Daily Podcasts Video Research
Forward A treasure trove of manuscripts sheds light on the history of Jews in Yemen 6 Feb
The National Library of Israel has received a significant donation of Yemenite Jewish manuscripts. The collection includes rare copies of works by Rabbi Yihy...
6 Feb
Jewdicious Re-evaluating Truth in an Ever-Evolving World 6 Feb
In a podcast episode discussing the power of personal narratives in shaping perspectives, Beth Perkel delves into the story of Jethro, often overlooked in Je...
6 Feb
Tablet The People Behind ‘The Chosen’ 6 Feb
The Chosen, a TV show about the life of Jesus, has become a surprise hit in the U.S., even attracting Jewish fans. Showrunner Dallas Jenkins is aware of the ...
6 Feb
Jewish Insider JChef offers kosher meal kits for the busy consumer 6 Feb
JChef is a kosher meal kit delivery service founded by Gabriel Saul, a kosher diner himself. Saul noticed that the meal kit industry largely overlooked koshe...
6 Feb
Emes Ve-Emunah Respect and Dignity Does Not Mean Celebration 5 Feb
The author expresses the difficulty in discussing homosexuality, as it has evolved in society from being taboo to being celebrated. They base their views on ...
5 Feb
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones A rabbi and a surgeon explain why they support MAiD and discuss whether to include those suffering from mental illness 5 Feb
Rabbi Louis J. Sachs and Dr. Karen Devon discuss their nuanced support for medical assistance in dying (MAiD) within the Jewish community, considering the co...
5 Feb
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones A rabbi and a surgeon explain why they support MAiD and discuss whether to include those suffering from mental illness 5 Feb
Rabbi Louis J. Sachs and Dr. Karen Devon discuss the ethical, religious, and personal considerations surrounding Canada's Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) ...
5 Feb
Emes Ve-Emunah Traveling 4 Feb
The author describes their outlook on Judaism, which is influenced by their primary Rebbe, Rabbi Aaron Soloveichik, as well as the works of Rabbi Dr. Joseph ...
4 Feb
Bonjour Chai headphones It's Not Easy Being Art Green 2 Feb
The discussion delves into the current state of Jewish media following the October 7th events and tackles the complexities of public reckonings through the l...
2 Feb
Bonjour Chai headphones It's Not Easy Being Art Green 2 Feb
Laura E. Adkins discusses the challenges and growth of Jewish media since recent international events, reflecting on increased engagement but persistent fina...
2 Feb
Tablet Coming Together in the Bronx 2 Feb
The author reflects on their experiences attending funerals with their father in the 1970s in the Bronx, where they observed a sense of Jewish identity and c...
2 Feb
Lilith A New Set of Rituals for Abortion and Pregnancy Loss 1 Feb
The lack of ritual and liturgy in mainstream Judaism for experiences specific to women, such as menstruation, miscarriage, and mammograms, is a frustration f...
1 Feb
Moment What Three Words Describe Your Judaism? 1 Feb
In a discussion forum on Reddit, participants were asked to describe their Jewish observance in three words and share what it means to them. Some of the resp...
1 Feb
JTA Why the Conservative movement is changing our approach to interfaith marriage 1 Feb
The Conservative/Masorti movement is changing its approach to interfaith marriage, according to a new report issued by the Rabbinical Assembly. The report ac...
1 Feb
Rationalist Judaism A Daas Torah Surprise 1 Feb
In this article, the author explores the concept of seeking advice from a Gadol HaDor, the ultimate rabbinic authority in Judaism, versus consulting other pr...
1 Feb
Lehrhaus Poems for a World Built, Destroyed, and Rebuilt 1 Feb
In this article, Elhanan Nir, an Israeli poet and writer, reflects on the need for Jewish artists and writers to find new ways to express and grapple with th...
1 Feb
What Matters Now headphones What Matters Now to author Shlomo Brody: Jewish ethics and the Israel-Hamas War 1 Feb
Shlomo Brody discusses the complex history and application of Jewish military ethics throughout history and its relevance to the Israel-Hamas conflict. The c...
1 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Why synagogues are being asked to mark Refugee Shabbat this weekend 1 Feb
Synagogues are being encouraged to observe Refugee Shabbat to reflect on Jewish history of migration and empathy towards refugees. This initiative, led by Hi...
1 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Yitro 1 Feb
In this discussion focusing on Parashat Yitro, it delves into the role of a rabbi in modern times compared to historical contexts. It highlights that while t...
1 Feb
On the Nose headphones Charging Israel with Genocide 1 Feb
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has issued an interim ruling on South Africa's charge that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. The ICJ found the ...
1 Feb
Lehrhaus Letter To The Editor: Responses To Tzvi Goldstein On Centrist Orthodoxy And Haredi Orthodoxy 1 Feb
In this letter to the editor, the author responds to Tzvi Goldstein's discussion of Centrist Orthodox and Haredi Orthodox approaches in Judaism. Goldstein ar...
1 Feb
Culturally Jewish headphones A new comic book spotlights Toronto's Ward—with a supernatural twist 31 Jan
Ari Gross, a machine learning engineer and comic book writer, combines his diverse backgrounds to create a supernatural comic book, 'Wardens,' set in 1920s T...
31 Jan
Jewish Chronicle Inspectors hail Etz Chaim’s ‘exceptional Jewish atmosphere’ 31 Jan
Etz Chaim Primary School in Mill Hill has been praised by inspectors for its excellent Jewish atmosphere and standout features in Jewish studies. The Orthodo...
31 Jan
Kveller This Pink Song Is My New Jewish Anthem 31 Jan
The author describes a moment of joy when her daughter realizes that Pink, her favorite rock star, is Jewish like them. They are listening to Pink's song "I ...
31 Jan
TEXTing headphones Critiquing Power 31 Jan
Elana Stein Hain and Yonah Hain delve into a Talmudic passage in Sanhedrin to explore nuanced perspectives on power, using the biblical story of Korach's reb...
31 Jan
The Habura headphones Rambam vs. Shomer Emunim on the Universe's Inception - Rabbi Shnayor Burton 30 Jan
Rabbi Shnayor Burton discusses the differing views of Rambam (Maimonides) and Shomer Emunim on the inception of the universe. Rambam argues that the universe...
30 Jan
Mishpacha A Tefillah and an Admission 30 Jan
The author recounts a personal interaction with the late Rav Mattisyahu Salomon, a prominent Jewish figure. The author had been asked to speak at an event on...
30 Jan
Mishpacha A Chassidic Label for Rav Leibel 30 Jan
Rav Leibel Eiger, descendant of an esteemed rabbinical family, had a unique life journey. As a young man, he was exposed to chassidus and later made the deci...
30 Jan
Mishpacha Yerushalayim, Your City 30 Jan
This article explores the concept of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) as a city in ruins, despite its current state of vibrancy and development. The author emphasize...
30 Jan
Mishpacha As Long as I Love     30 Jan
Rabbi Menachem Braun, known for his dedication to at-risk youth and his love for mitzvos, Torah, and fellow Jews, passed away in a tragic boating accident se...
30 Jan
Emes Ve-Emunah Charedim That Are Closet Centrists 30 Jan
The author reflects on the concept of being a "closet centrist" within the Charedi community, citing a recent column by Jonathan Rosenblum in Mishpacha magaz...
30 Jan
JTA When Judaism didn’t offer rituals for a stillbirth, a grieving couple created their own 30 Jan
Rabbi Ilan and Sherri Glazer experienced the loss of their baby, Shemaryah, through stillbirth. They were disappointed by the lack of rituals and support wit...
30 Jan
Tel Aviv Review headphones Staying Alive: Mental Health in the Wake of October 7th 29 Jan
Professor Jonathan Huppert discusses the psychological impact and mental health challenges facing Israel in the aftermath of the October 7th attack. He highl...
29 Jan
Forward Conservative movement maintains its ban on officiating at intermarriages but urges its rabbis to engage more with interfaith families 29 Jan
The Conservative movement has issued a report maintaining its ban on officiating interfaith weddings but recommending changes to make the movement more open ...
29 Jan
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones International Court of Justice: Who won and who lost? 29 Jan
The episode explores the International Court of Justice's recent ruling concerning Israel and potential genocide charges over its actions in Gaza following t...
29 Jan
Torah 101 headphones #83: The Nature of the Preliminary Resurrection 29 Jan
In this podcast episode, the discussion revolves around the nature of resurrection in Judaism. The episode explores the differences and similarities between ...
29 Jan
Call Me Back headphones UNRWA & Hamas, the perfect affair - with Haviv Rettig Gur 29 Jan
In this episode, host Dan Senor and guest Haviv Rettig Gur delve into the controversial role of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refu...
29 Jan
Jewish History Lectures Who were Yaakov and Levi Ibn Habib, Authors of the Ein Yaakov? 28 Jan
The video explores the story of Yaakov and Levi Ibn Habib, father-and-son authors of the Ein Yaakov, a significant work created after the expulsion of Jews f...
28 Jan
Jewish Chronicle Has the war brought Charedim closer to mainstream Israel? 28 Jan
The recent enlistment of some 3,000 Charedi men in non-combat roles in the IDF following a tragic event marks a potential shift in relations between the Stri...
28 Jan
Emes Ve-Emunah Extremism in Pursuit of Holiness 26 Jan
The discussion revolves around the potential negative impact of technology on religious values, particularly in the Orthodox Jewish community. It highlights ...
26 Jan
Moment Poem | Kaddish for the Living 26 Jan
In the poem "Kaddish for the Living," the author explores the experience of facing her mother's dementia with both tenderness and grief. The poem reflects on...
26 Jan
Jewish Chronicle ‘Outstanding’ Eden praised for its outdoor classes 26 Jan
Eden Primary in Muswell Hill has achieved an outstanding rating for its Jewish studies, particularly noted for its innovative outdoor education program which...
26 Jan
18forty 3 Arguments for God’s Existence 26 Jan
In this essay, the author explores three philosophical arguments for the existence of God: the cosmological argument, the teleological argument, and the onto...
26 Jan
Tikvah headphones Yehuda Halper on Maimonides and the Human Condition 26 Jan
In this conversation, Yehuda Halper, an Israeli professor of Jewish philosophy, joins Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver to discuss the medieval rabbinic sage and...
26 Jan
Halacha Headlines headphones 1/27/24 – Shiur 453 –The Shulchan Aruch of war 25 Jan
In this Shiur discussion, various scenarios related to Jewish religious and communal life during times of warfare are addressed. Topics include the abortion ...
25 Jan
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Encore presentation: The Jewish spokesman behind the trucker convoy 24 Jan
Benjamin Dichter discusses his role as the Jewish spokesperson for the 2022 trucker convoy protest in Ottawa, highlighting his decision to reveal his Jewish ...
24 Jan
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Encore presentation: The Jewish spokesman behind the trucker convoy 24 Jan
Benjamin Dichter discusses his role as the spokesperson for the 2022 trucker convoy in Ottawa and the impact of the protest, including the lifting of COVID m...
24 Jan
Emes Ve-Emunah No New Post Today 23 Jan
The author describes their personal outlook on Judaism, which is influenced by their primary Rebbe, Rabbi Aaron Soloveichik, and a search for spiritual truth...
23 Jan
Forward Major Judaica collection amassed by Yemenite Jewish butcher donated to the National Library of Israel 23 Jan
The National Library of Israel has acquired a significant collection of 60,000 Yemenite Jewish manuscripts and text fragments, one of the largest and most co...
23 Jan
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Encore presentarion: Oscar nominations hide the real Canadian Jewish story of ‘Oppenheimer’ 23 Jan
The episode explores the overlooked contributions of Canadian Jewish scientist Louis Slotin in the Manhattan Project, emphasizing his key role despite not be...
23 Jan