Daily Podcasts Video Research
Jewish Review of Books Inside or Outside? 28 Jun 2017
The text delves into the importance of texts both inside and outside the Bible in understanding Jewish tradition. Scholars have uncovered a wealth of ancient...
28 Jun 2017
Jewish Review of Books The Rogochover Speaks His Mind  28 Jun 2017
Rabbi Joseph Rozin, known as the Rogochover, was a renowned 20th-century talmudic genius known for his unconventional and highly original legal thinking. His...
28 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus These and Those … But Definitely not Those! 20 Jun 2017
Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky's exploration of the concept of elu ve-elu divrei Elokim hayyim raises questions about the Torah-prophecy relationship, particularly in Y...
20 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus The Vanishing Non-Observant Orthodox Jew? A Reply to Zev Eleff 19 Jun 2017
Zev Eleff's article responds to the notion of a disappearing non-observant Orthodox Jew within the American Jewish community, pointing out the lack of clear ...
19 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus Not Your Parents’ “Nonobservance:” A Rejoinder 19 Jun 2017
Zev Eleff responds to Elli Fischer and Matt Williams' critiques of his essay "The Vanishing Non-Observant Orthodox Jew," clarifying that his study does not d...
19 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus Get Your Hashkafa Out of My Chumash! 13 Jun 2017
In a discussion responding to concerns about ideological alignment in ritual texts used by Modern Orthodox Jews, Yaakov Jaffe deliberates on the preference f...
13 Jun 2017
Tablet Betting on the Bible 13 Jun 2017
The text tells a personal story about the author's father's approach to gambling, particularly his reliance on favorite psalms for lottery numbers. The fathe...
13 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus The Vanishing Non-Observant Orthodox Jew 8 Jun 2017
The term "Non-Observant Orthodox Jew" gained attention in the 1970s, describing Orthodox Jews who did not strictly adhere to Jewish law but identified with O...
8 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus The Nature of Halakhic Civil Law 29 May 2017
The text discusses the nature of Halakhic civil law, focusing on the eternal and divine origin of Jewish civil laws as revealed in the Torah. Traditional Jew...
29 May 2017
Lehrhaus The Utility of Ambiguity 29 May 2017
Rabbi Louis Jacobs explores the theme of unresolved debates in the Talmud, symbolized by the term "teyku," highlighting the role of doubt in Torah study. Dra...
29 May 2017
Lehrhaus God, Torah, Self: Accepting the Yoke of Heaven in the Writings of Rav Shagar 26 May 2017
Rav Shagar, an influential thinker in Israel's Dati Leumi community, focused on the concept of accepting the yoke of Heaven in his teachings. He explored two...
26 May 2017
Tablet Illegal Immigration and the Book of Ruth 26 May 2017
The discussion examines the parallel between illegal immigration issues faced in the United States today and the story of Ruth from the Book of Ruth, traditi...
26 May 2017
Lehrhaus The Philosopher King and the Poet Messiah: Hellenic and Hebrew Republics Compared 22 May 2017
Bezalel Naor delves into the comparison between the Jewish and Hellenic views of leadership and the ideal states through the lenses of Talmudic legends and t...
22 May 2017
Lehrhaus The Death of the Rabbi 15 May 2017
In a contemplative piece, Elli Fischer discusses the unique practice of celebrating the death of revered rabbinic figures, focusing on the example of Rabbi S...
15 May 2017
Lehrhaus The 10th Yahr: On Loving and Losing and Finding a Jewish Husband 8 May 2017
Beverly Siegel reflects on the 10th anniversary of her husband Gary's death and the journey of love, loss, and finding a new partner, Howard. She shares how ...
8 May 2017
Lehrhaus The Pedagogical Imagination of a Subversive Conservative: Rabbi Soloveitchik’s Arrival as an Educational Visionary 4 May 2017
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, a young rabbi, displayed remarkable vision and innovation in his educational manifesto outlined in a short article in a Boston ...
4 May 2017
Lehrhaus Rabbi Warns Jews on Education: Advises Blend of Secular Study 27 Apr 2017
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, in a 1932 interview, highlights the challenge facing Orthodox Jews in blending traditional Jewish religious study with modern s...
27 Apr 2017
Lehrhaus Looking for a Way to Commemorate Yom Ha-Shoah? 24 Apr 2017
The author, Ben Greenfeld, has created a ritual called Seder ha-Levayah le-Yom Ha-Shoah (A Yom HaShoah Funeral Service) to provide a more meaningful and part...
24 Apr 2017
Lehrhaus Chosenness and Bias in the Jewish Community 24 Apr 2017
Alan Kadish discusses the concept of chosenness and bias within the Jewish community, noting a rise in racism and antisemitism in American society and propos...
24 Apr 2017
Tablet My Two Divorces 24 Apr 2017
The author recounts her experience going through both a civil and a Jewish divorce within a year and a half of marriage. She highlights the stark contrast be...
24 Apr 2017
Lehrhaus Lessons Learned from the Professor: A Tribute to Prof. Louis Feldman 20 Apr 2017
Shlomo Riskin reflects on the profound influence of Professor Louis Feldman, his teacher at Yeshiva University. Despite initially taking a Latin class to rea...
20 Apr 2017
Lehrhaus Three Sonnets 13 Apr 2017
In three sonnets by Jeffrey Burghauser, the first poem describes an old man playing a banjo during a storm, showcasing the idea that all storms have equal de...
13 Apr 2017
Lehrhaus By Whose Blood Do We Live? 9 Apr 2017
The Midrash explores the significance of the four days of taking and watching over the paschal lamb before its sacrifice, linking it to the need for Israelit...
9 Apr 2017
Lehrhaus Why You Need to Read Daniel Deronda 6 Apr 2017
"Daniel Deronda" by George Eliot is hailed as a philosemitic, proto-Zionist novel that takes readers on a journey through Jewish life and thought, evoking a ...
6 Apr 2017
Lehrhaus The Living Bibles of the Vatican Library 3 Apr 2017
The Vatican Library houses a collection of richly annotated Bible manuscripts, shedding light on the way people in the Middle Ages engaged with the text. The...
3 Apr 2017
Lehrhaus On Nehama’s Yahrzeit, Thinking About Zeitgeists 31 Mar 2017
The text discusses the legacy of Professor Nehama Leibowitz on the twentieth anniversary of her passing and reflects on her influence on Jewish scholarship, ...
31 Mar 2017
Lehrhaus Moana and the Call of Jewish Destiny 30 Mar 2017
The article explores the themes of destiny, tradition, and inner voice in the Disney film "Moana" and draws parallels to Jewish history and identity. The pro...
30 Mar 2017
Lehrhaus How to Translate “Halakhic Man”: A Response and a Proposal 29 Mar 2017
Lawrence J. Kaplan responds to criticism from Rabbi Aryeh Klapper regarding his translation of Rav Soloveitchik's "Ish ha-Halakhah," emphasizing the challeng...
29 Mar 2017
Lehrhaus Ivri Anochi: A Tribute to the Paradox of Jewish Pride 28 Mar 2017
The article discusses a Purim music video of Benny Friedman's song "Ivri Anochi," which celebrates Jewish identity while incorporating non-Jewish cultural el...
28 Mar 2017
Lehrhaus Prof. Louis H. Feldman at Yeshiva College 27 Mar 2017
Prof. Louis H. Feldman, a Harvard-trained expert in Greek and Latin, was hired by Yeshiva University in 1955 where he joined the Department of History due to...
27 Mar 2017
Jewish Review of Books “Repent, Repent” 27 Mar 2017
In Leonard Cohen's song "The Future," the idea of repentance is pondered, leading to a discussion on how the concept of repentance as we know it today is not...
27 Mar 2017
Jewish Action The Future of Reproductive Medicine: What Does Halachah Say? 21 Mar 2017
Reproductive medicine has seen remarkable technological advancements since the introduction of IVF in 1978, leading to the development of pre-implantation ge...
21 Mar 2017
Lehrhaus Halakhic Poet? Translating the Rav for a Generation that ‘Knew not Joseph’ 20 Mar 2017
In this article, Aryeh Klapper reflects on his deep connection to the teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, known as "the Rav," and discusses the challe...
20 Mar 2017
Tablet Orthodox Israeli Feminists Meet Our American Cousins 8 Mar 2017
The text discusses the generational connection between the author and Blu Greenberg, a prominent Orthodox feminist, tracing their interactions over the years...
8 Mar 2017
Lehrhaus Two Pieces on Terumah 3 Mar 2017
The text explores two perspectives on the concept of spirituality within the Jewish tradition. Firstly, it demonstrates that God's presence descends to the c...
3 Mar 2017
Lehrhaus Wanted: Precision, Nuance, and Avodat Hashem 28 Feb 2017
The recent statement by the Orthodox Union on professional roles for women in Orthodox synagogues has sparked intense debate within the Jewish community. In ...
28 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus Ahron Marcus: The Leading Hasidic, Zionist, Scholar of Ancient Judaism You Never Heard of 27 Feb 2017
Ahron Marcus, a fascinating figure largely unknown to many, was a prominent Hasidic scholar, Zionist pioneer, and expert in ancient Judaism at the turn of th...
27 Feb 2017
Tablet Paying it Forward—With Chocolate 24 Feb 2017
Confectionery! in New York City's East Village features a Mitzvah Wall where customers can pre-purchase treats for individuals facing challenges, exemplifyin...
24 Feb 2017
Forward In Bay Area, Karaite Jews Keep An Ancient Movement Alive 23 Feb 2017
Congregation Bnai Israel in Daly City, California is the only Karaite synagogue in North America, upholding traditions that diverged from Rabbinic Judaism ar...
23 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus JLIC: The OU Program That Introduced a New Vision of Orthodox Women’s Leadership 23 Feb 2017
JLIC, the Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus, was established in 1996 by Rabbi Menachem Schrader to provide Orthodox leadership to students on American col...
23 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus Semikhah and Mesorah: A Response to the OU Panel 23 Feb 2017
A symposium was convened by Lehrhaus to reflect on the Orthodox Union's recent statement on women's roles in Orthodox synagogues. Jeffrey S. Fox analyzes Rab...
23 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus OU—Enforce and Educate! 23 Feb 2017
The Orthodox Union's recent statement on professional roles for women in Orthodox synagogues has sparked debate, especially regarding ordination of women as ...
23 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus On the Lomdus of the OU Responsum 22 Feb 2017
The Orthodox Union's recent comprehensive responsum concerning professional roles for women in Orthodox synagogues has generated significant debate within th...
22 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus Modeling Modernity: Revisiting the Rabbi Soloveitchik Paradigm 21 Feb 2017
The text discusses the challenge of accommodating change in a religion with a divine origin, focusing on the Orthodox Union's statement on the roles of women...
21 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus Yeshivish Women Clergy: The Secular State and Changing Roles for Women in Ultra-Orthodoxy 21 Feb 2017
The Orthodox Union's recent statement on professional roles for women in synagogues has sparked intense debate, particularly in the Modern Orthodox community...
21 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus Putting Our Money Where Our Mouths Are 20 Feb 2017
The Orthodox Union's recent statement about the roles of women in Orthodox synagogues has sparked debate. Rivka Press Schwartz, in reflecting on the statemen...
20 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus A Tone Meant 17 Feb 2017
The discussion revolves around the importance of tone in conveying meaning and authority in religious texts, particularly focusing on the introduction of God...
17 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus A Principled Pesak and a Window into Pesak 15 Feb 2017
The Orthodox Unions recent statement on professional roles for women in Orthodox synagogues has sparked widespread debate. Shmuel Winiarz discusses the histo...
15 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus Lay-Rabbinic Relations: The Present Moment and the Path Ahead 15 Feb 2017
The ongoing debate spurred by the Orthodox Union's recent statement on professional roles for women in Orthodox synagogues has revealed a breakdown in trust ...
15 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus What Yitro Can Teach Us About Synagogue Leadership 13 Feb 2017
The author discusses the concept of synagogue leadership inspired by Yitro's advice to Moses on establishing judges. The article suggests a new system for se...
13 Feb 2017