Daily Podcasts Video Research
Lehrhaus Women must learn and lead: A Response to Chaim Saiman 9 Jul 2018
In response to Chaim Saiman's views on female Torah study and leadership, Sharona Margolin Halickman argues that women in American Modern Orthodox communitie...
9 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus The Source of Faith is Faith Alone 2 Jul 2018
The article reflects on the nature of faith, particularly within the context of Orthodox Judaism, focusing on the interplay between belief, rational argument...
2 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus The Opaque Ceiling Hovering Over Women’s Torah Study: A Reply to Judah Goldberg 28 Jun 2018
The article responds to Judah Goldberg's call to enhance women's Torah study by addressing the need to understand the existing motivations and assumptions sh...
28 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Torah and the Thermodynamics of Life: An Interview with Jeremy England 27 Jun 2018
Jeremy England, an accomplished research scientist and an observant Jew, explores the origins of life through his work on the emergence of life-like behavior...
27 Jun 2018
Tablet Bird Sacrifice 26 Jun 2018
In the Talmudic discussion of bird sacrifices in Tractate Zevachim, the focus shifts from large animal offerings to the detailed procedures of bird offerings...
26 Jun 2018
Lehrhaus The “Essentials” of Orthodox Judaism 25 Jun 2018
Rabbi Benny Lau and Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein engaged in a debate regarding physical disabilities and the priestly service in the Third Temple. Rabbi Lau sug...
25 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Boundaries, Conversations, and the Reform Movement: A Response to Elli Fischer 21 Jun 2018
Joshua Holo responds to Elli Fischer's critique of Michael Chabon's commencement address at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR). Fisc...
21 Jun 2018
Lehrhaus Divinity Redefined- Review of Christine Hayes, What’s Divine About Divine Law?: Early Perspectives 21 Jun 2018
Christine Hayes' book "What's Divine About Divine Law?: Early Perspectives" challenges the assumption of the inherent divinity of Torah law by exploring how ...
21 Jun 2018
Tablet The Marrying Kind 21 Jun 2018
The text tells the story of a woman who, after years of failed relationships, unexpectedly finds love with a former friend, Paula, at a fundraiser opposing a...
21 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Summer 2018 17 Jun 2018
The Letters from Summer 2018 discuss various topics related to Jewish identity and history. One letter juxtaposes Ruth Wisse's portrayal of Mendele Mokher Se...
17 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Maimonides in Ma’ale Adumim  16 Jun 2018
Rabbi Nachum Rabinovitch, a modern and highly knowledgeable scholar, has produced an extensive 23-volume commentary called Yad Peshutah on Moses Maimonides' ...
16 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Containing God’s Presence 16 Jun 2018
Rabbi Shai Held's two-volume collection "The Heart of Torah, Essays on the Weekly Torah Portion" delves into the importance of the Torah reading cycle and th...
16 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books No Empty Place 16 Jun 2018
In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, a rift emerged between the Hasidic movement and its opponents, particularly the Lithuanian mitnagdim, over theolog...
16 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Sacrificial Speech 16 Jun 2018
The text discusses the themes of sacrifice and its evolution in Jewish thought and practice, as reflected in Ruby Namdar's novel "The Ruined House" and Mira ...
16 Jun 2018
Jewish Action Reviews in Brief 12 Jun 2018
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz's book "The God Book" offers modern Jewish readers a clear and accessible summary of key theological thoughts from medieval Jewish phil...
12 Jun 2018
Jewish Action New Books from OU Press – Summer 2018 12 Jun 2018
Rabbi Hillel Goldberg's "Countdown to Shabbos" explores the deep connection between Shabbos and the rest of the week, encouraging readers to integrate the sp...
12 Jun 2018
Tablet Mapping the Temple 12 Jun 2018
The subject of Tractate Zevachim discusses the ritual protocol for animal sacrifice in the Temple, detailing where sacrifices are performed, how blood is spr...
12 Jun 2018
Tablet Saying Goodbye to Bacon 8 Jun 2018
The text explores the author's journey towards embracing kashrut by relinquishing non-kosher foods, particularly bacon, which held special significance for h...
8 Jun 2018
Lehrhaus After Lag: Two Readings on The ‘Self-Praise’ of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai 7 Jun 2018
After the Lag Ba-omer celebrations at the tomb of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai (Rashbi) in Meron, there are discussions around his self-praise in rabbinic literatu...
7 Jun 2018
Lehrhaus “Doctor, I Need My Rabbi”: How can Halakhah be Practical in Medical Ethics? 31 May 2018
Rabbi Jason Weiner's book, "Jewish Guide to Practical Medical Decision Making," provides a clear and compassionate guide to navigating medical dilemmas in li...
31 May 2018
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #132: The Full Range of Emotions Edition 28 May 2018
In TanakhCast #132, the podcast delves into the full range of emotions found within the Tanakh, covering 4 chapters from Genesis to 2 Chronicles in each epis...
28 May 2018
Lehrhaus Pesah and Shavuot, Or: Emancipation and Freedom 17 May 2018
The text delves into the concepts of freedom and emancipation in Jewish tradition through the lenses of Pesah and Shavuot. It explores the Talmudic discussio...
17 May 2018
Unorthodox headphones The Conversion Episode: Ep 136 17 May 2018
This episode of Unorthodox delves into the diverse experiences and challenges of converting to Judaism, featuring personal stories from around the world. The...
17 May 2018
Unorthodox headphones The Conversion Episode: Ep 136 17 May 2018
The podcast episode discussed the theme of conversion to Judaism, inspired by the Book of Ruth. It featured stories of individuals who converted to Judaism, ...
17 May 2018
Lehrhaus First Fruits (Bikkurim) and the Talmudic View of Capital: An Essai in the Philosophy of Halakhah 14 May 2018
The text delves into the concept of first fruits (bikkurim) in Jewish tradition, focusing on the Talmudic view of this practice and its philosophical implica...
14 May 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Age of Uncertainty” Edition 10 May 2018
Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman discuss the unsettling state of affairs with Trump's decisions and escalating tensions in Israel, prompt...
10 May 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Age of Uncertainty” Edition 10 May 2018
In a podcast episode titled "The Age of Uncertainty Edition," the hosts explore significant topics including concerns raised by Trump's decisions and escalat...
10 May 2018
Forward McCain Regrets Picking Palin Over Lieberman As His 2008 Running Mate 8 May 2018
Senator John McCain expressed regret in his new book and accompanying documentary for not choosing Senator Joseph Lieberman as his running mate in the 2008 p...
8 May 2018
Tablet What Is ‘Jewish Food’? 27 Apr 2018
Jewish cuisine is a complex and diverse tapestry that reflects centuries of geographical movement and cultural exchange. While commonly associated with Easte...
27 Apr 2018
Unorthodox headphones Knocked Out: Ep. 133 26 Apr 2018
This episode of Unorthodox discusses Natalie Portman's decision not to accept the Genesis Prize amidst Israeli political tensions, along with an insightful c...
26 Apr 2018
Tablet Slaughtered Offerings 24 Apr 2018
The article discusses the transition in the Daf Yomi cycle from the civil and criminal laws in Seder Nezikin to the rituals and sacrifices in Seder Kodashim ...
24 Apr 2018
Lehrhaus Rabbi Ozer Glickman: Reflections of a Talmid 23 Apr 2018
Rabbi Ozer Glickman, a beloved teacher and figure in the Jewish community, passed away, leaving behind a legacy of kindness and generosity. Known for his dee...
23 Apr 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Myth of the Cultural Jew 20 Apr 2018
In her book "The Myth of the Cultural Jew," Prof. Roberta Ronsethal Kwall discusses how even secular Jews have unknowingly absorbed Jewish legal traditions (...
20 Apr 2018
Lehrhaus Prayer in an Age of Distraction 19 Apr 2018
Prayer in an Age of Distraction discusses the challenges of maintaining focus during prayer, particularly in an era of constant digital distractions. It high...
19 Apr 2018
Tablet My Conversion Conundrum 17 Apr 2018
The author reflects on a conversation with a Jewish friend who doubted their ability to fully integrate into Jewish culture through conversion due to their n...
17 Apr 2018
Forward Why ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ Was Really A Jewish Horror Movie 12 Apr 2018
Roman Polanski's 1968 film "Rosemary's Baby," based on Ira Levin's novel, is examined for how it subtly incorporates Jewish elements, despite its overt Catho...
12 Apr 2018
Lehrhaus Welcome to the Jungle: Shababniks Meet the Spotlight 8 Apr 2018
Israeli television has seen a rise in series depicting the lives of religious Jews, showcasing iconic shows like Srugim, Kathmandu, Shtisel, and the latest a...
8 Apr 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Protecting Jews in Interwar Europe: How International Law Tried and Failed 6 Apr 2018
Prof. Carole Fink discusses the efforts to protect Jews in interwar Europe through various minority protection schemes that emerged on the continent, ultimat...
6 Apr 2018
Tablet The Best Passover Snack You’ve Never Heard Of 5 Apr 2018
Matzos Coffee, also known as Matza Caf, is a forgotten European Passover snack that involves soaking matzoh in hot coffee to create a velvety texture, enhanc...
5 Apr 2018
Lehrhaus Ode to a Nightingale 3 Apr 2018
This poem "Ode to a Nightingale" by Yocheved Friedman is a tribute to Rav Yosef Dov Ha-Levi Soloveitchik, focusing on his impactful legacy as a teacher and l...
3 Apr 2018
Lehrhaus Schrodinger’s Hametz 27 Mar 2018
Rabbi Katz is confronted with the new technology of a hametz zapper, which promises to simplify Pesach cleaning by using quantum mechanics to destroy all tra...
27 Mar 2018
Tablet Lost and Found 22 Mar 2018
The author reflects on his journey from a devout Mormon upbringing to questioning his faith as he delves into different religious experiences alongside his w...
22 Mar 2018
Tablet Laughter in the Face of Oncoming Death 22 Mar 2018
Itzik Manger, a renowned Yiddish writer born in Romania, created joyful and delightful literature embodying the rich tradition of Yiddish culture. His work, ...
22 Mar 2018
Jewish Review of Books God’s Law in Human Hands 21 Mar 2018
In the discussion "What's Divine about Divine Law?" at Yale, various perspectives on divine law were examined. Ezra the Scribe emphasized the divine origin a...
21 Mar 2018
Jewish Review of Books Exodus and Consciousness 21 Mar 2018
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove questioned the relevance of Jewish studies professors to the broader Jewish community, highlighting the disconnect between academic wor...
21 Mar 2018
Lehrhaus An Alternate View on Rav Aharon Lichtenstein and Academic Talmud Study 19 Mar 2018
Professor Avraham (Rami) Reiner examines Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein's views on academic Talmud study in his recent essay, suggesting a shift in Lichtenstein's...
19 Mar 2018
Lehrhaus Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’s Portrait of Moses 19 Mar 2018
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, known for his Covenant and Conversation series, focuses on the figure of Moses in his biblical commentaries, emphasizing themes of...
19 Mar 2018
Lehrhaus When Law Fails Us: Lessons from Rabbinic Responses to Crimes We Cannot Punish for the #MeToo Movement? 15 Mar 2018
In reflecting on how the #MeToo movement and the response to sexual misconduct intersect with Jewish legal traditions, particularly rabbinic justice, Sarah Z...
15 Mar 2018
Unorthodox headphones Leading the Pack : Ep: 128 15 Mar 2018
In this episode, Leah Sarna discusses her journey as a student at Yeshivat Maharat, the first Orthodox institution to ordain women as clergy, highlighting th...
15 Mar 2018
Lehrhaus Challenges of the American Rabbinate from the First Rabbi in the Americas: In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Isaac Aboab da Fonseca 14 Mar 2018
Rabbi Isaac Aboab da Fonseca, the first ordained rabbi to arrive in the Americas in 1642, faced challenges reflecting the immigrant rabbinate's struggles in ...
14 Mar 2018