Daily Podcasts Video search
Forward Haredi ‘lost boys’ may find themselves drafted into Israel's army 25 Mar
The article discusses the ongoing debate in Israel regarding the exemption of young Haredi men from mandatory military service if they claim to be studying T...
25 Mar
Rationalist Judaism My IDF Plan, The Netziv 25 Mar
The text discusses the controversy surrounding charedim not serving in the IDF, highlighting the perspectives of those both in favor and against this exempti...
25 Mar
Jewschool Ahasuerus’s Clothes  22 Mar
The article explores the midrashic interpretation of King Ahasuerus wearing the Jewish priestly garments during his banquet in the Book of Esther. This act i...
22 Mar
Jewish Currents Facing Amalek - Reading the biblical injunction to genocide amid a genocide 22 Mar
This article explores the complex and contentious topic of the biblical mandate to destroy Amalek while examining its modern-day implications in light of Isr...
22 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Etgar Quiz no 264 22 Mar
The Etgar Quiz discusses various aspects of Purim and the Book of Esther. Key points include identifying which activities are not mitzvot of Purim, recalling...
22 Mar
Creative Judaism RADIO in the TALMUD? | Parshah Rabbit Hole ep.24 (Vayikra) 22 Mar
Exploring a potential mention of radio waves in the Talmud leads to a discussion on gremlins in this episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole, touching on a Purim Tech...
22 Mar
Tablet The Outsider Legal Genius Who May Rescue Trump 22 Mar
Seth Barrett Tillman, a legal scholar and Orthodox Jew, challenges conventional narratives in American jurisprudence by arguing that the president is not an ...
22 Mar
Bonjour Chai headphones The Royal Steaks 21 Mar
Avi Finegold and Phoebe Maltz Bovy delve into the parallels between Kate Middleton's disappearance and Queen Esther's story from Purim, while discussing the ...
21 Mar
Promised Podcast headphones The “The P Word?” Edition 21 Mar
The episode delves into efforts toward peace amidst ongoing challenges, comparing contemporary threats to historical enemies like Amalek. The hosts explore t...
21 Mar
Emes Ve-Emunah 2 Big Questions, One Resolved... 21 Mar
An Orthodox Jewish reader raised concerns about witnessing racism among Orthodox families while also grappling with the Torah world's alignment with views he...
21 Mar
JTA Just in time for Purim, local businesses offer Jewish revelers pricey IV hangover ‘cures’ 21 Mar
Businesses like Park Ave Drips are offering pricey IV hangover cures just in time for Purim, aimed at alleviating the effects of excessive drinking during th...
21 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Purim’s call for unity that Israel should take to heart 21 Mar
The text discusses the importance of unity within Israel, drawing parallels to the story of Esther and the theme of division propagated by Haman. It emphasiz...
21 Mar
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #183 - R' Avrohom Kalisker vs the Baal HaTanya 20 Mar
R' Avrohom Kalisker's conflict with R' Shnuer Zalman (the Baal HaTanya) revolved primarily around differing approaches to Chassidic leadership and the dissem...
20 Mar
Forward 2 investigations underway following complaints of sexism at Ziegler rabbinical seminary 20 Mar
American Jewish University and its Ziegler rabbinical school are facing two investigations into sexism and misconduct allegations against Rabbi Bradley Shavi...
20 Mar
Ami The Amazing Trajectory of Rabbi Yitzchok Zev Kolakowski aka The Koblentzer Rebbe 20 Mar
Rabbi Yitzchok Zev Kolakowski, known as the Koblentzer Rebbe, serves as a chaplain at a state prison in Pennsylvania, being the first Jew to hold this positi...
20 Mar
Mishpacha Child of My Prayers  19 Mar
Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky, an 88-year-old rosh yeshivah in Jerusalem, recently celebrated the birth of his first child, a son, with his second wife after being ch...
19 Mar
Mishpacha Tefillah’ed Out  19 Mar
The text reflects on the power and importance of prayer (tefillah) in the face of challenging times, particularly in light of recent tragic events in Eretz Y...
19 Mar
JTA Meet the Jewish activist fighting for the rights of people with disabilities 19 Mar
Eric Rosenthal, a Jewish activist, founded Disability Rights International to advocate for people with disabilities worldwide, focusing on ending institution...
19 Mar
Lehrhaus Bulbasaur & Bishul: An Adar-Fueled, Unnecessarily In-Depth Analysis of a Nonsensical Halakhic Question 19 Mar
In an analysis by Mark Glass, the author delves into a humorous yet insightful halakhic question based on the popular game Pokemon, pondering if using a move...
19 Mar
Forward BREAKING: On April 8, God will turn the sun into darkness and the moon into blood 18 Mar
God is said to be punishing humanity for misdeeds through an upcoming solar eclipse on April 8, with biblical references such as the Book of Amos and the Boo...
18 Mar
18forty Your Attachment Style, Applied to God 18 Mar
Attachment styles, which stem from early childhood interactions with primary caregivers, influence how we engage in relationships. These styles can impact no...
18 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Let’s Talk Schools: Childen need an emotional bond with learning 17 Mar
The article discusses the importance of fostering emotional bonds with learning in Jewish education. It highlights the need for schools to go beyond teaching...
17 Mar
JTA Canadian Jewish agencies sue over government rules they say have curbed kosher meat production 15 Mar
Two major kosher certification agencies in Canada, along with a Jewish advocacy group, are suing the Canadian government over regulations regarding animal sl...
15 Mar
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/16/24 – Shiur 460 – זכרון לנצח – Preserving the memory of Fallen Soldiers Through Posthumous Retrieval of זרע for Procreation 15 Mar
The discussion in Shiur 460 revolves around the question of whether it is permitted, forbidden, or a Mitzvah to preserve the memory of fallen soldiers throug...
15 Mar
Bonjour Chai headphones Can't Get No Satisfaction 15 Mar
The episode explores the challenges faced by Orthodox women trapped in marriages due to the refusal of their husbands to grant a get, highlighting the case o...
15 Mar
Bonjour Chai headphones Can't Get No Satisfaction 15 Mar
Adina Sash, also known as @FlatbushGirl, joins the hosts to discuss the plight of agunot, particularly highlighting the case of Malky Berkowitz, an Orthodox ...
15 Mar
JTA New state of affairs: Jewish legislator seeks to decriminalize adultery in NY 14 Mar
New York Assemblymember Charles Lavine, a Democrat and Jewish lawmaker, is working to repeal the state's law criminalizing adultery, considering it an outdat...
14 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Pekudei 14 Mar
The discussion revolves around the significance of names and the impact they have on our lives. The author reflects on the name Achisamach, meaning "support ...
14 Mar
Rationalist Judaism The Exodus Disgrace Called Out 14 Mar
The article addresses the controversy sparked by Sefardic Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef's statement that chareidim should leave Israel rather than join the IDF,...
14 Mar
Lehrhaus A Philosophical Reflection on the Halakhification of Warfare 14 Mar
The debate on the ethical conduct of warfare within Jewish law is discussed in a philosophical reflection by Alex S. Ozar. Some authorities argue that warfar...
14 Mar
Emes Ve-Emunah The Antisemitism of Animal Rights Activists 13 Mar
The text discusses the controversy surrounding kosher slaughter and the recent legal challenges faced by Jewish organizations in Canada regarding new rules f...
13 Mar
Tablet Exile or Diaspora? 13 Mar
In the debate between Salo Wittmayer Baron and Yitzhak Baer concerning the nature of Jewish diaspora, Baron, advocating a positive view of American multicult...
13 Mar
Mishpacha Off the Derech Fear 12 Mar
The article discusses the concept of "Off the Derech Fear," which refers to parents having an unreasonable fear that their children may abandon their religio...
12 Mar
The Habura headphones Personality of a Poseq (Part 2) - Rabbi Yonatan Halevy 12 Mar
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy discusses the personality traits of a Poseq (Jewish legal decisor) in this second part of the series. The text emphasizes the importance...
12 Mar
Emes Ve-Emunah Wisdom Does Not Always Come With Age 12 Mar
The text discusses the concept of Daas Torah in the Charedi world and the tension it creates with other Jewish religious segments regarding issues like army ...
12 Mar
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Is Trump Being Railroaded? 12 Mar
Andrew C. McCarthy discusses potential constitutional and procedural violations in the prosecutions of Donald Trump, emphasizing the differing legal standard...
12 Mar
Jewdicious Escapism Would Be Good Right About Now 12 Mar
In the article, the author reflects on the chaotic state of the world, including the war in Israel, concerns about AI, and global issues, recommending the es...
12 Mar
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Jewish organizations are suing the Canadian government over new kosher slaughter rules they warn could destroy the industry 12 Mar
Jewish organizations in Canada are challenging new slaughter regulations that they argue endanger the kosher meat industry by making practices incompatible w...
12 Mar
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Jewish organizations are suing the Canadian government over new kosher slaughter rules they warn could destroy the industry 12 Mar
Jewish kosher supervision agencies in Canada, such as COR and MK, along with key kosher meat producers, are suing the Canadian government over new slaughter ...
12 Mar
Forward Canadian Jewish groups raise alarm about threat to kosher slaughter 12 Mar
Canadian Jewish groups, including the Council for Israel and Jewish Affairs and two kosher certifiers, are concerned over new regulations in Canada affecting...
12 Mar
Moment The Solar Eclipse Then and Now—the Jewish Perspective 11 Mar
A total solar eclipse is set to occur on April 8, 2024, passing through North America. In the Jewish perspective, the article explores historical views on ec...
11 Mar
TEXTing headphones Code-switching 11 Mar
Elana Stein Hain and Yonah Hain explore the concept of code-switching through a rabbinic text from Pesikta DeRav Kahana, discussing its relevance and implica...
11 Mar
Tablet Hunting Jews 11 Mar
The text discusses instances of antisemitism, particularly in the context of legal rulings affecting Jewish practices in Europe. It highlights a European Cou...
11 Mar
Emes Ve-Emunah Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth 10 Mar
The writer discusses a recent article in Mishpacha Magazine by a Charedi columnist, Gedalia Guttentag, who praises the Dati world for their sacrifices and he...
10 Mar
Jewish Action Bitachon During Crisis – Hope Amid Crisis 9 Mar
In times of crisis, it is crucial to strengthen emunah and bitachon. By surrounding oneself with kindness and focusing on Hashem's chasadim even in challengi...
9 Mar
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about . . . Rashi Script? 9 Mar
Rashi script, a cursive script used by early printers to distinguish Rashi's commentary from the Biblical text, has no connection to Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki h...
9 Mar
Jewish Action A No-Grainer: The Laws of Yoshon Simplified 9 Mar
Yoshon refers to the Jewish law that permits the consumption of grains planted before Pesach, while chodosh is grains planted after Pesach, subject to restri...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Reviews in Brief – Spring 2024 9 Mar
Rabbi Menachem Genack's "Gan Shoshanim, vol. 1" offers Torah essays that blend insights from Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik with Brisker-style analysis, presen...
9 Mar
Jewish Action In Praise of Israel’s Emunah 9 Mar
Israeli soldier Ori Megidish's rescue by the IDF from captivity in Gaza highlighted the role of emunah, or faith, in facing challenges, as her mother engaged...
9 Mar
Jewish Action How Do We Partner? The Benefits of Shared Leadership 9 Mar
The text delves into the concept of partnership and shared leadership, drawing from the personal loss of Sergeant First Class (res.) Yakir Hexter and discuss...
9 Mar