Daily Podcasts Video Research
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Encore presentarion: Oscar nominations hide the real Canadian Jewish story of ‘Oppenheimer’ 23 Jan
The episode highlights the overlooked story of Louis Slotin, a Jewish Canadian scientist who was part of the Manhattan Project and whose heroism saved lives ...
23 Jan
Jewish Review of Books “The Secret of Our Army’s Endurance” 23 Jan
In a 1964 interview, S.Y. Agnon, a renowned Jewish author, reflected on the significance of a Jewish army defending the State of Israel. Agnon expressed conc...
23 Jan
Jewish Review of Books Origin Stories 23 Jan
Yonatan Adler's book, "The Origins of Judaism: An Archaeological-Historical Reappraisal," challenges the traditional Jewish origin story by arguing that Jews...
23 Jan
Jewish Review of Books Oh Homeland, Don’t You Wonder (Tzion Ha-lo Tishali) 23 Jan
In this poem titled "Oh Homeland, Don't You Wonder (Tzion Ha-lo Tishali)", the speaker expresses deep longing and love for their homeland. They call out to t...
23 Jan
Jewish Review of Books Tamar, Helen, and Love’s Ambition 22 Jan
The article discusses the character of Tamar in the Bible and Thomas Mann's interpretation of her in his book Joseph and His Brothers. Tamar plays a signific...
22 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Charedim are Forcing Yeshiva Students into the IDF 20 Jan
The charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community is currently facing a crisis due to the shortage of manpower in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). As a result, the IDF...
20 Jan
Jewish Chronicle Madeleine Olivia’s Berry crumble cereal bars 19 Jan
These Madeleine Olivias Berry Crumble Cereal Bars are reminiscent of a childhood favorite dessert, apple and blackberry crumble, and are described as addicti...
19 Jan
Tablet Playing Defense 19 Jan
Samuel Leibowitz, a renowned defense attorney in the 1930s, defended clients in high-profile cases and fought against racism and injustice. He started his ca...
19 Jan
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #174 - Zman Tefila & The Vilna Gaon’s Opposition to Chassidus 18 Jan
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores the intricacies of the Vilna Gaon's opposition to Chassidus, highlighting the complex interplay between traditional Jewish p...
18 Jan
Forward Have we finally discovered the real reason for Spinoza’s excommunication? 18 Jan
The documentary "Spinoza: Six Reasons for the Excommunication of the Philosopher" explores the motivations behind Baruch Spinoza's excommunication by the Ams...
18 Jan
Promised Podcast headphones The “IDF: Inspiring Despite Failing?” Edition 18 Jan
The episode discusses the IDF's failure to protect Israel during the October 7th Hamas attack and the enduring public trust in the IDF despite its failures. ...
18 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Rav Zevin: "Is This Da'as Torah?" 18 Jan
Rav Shlomo Yosef Zevin, a prominent rabbinic authority, wrote a letter about whether yeshiva students should be drafted into the army. He questions the justi...
18 Jan
JTA Jewish Life Stories: John Lennon’s lawyer, Michael Oren’s mom 17 Jan
Leon Wildes, the immigration attorney famous for his successful battle to prevent the deportation of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, has passed away at the age of ...
17 Jan
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones What’s at stake for Israel after the International Court of Justice genocide hearings? 17 Jan
The episode discusses a significant legal challenge facing Israel at the International Court of Justice, where South Africa has accused Israel of genocide ag...
17 Jan
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones What’s at stake for Israel after the International Court of Justice genocide hearings? 17 Jan
The episode examines the International Court of Justice's hearings against Israel, accused by South Africa of committing genocide in Gaza, featuring insights...
17 Jan
Ami Avi Kamionski // Nathan & Kamionski LLP, Pointed Discovery LLC 17 Jan
Avi Kamionski is a litigation lawyer who represents cities facing litigation, particularly when they are being sued by people released from prison. He co-fou...
17 Jan
Lehrhaus There Are No Lights in War: We Need a Different Religious Language 16 Jan
This article explores the role of religious discourse during wartime and criticizes the tendency to idealize and glorify war within religious communities. Th...
16 Jan
Mishpacha Man of Letters  16 Jan
Avraham Borshevsky, a calligraphy artist and sofer stam in Jerusalem, has seen an increase in demand for sacred scripts since the Simchas Torah war. He speci...
16 Jan
Mishpacha Separate Situation 16 Jan
The article discusses various scenarios related to the laws of borer (selecting and separating) on Shabbat. It provides guidance on avoiding eating specific ...
16 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Killer Whales and Zionism 16 Jan
The author discusses the message of the Biblical Museum of Natural History, which emphasizes how animals are a part of the cultural heritage of different nat...
16 Jan
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #173 - Nusach HaTefila & Zmanai Tefila 14 Jan
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein delves into the historical and religious significance of the Nusach HaTefila, exploring whether it is permissible for individuals to ...
14 Jan
Rationalist Judaism The Yeshiva King 14 Jan
This article examines a common prooftext used to argue that full-time Torah learning in yeshivas justifies exempting charedi (ultra-Orthodox) students from m...
14 Jan
JTA In hopeless times, we need to the courage to speak up — and to listen 12 Jan
The author reflects on the courage to speak up and listen in difficult times. They recount a dinner with friends where they discussed their thoughts on the w...
12 Jan
Halacha Headlines headphones 1/13/24 – Shiur 451 – In Memory of Yakir and David HY”D “Chavrusas in life, Chavrusas in death, Chavrusas in Olam Habah” Experiencing the war: perspectives of the front line from parents and a Posek 12 Jan
This shiur discusses the challenges faced by families with loved ones serving in the IDF and the loss of soldiers in battle. The speakers explore the stress ...
12 Jan
Tikvah headphones Yehuda Halper on Where to Begin With Maimonides 12 Jan
In this episode, Yehuda Halper from Bar-Ilan University discusses the writings of Maimonides. Maimonides' work can be divided into three main categories: his...
12 Jan
People of the Pod headphones Unpacking South Africa’s Baseless Genocide Charge Against Israel 11 Jan
The International Court of Justice is currently hearing South Africa's accusation that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Professor ...
11 Jan
Forward He made 613 paintings of commandments and 915 collages of proverbs — but who's got room to show them all? 11 Jan
Archie Rand, a Brooklyn artist, gained attention for his paintings of all 613 commandments in 2006. Surprised by its success, Rand recently completed 915 col...
11 Jan
Forward A guide to the Talmud for all the haters 11 Jan
In this article, the author addresses the renewed interest in Orthodox Judaism, particularly the Talmud, due to recent events. The Talmud is described as a l...
11 Jan
Emes Ve-Emunah Tznius? Or the Bottom Line? 11 Jan
The author addresses the issue of modesty (tznius) in right-wing publications, particularly Mishpacha Magazine, which refuses to publish pictures of women, e...
11 Jan
Jewish Chronicle Hasmo girls earn top marks for Jewish studies 11 Jan
Hasmonean High School for Girls in Mill Hill excelled in Jewish studies, with outstanding praise from visiting inspectors for its dynamic leadership vision a...
11 Jan
Jewish Chronicle Nutritionist-approved kosher vegan supermarket picks 11 Jan
A nutritionist shares 15 kosher vegan supermarket picks for a balanced diet during Veganuary. Recommendations include Auga soups for a quick meal, Shneiders ...
11 Jan
Jewish Chronicle Ivrit a strength at outstanding Simon Marks 11 Jan
Simon Marks Primary, a Jewish school with almost half of its pupils not Jewish, has excelled in Jewish studies, with a particular strength in Ivrit (Hebrew)....
11 Jan
Jewish Chronicle Menorah Foundation’s outstanding Jewish studies praised for creativity 11 Jan
The Menorah Foundation School in Edgware has been recognized for its outstanding Jewish studies program, receiving top marks in all areas by Rabbi Nessanel L...
11 Jan
Jewish History Nerds headphones Graetz's Balancing Act: Modernity and Judaism 11 Jan
Heinrich Graetz, a 19th-century historian, revolutionized Jewish historiography by intertwining Orthodox tradition with an academic approach, offering a scie...
11 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Eviscerating Torah 11 Jan
The text discusses the issue of military service in the Israeli charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community and the moral and Torah-based arguments surrounding it. Th...
11 Jan
The Habura headphones Exploring Sepharadi and Ashkenazi Talmudic Methodologies - Rabbi Shmuel Phillips 11 Jan
In this video, Rabbi Shmuel Phillips discusses the differences between Sepharadi and Ashkenazi Talmudic methodologies. He explains that Sepharadi Jews tend t...
11 Jan
Forward A brief history of the Messianic movement that inspired the tunnel under 770 Eastern Parkway 11 Jan
The article discusses the history and significance of the Messianic movement within Chabad-Lubavitch, focusing on the recent incident involving the secret tu...
11 Jan
18forty 3 Questions To Ask Yourself Whenever You Hear a Dvar Torah 10 Jan
The author presents three questions to ask oneself when listening to a Dvar Torah (a Torah discourse). The first question is whether the Torah idea presented...
10 Jan
Jewish Chronicle Chabad’s tunnel disagreement is part of a schism that goes back decades 10 Jan
The Chabad community has been divided for decades over whether Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, who passed away in 1994, coul...
10 Jan
Ami Rav Matisyahu Chaim Salomon, zt”l // The Life and Lessons of the Revered Mashgiach of Beth Medrash Govoha 10 Jan
Rav Matisyahu Salomon, a revered mashgiach, inspired and guided thousands of Jews through his teachings and leadership. He served as a mashgiach in Gateshead...
10 Jan
Creative Judaism The Plague of FROGS | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep.14 (Vaera) 9 Jan
Exploring the connection between crocodiles and Torah, this episode delves into the symbolism and significance of the plague of frogs in Parshah Vaera.
9 Jan
Mishpacha One Fish, Two Fish 9 Jan
This article discusses different types of fish that can be incorporated into budget-friendly meals. It emphasizes the versatility and health benefits of fish...
9 Jan
Mishpacha A Time to Think 9 Jan
The article discusses the notion that the yetzer hara (evil inclination) uses a strategy similar to Pharaoh's in keeping the Jewish people so busy that they ...
9 Jan
Mishpacha Inspired by Angels 9 Jan
The author initially couldn't relate to a prayer about angels, but then learns an interpretation of the names of the angels as metaphors for how God manifest...
9 Jan
Rationalist Judaism The Animals of Different Cultures 9 Jan
The Biblical Museum of Natural History emphasizes that every culture has animals that are significant in its heritage. These animals are often represented in...
9 Jan
Lehrhaus Rack Up Those Mitzvot! 9 Jan
The article discusses the differences between Centrist Orthodox and Yeshivish Orthodox approaches to Judaism. Centrist Orthodox Jews, represented by a charac...
9 Jan
The Habura headphones The Chosen People and Western Values - Rabbi Hayyim Angel 9 Jan
Rabbi Hayyim Angel explores the concept of the chosen people in relation to Western values. He argues that while the idea of being chosen is foundational in ...
9 Jan
Jewish Review of Books Tools of Hope: Finding Guidance from Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef 9 Jan
Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef discusses the question of whether it is permissible to pay a higher ransom for Jewish hostages in cases where their lives are in immediat...
9 Jan
Emes Ve-Emunah A Charedi Appreciation for Higher Education 8 Jan
The author reflects on the high level of education possessed by Jonathan Rosenblum, a Charedi columnist for Mishpacha Magazine. Despite his Charedi backgroun...
8 Jan
Jewish Chronicle Ask a rabbi: Can my remains be buried in more than one cemetery? 8 Jan
In considering the question of whether one's remains can be buried in more than one cemetery, an Orthodox perspective emphasizes the importance of complete a...
8 Jan