Daily Podcasts Video search
Jewish Chronicle Chicken sausage meatballs with sage and fennel 22 Feb
This recipe features chicken sausage meatballs with sage and fennel, cooked alongside butternut squash, sweet potato, new potatoes, and onions. The dish is q...
22 Feb
Jewish Chronicle A kosher butcher shares the best value cuts of meat to stock up on 21 Feb
Kosher butcher Sarah Mann-Yeager discusses how the rising cost of brisket, a traditional Jewish staple, has led to the search for more budget-friendly meat c...
21 Feb
New Voices L’dor V’dor: The Resilience of Ethiopian Jewish Practice 21 Feb
The text explores the resilience of Ethiopian Jewish practice, highlighting the return to roots and demands of the younger generation, the mythologization of...
21 Feb
Emes Ve-Emunah 'Hell No! We Won't Go!' 21 Feb
The text discusses the exemption of Charedi (ultra-Orthodox) Jews in Israel from military service, highlighting the disparity between them and the rest of th...
21 Feb
Lehrhaus Thoughts on a Death 21 Feb
The text delves into Jewish laws and traditions surrounding death and mourning, with a focus on the story of a man's complicated relationship with his estran...
21 Feb
Creative Judaism Psychic Stones | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep. 20 (Tetzaveh) 20 Feb
The YouTube video delves into the intriguing topic of the Urim V'Tumim, discussing their mystical properties and their role in predicting the future within t...
20 Feb
Mishpacha Yishmael and Us 20 Feb
The text delves into the complex relationship between Yishmael and the Jewish people, drawing parallels between historical events and current struggles with ...
20 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Children – and parents – encouraged to clean up their speech 20 Feb
The Clean Speech Project, a collaborative effort by Seed and GIFT, is promoting positive speech and unity within the community by raising awareness of Jewish...
20 Feb
Lehrhaus Of Warriors and Wolves 20 Feb
Aharon Frazer reflects on the sanctity of human life amidst violence, exploring the Torah's nuanced approach to basic human morality. He highlights how the T...
20 Feb
Rationalist Judaism A Surprise IDF Discovery 19 Feb
An IDF commander stationed near Gaza found a book, "Man & Beast: Our Relationship with Animals in Jewish Law and Thought," written by the parent of another I...
19 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Vegan meatballs with orzo 19 Feb
This recipe for vegan meatballs with orzo, inspired by Nigella Lawson, serves 4 and requires ingredients like plant-based mince, chia seeds, and nutritional ...
19 Feb
Moment Analysis | What Could Winning This War Look Like? 16 Feb
The text discusses the different perspectives on winning the ongoing war in Israel, highlighting the divisions within Israeli society. It addresses the vario...
16 Feb
Forward What our son’s short life taught us about faith and tradition 16 Feb
James G. Robinson reflects on his family's experience dealing with their son's serious heart defect, which led them to draw on their Jewish faith and traditi...
16 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy ‘Where are you, son of Lakish?’: Including diverse, even conflicting viewpoints in our teaching 16 Feb
A group of Hillel educators proposed the Kranjec Test, suggesting that source sheets in Jewish learning include diverse perspectives, especially women's voic...
16 Feb
Halacha Headlines headphones 2/17/24 – Shiur 456 – The Brisker Rov zt"l and Medinas Yisroel | Rav Shach zt"l and the IDF (צה"ל) – What did they really hold? 16 Feb
The text discusses the perspectives of prominent Jewish figures like the Brisker Rov and Rav Shach regarding interactions with the State of Israel and its mi...
16 Feb
Bonjour Chai headphones Rabbinical School Dropouts 16 Feb
The generational shift away from Zionism among young rabbis is challenging Jewish seminaries and synagogues grappling with declining enrollments. This phenom...
16 Feb
Bonjour Chai headphones Rabbinical School Dropouts 16 Feb
The discussion delves into the challenges rabbinical schools face today, particularly due to a generational shift where young Jews increasingly identify as n...
16 Feb
Tablet The Conservative Movement Moves on Cannabis 16 Feb
The Conservative movement's Rabbinical Assembly Committee on Jewish Law and Standards has approved a teshuva (responsum) on cannabis usage, addressing social...
16 Feb
New Voices Shabbat, Chronic Illness, & Radical Rest 15 Feb
In this essay, the author recounts their experience of finding solace and meaning in Shabbat after being diagnosed with a chronic illness. They discuss how s...
15 Feb
New Voices Shabbat, Chronic Illness, & Radical Rest 15 Feb
The essay explores the intersection of Shabbat observance, chronic illness, and the importance of radical rest. The author shares their personal journey of f...
15 Feb
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Space, Gaza, and Lina Khan 15 Feb
The episode addresses the emerging national security threat posed by possible Russian anti-satellite weapons and reflects on the geopolitical situation in Ga...
15 Feb
Jewish Chronicle My friend wrote her own eulogy, and it was very beautiful 15 Feb
A moving personal account describes attending a funeral where the son of the deceased read a eulogy written by his mother before her passing, touching on lov...
15 Feb
18forty Is American Judaism Boring? 15 Feb
The article responds to a podcast discussion claiming that American Judaism is boring. The author disagrees, stating that American Judaism can be meaningful ...
15 Feb
TEXTing headphones Individuals in a Time of Communal Tragedy 15 Feb
Elana Stein Hain and Leora Batnitzky explore the tension between individual and communal identity during times of shared tragedy, using Talmudic passages as ...
15 Feb
Jewish Review of Books Atah Manhig: A Life in Reform Judaism 14 Feb
"Atah Manhig: A Life in Reform Judaism" is a new book by Lance J. Sussman, a recently retired rabbi of a large Reform congregation in Philadelphia. The book ...
14 Feb
The Habura headphones Introduction to Rabbi Benamozegh (Vayiqra in Context) - Sina Kahen 14 Feb
Rabbi Elia Benamozegh, a prominent scholar of Italian Jewry, wrote a scientific and Kabbalistic commentary called "Em LaMiqra" on the book of Leviticus. This...
14 Feb
Forward Top European rights court upholds Belgian ban on kosher slaughter 14 Feb
The top rights court in Europe has upheld the bans on kosher and halal slaughter in parts of Belgium, following similar rulings by the Court of the European ...
14 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Terumah 14 Feb
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Ephrayim of Sudilkov, a prominent figure in early Chasidism, offers a profound interpretation of a verse from the Torah portion of Terumah....
14 Feb
Lehrhaus The Agunah 14 Feb
This text tells the story of a woman named Adina who is trapped in her marriage and unable to obtain a get, a Jewish divorce document, from her husband. Adin...
14 Feb
Kveller You Need to Watch This Orthodox Jewish Hallmark Romcom ASAP 13 Feb
Loving Leah, a Hallmark romance film, is a surprisingly charming and meticulously detailed portrayal of Jewish life. The story follows Jake, a secular Jewish...
13 Feb
Forward Rabbi Jules Harlow, editor of the prayer book used in Conservative synagogues for a quarter century, dies at 92 13 Feb
Rabbi Jules Harlow, the editor of Siddur Sim Shalom, the standard prayer book used in North American Conservative synagogues for a quarter century, has passe...
13 Feb
Mishpacha Brachah Basics 13 Feb
This article covers various questions about brachot (blessings) in Jewish law. Some of the topics discussed include whether a brachah should be made on food ...
13 Feb
Lehrhaus Two Poems from Knock-knock  13 Feb
In these two poems from "Knock-knock," Owen Lewis explores Jewish themes and questions. In "A Lesson for This Life?," the author muses on the idea that the w...
13 Feb
Rationalist Judaism When Helping is Harming 11 Feb
The author reflects on the concept of helping others and its potential harm. They reference a situation in the Torah where it is a mitzvah to help someone st...
11 Feb
Jewish Chronicle The grinning cat, the spiritual tinkerer and the legacy of Rabbi Louis Jacobs 11 Feb
Dr. Miri Freud-Kandel's new book delves into the life and legacy of Rabbi Louis Jacobs, a prominent UK Jewish scholar who challenged Orthodox doctrine by ass...
11 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Etgar Quiz no 258 9 Feb
The Etgar Quiz no 258 covers various Jewish-themed questions. Some of the points discussed include the repetition of prohibitions in the Torah, the creator o...
9 Feb
Future of Jewish The Jewish Thing About Jewish Things 9 Feb
The author reflects on the lack of understanding and explanation about why Judaism is remarkable, particularly outside of its religious and Zionist aspects. ...
9 Feb
Halacha Headlines headphones 2/10/24 – Shiur 455 –Getting over our fears - in dating, marriage, religious observance, of failure and more 9 Feb
In this Shiur, the hosts explore various fears that people commonly experience and discuss strategies for overcoming them. They delve into the concept of Jew...
9 Feb
Tikvah headphones Yehuda Halper on Guiding Readers to "The Guide of the Perplexed" 8 Feb
In a recent conversation on the Tikvah Podcast, Yehuda Halper and host Jonathan Silver discuss Moses Maimonides' philosophical masterpiece, "The Guide of the...
8 Feb
Forward Sex tips from the Talmud, just in time for Valentine's Day 8 Feb
The Talmud offers advice on sex that challenges common stereotypes about religion being anti-sex. While the Talmud does propose limitations on things like ba...
8 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Mum moves in, my back gives up 8 Feb
As the author helps his 89-year-old mother move into their home, he reflects on the challenges of lifting heavy boxes filled with Jewish prayer books, which ...
8 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Mishpatim 8 Feb
In this discussion on the Parashah of the week, Mishpatim, the emphasis is on the importance of not rushing to judgment without verifying facts. The narrativ...
8 Feb
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War – The Hostage Dilemma 8 Feb
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi delve into the agonizing dilemma faced by Israel in negotiating with Hamas for the release of hostages. Balancing the ...
8 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Intermarriage increase stands out as community travels on twin tracks 8 Feb
A recent survey by JPR sheds light on the state of the Jewish community in Britain, revealing a dual narrative where a strictly Orthodox population maintains...
8 Feb
Lehrhaus Philo of Alexandria and the Soul of the Torah 7 Feb
Philo of Alexandria, a contemporary of Hillel and Shammai, is a figure in Jewish history whose unique position and enduring relevance deserve attention. Phil...
7 Feb
Emes Ve-Emunah The Road to the Demise 7 Feb
The author expresses sympathy for the Conservative movement's dilemma regarding intermarriage, but argues that the movement's own actions and lack of emphasi...
7 Feb
Ami Combining Halacha, Chasidus and the Practice of Medicine // Dr. Yehuda Sabiner shares the story of his unique journey 7 Feb
Dr. Yehuda Sabiner, a Gerrer Chasid and pediatrician, shares his unique journey combining Halacha, Chasidus, and medicine. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he t...
7 Feb
Creative Judaism Fathers, Mothers and LAWSUITS | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep.18 (Mishpatim) 6 Feb
Exploring the nuances of civil laws and delving into the distinctions between mothers and fathers in Jewish tradition.
6 Feb
Jewschool Brief Thoughts on Religion and Politics: on Humility and Arrogance 6 Feb
In this thought-provoking piece, the author reflects on the disparity between the language of Jewish prayer and the attitudes of the Jewish people. The suppl...
6 Feb
Forward A treasure trove of manuscripts sheds light on the history of Jews in Yemen 6 Feb
The National Library of Israel has received a significant donation of Yemenite Jewish manuscripts. The collection includes rare copies of works by Rabbi Yihy...
6 Feb