Daily Podcasts Video Research
Jewish Action Torah from the Years of Wrath: The Historical Context of the Aish Kodesh 13 Mar 2018
Dr. Henry Abramson's "Torah from the Years of Wrath" delves into the historical context surrounding the Aish Kodesh, a collection of Torah homilies by Rabbi ...
13 Mar 2018
Tablet Statue of Limitations 13 Mar 2018
The discussion revolves around the Talmudic prohibition against idol worship and the various nuances and challenges faced by Jews living in a society where i...
13 Mar 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Broadening Horizons” Edition 8 Mar 2018
Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman discuss the inclusion of progressives in a new version of AIPAC, the creation of an ultra-Orthodox Wikip...
8 Mar 2018
Tablet Who Believes in Russiagate? 8 Mar 2018
Amid the divisive landscape of American politics, the Russiagate collusion theory has faced increasing skepticism from reporters and thinkers across the poli...
8 Mar 2018
Lehrhaus Christians, the Talmud, and American Politics 26 Feb 2018
The author discusses a recent censorship incident in the Talmud involving a reference to Jesus, where Jewish censors removed the mention of Jesus, instead re...
26 Feb 2018
Lehrhaus Supporting Women’s Avodat Hashem Across the Lifespan: Reflections and Recommendations 22 Feb 2018
The text presents a symposium on women's roles in Orthodox Judaism, focusing on their religious experiences and how to support them throughout their lives in...
22 Feb 2018
Lehrhaus The Messages We Are Sending 21 Feb 2018
In the symposium discussing women's roles in Orthodox Judaism, Tamar Snyder Chaitovsky highlights the challenges faced by women in their thirties juggling fa...
21 Feb 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones My Halakha, Your Halakha: Between Jewish Law and Jewish Life 19 Feb 2018
In "My Halakha, Your Halakha: Between Jewish Law and Jewish Life," Dr. Leon Wiener Dow explores the intersections of God, law, prayer, practice, and communit...
19 Feb 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones My Halakha, Your Halakha: Between Jewish Law and Jewish Life 19 Feb 2018
Dr. Leon Wiener Dow, from the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, delves into the themes of his book "The Going: A Meditation on Jewish Law" in which he e...
19 Feb 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The "Tragic Flaws" Edition 15 Feb 2018
In this podcast episode, Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman discuss the recommendations for indictments against Prime Minister Benjamin Net...
15 Feb 2018
Unorthodox headphones The Kids are Alright: Ep. 124 15 Feb 2018
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss Olympic athletes with Jewish connections, including the story of German-Jewish high jumper Margaret Bergmann...
15 Feb 2018
Tablet Immoral, Weak, Abusive, Untrustworthy, and Murderous 13 Feb 2018
The Talmudic text explores the rabbis' views on interactions between Jews and non-Jews, painting a picture of suspicion and potential harm directed towards J...
13 Feb 2018
Lehrhaus What is Jewish Law? Uncovering a Debate between the Tur and the Ran 8 Feb 2018
The discussion on Jewish law involves a debate between the Tur and the Ran, two prominent 14th century Jewish scholars. The Tur emphasizes the importance of ...
8 Feb 2018
Tablet How Jews Should Deal With Gentiles 6 Feb 2018
The discussion in Tractate Avoda Zara of the Talmud delves into the regulation of Jewish relationships with non-Jews, with a focus on how Jews should navigat...
6 Feb 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones No Arbitration Without Representation: Alternative Court Systems in America 5 Feb 2018
Michael Broyde, a law professor and former rabbinical judge, explores the impact of alternative court systems like track two arbitration in the U.S. in his b...
5 Feb 2018
Lehrhaus Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein and Academic Talmud Study 1 Feb 2018
At the sixteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem in 2013, a special session was dedicated to Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein in honor of his 80th bir...
1 Feb 2018
Lehrhaus She-Hehiyanu: An Endangered Blessing Species 30 Jan 2018
In his article "She-Hehiyanu: An Endangered Blessing Species," Johnny Solomon discusses the challenges Orthodox Jews face in reciting the She-Hehiyanu blessi...
30 Jan 2018
Tablet Thou Shalt Sell No White Rooster and Bow to No Idols 30 Jan 2018
In the Talmudic period (200-500 CE), Jews had ceased being tempted by idol worship, focusing instead on co-existing with pagan societies. The text emphasizes...
30 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus The Brachos Bee and Becoming American Orthodox Jews 29 Jan 2018
The Brachos Bee, conceptualized by Rabbi Dovid Price in 1971 and organized by Torah Umesorah, was a competitive event for Orthodox Jewish day schools in New ...
29 Jan 2018
Tablet The Talmud’s Revenge Fantasies 23 Jan 2018
Literary critic Adam Kirsch is engaging with the Talmud through the Daf Yomi cycle, focusing on Tractate Avodah Zarah which discusses laws against idolatry. ...
23 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus Moses Mendelssohn and the Mimetic Society: Then and Now 22 Jan 2018
Lawrence Kaplan reflects on the enduring relevance of Moses Mendelssohn's work, "Jerusalem," by exploring Mendelssohn's discussion on the ceremonial law and ...
22 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus Why I believe in Women and Their Batei Midrash 18 Jan 2018
The author passionately advocates for women's participation in in-depth Torah study within batei midrash, despite challenges and limitations in the tradition...
18 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus A Return to Jewish Roots in Nicole Krauss’ Forest Dark 8 Jan 2018
In "Forest Dark" by Nicole Krauss, the novel delves into Jewish literary traditions by exploring themes of identity, biblical allegories, and a search for me...
8 Jan 2018
Tablet The Shtiebel 8 Jan 2018
The text describes a personal journey within a Jewish shtiebel, focusing on the author's interactions with Rabbi Moshe Halevi Steinberg. The shtiebel is port...
8 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books “The Point of Free Will”: A Response to Abraham Socher 7 Jan 2018
Abraham Socher's essay "Is Repentance Possible?" discusses the debate on morality between Aristotelian virtue ethics and the Judeo-Christian obedience to law...
7 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Modern Crisis of Moral Thought: An Exchange 7 Jan 2018
Abraham Socher's examination of Aristotle's akrasia and Maimonides's teshuvah in a 2017 article led to a discussion on true repentance. In response, Andrew N...
7 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books Black Fire on White Fire 7 Jan 2018
The text delves into the significance of the Torah in Judaism, discussing its origins and relationship with physical objects like Torah scrolls. It highlight...
7 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Winter 2018 7 Jan 2018
The Winter 2018 edition of "Letters" touches on various topics. Ben Rich discusses the use of the simile of seas and ink in the Quran and its potential origi...
7 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books A Complex Network of Pipes  7 Jan 2018
The text explores a newly discovered poem by Yehuda Amichai and reflects on his unique poetic style that intertwines scientific and poetic perspectives. It r...
7 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus Judaism in a New World: The Pain, the Paradox, and the Prayer 1 Jan 2018
Rabbi Prof. Eliezer Berkovits, a leading Jewish philosopher, addressed critical issues facing Orthodox Judaism in a changing world, advocating for creative s...
1 Jan 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Putting the Criticism Back into Bible Criticism 1 Jan 2018
Prof. Hindy Najman from the University of Oxford aims to modernize the analysis of ancient Jewish scriptures by moving away from outdated Protestant and paro...
1 Jan 2018
Unorthodox headphones Dear Unorthodox: Ep. 118 28 Dec 2017
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts delve into a wide array of topics ranging from Jewish superstitions about baby showers to recommended readings for p...
28 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus Azariah de Rossi’s Fascination with the Septuagint 27 Dec 2017
In the 1570s, Italian Jewish Renaissance figure Azariah de Rossi translated and published The Letter of Aristeas, a second-century BCE work recounting the tr...
27 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus The Hasidism of Rav Kook 25 Dec 2017
Rabbi Bezalel Naor explores the concept of a new Hasidism proposed by Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, often seen as a precursor to modern Neo-Hasidism. Naor delves...
25 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus Rabbi Norman Lamm and His Crusade for the Jewish Home 20 Dec 2017
Rabbi Norman Lamm, a prominent Orthodox Jewish leader, emphasized the importance of the Jewish family as a sanctuary and a stronghold of religious tradition ...
20 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus What Time Should the Early Minyan Begin on Monday? Recognizing mi-sheyakir: Science, Technology, and Sociology 15 Dec 2017
In this essay, Yaakov Jaffe discusses the disconnect between the traditional rabbinic guidance on when to begin morning prayers and the current practices of ...
15 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus “You’ve Always Had the Power”: On Women and Wizards and Rabbis (Oh My!) 12 Dec 2017
The symposium on women and Torah learning highlighted the support from Jewish leaders like the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Soloveitchik, and Rabbi Lichtenstein ...
12 Dec 2017
Tablet The Order of Things 12 Dec 2017
Literary critic Adam Kirsch delves into the intricacies of the Talmud's organization through his daily study of a page of Talmud. Despite the Talmud's hierar...
12 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus On Subjectivity and Pluralism: Sparks of Rav Shagar’s Thought 6 Dec 2017
Yehuda (Udi) Dvorkin reflects on the teachings of Rav Shagar, emphasizing the ongoing publication of his works and the importance of understanding his philos...
6 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus Racism Redux 5 Dec 2017
The author discusses the issue of racism within religious texts and communities, highlighting that while some scholars argue that Rabbinic Judaism is not inh...
5 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus The “Between-the-Lines” Faith of Rabbi Hershel Schachter 4 Dec 2017
Rabbi Hershel Schachter's faith centers on the concept of mesorah, the chain of rabbinic transmission that upholds Orthodox tradition, guided by divine inter...
4 Dec 2017
Tablet The Language of Our Love 29 Nov 2017
A couple, both entrenched in literary and academic pursuits, found their love deeply intertwined with the written word, particularly through emails quoting p...
29 Nov 2017
Unorthodox headphones Like a Roman Stone: Ep. 113 27 Nov 2017
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss the work of Footsteps, an organization helping formerly-Orthodox Jews transition to secular life, as highlig...
27 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus There Is Nothing New Under the Sun: A Reply to Gil Perl 23 Nov 2017
Gidon Rothstein responds to Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl's essay, highlighting their shared background influenced by Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein's teachings but differin...
23 Nov 2017
Tablet How a New Book about Baseball Cards Helped Me Understand My Own Obsession with Jewish Players 22 Nov 2017
A Jewish author reflects on his childhood love for collecting baseball cards with a Catholic friend, initially indifferent to players' Jewish background but ...
22 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus On Racism and the Torah 21 Nov 2017
The discussion explores a Mishnah from Negaim, focusing on the diagnosis oftzaraat, a skin condition, in Jewish textual tradition. The Mishnah raises questio...
21 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus In Search of Modern Orthodoxy 20 Nov 2017
Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl reflects on his journey within Modern Orthodoxy, initially inspired by Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, but ultimately seeking more certainty in...
20 Nov 2017
Tablet On Bearing False Witness 14 Nov 2017
Literary critic Adam Kirsch delves into Tractate Makkot of the Talmud, exploring the punishment of conspiring witnesses, who give false testimony to cheat ot...
14 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus Racism and Religious Particularism: A Corrective Antidote 13 Nov 2017
The essay delves into the issue of racism within Judaism, exploring how religious particularism can contribute to prejudicial attitudes and xenophobia. It di...
13 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus A Love Letter to the Woman of Valor 9 Nov 2017
The author reflects on the traditional Jewish poem, Eishet Hayil (Woman of Valor), initially viewing it as a metaphor between the Jewish people and the Sabba...
9 Nov 2017