narrative of the golden calf is explored through the lens of decision-making and problem-solving. Rabbi Greenwald's analysis suggests...
27 Feb
Mishpacha Turning a New Page 27 Feb
Dirshus Amud Yomi program celebrated in Vienna draws parallels to the historic Knessiah Gedolah a century ago, linking past Torah luminaries with present-day...
27 Feb
Emes Ve-Emunah The Growing Divide Among Religious Jews 27 Feb
There is a growing divide among religious Jews in Israel over military service, particularly within the Charedi community. While some Charedi leaders express...
27 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Hasmo Boys earn rave review for Jewish studies 27 Feb
Hasmonean High School for Boys has received an outstanding rating for its Jewish studies program following a separate inspection from the girls' school. Insp...
27 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Cod with basil-almond pesto and Kalamata olives 27 Feb
This recipe features cod topped with a basil-almond pesto and Kalamata olives, creating a flavorful and balanced dish. The pesto is made with ground almonds ...
27 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Can my shul host a kiddush to celebrate a non-Jewish grandchild? 27 Feb
An Orthodox perspective suggests that celebrating the birth of a non-Jewish grandchild in a synagogue poses complex considerations beyond mere popularity and...
27 Feb
Kveller We Chose to Let Our Frozen Embryos Go Before We Lost Our Right to Choose 26 Feb
The article discusses a couple's decision to let go of their frozen embryos due to fears of losing reproductive rights amidst legal changes affecting abortio...
26 Feb
Jewish Chronicle My belief in questions 26 Feb
The text discusses the modern challenges to belief in Judaism, with questions arising about the veracity and relevance of Torah stories and laws in today's s...
26 Feb
Jewish Chronicle The Etgar Quiz no 260 26 Feb
The Etgar Quiz no 260 poses questions to test knowledge on Jewish topics, such as identifying the odd item out (boots being the answer as others are High Pri...
26 Feb
18forty Do We Know Why God Allows Evil and Suffering? 25 Feb
The theological problem of evil and suffering, also known as theodicy, challenges belief in a just and fair world governed by a traditional view of God. Rabb...
25 Feb
Between The Lines Justice, Finally, But Have Any Lessons Been Learned? 23 Feb
In a recent court case in Maryland, Rabbi Shmuel Krawatsky was found guilty of sexual assault and battery against young boys under his care. This verdict con...
23 Feb
Halacha Headlines headphones 2/24/24 – Shiur 457 – Avoiding the #1 reason for divorce - how to stay connected with your spouse and not drift apart 23 Feb
In Shiur 457, the discussion focuses on avoiding the main reason for divorce by maintaining connection with one's spouse throughout the course of a marriage....
23 Feb
Forward Embryos 'held hostage': An Alabama court decision panics Jews relying on IVF 22 Feb
The recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling equating embryos with children has caused concern among American Jews relying on IVF, fearing loss of control over fr...
22 Feb