Daily Podcasts Video search
Tablet Finding the Joy in Shabbat 3 Nov 2023
In the wake of the recent tragedies and ongoing conflict affecting the Jewish community, many people are finding solace and joy in celebrating Shabbat. Socia...
3 Nov 2023
Tablet The Israel Op 3 Nov 2023
This text discusses the phenomenon of information warfare campaigns conducted by the U.S. government to manipulate and divide Americans. It asserts that thes...
3 Nov 2023
Tablet You Can’t Hurry Love 3 Nov 2023
The author reflects on the process of planning a wedding compared to the planning of an engagement, highlighting the detailed emphasis on the laws of engagem...
3 Nov 2023
Tablet Who Are We Now? 3 Nov 2023
This text describes the author's experience during a war in Israel. They visit a hotel where the evacuees are staying and attempt to provide comfort to traum...
3 Nov 2023
Tablet Miami Heat 2 Nov 2023
This text discusses the growing Jewish community in Miami, which has seen an increase in both young and innovative members since 2014. The author highlights ...
2 Nov 2023
Tablet The War Against the Jews 2 Nov 2023
The text describes the history of anti-Semitism and the ongoing threat that Jews face, both historically and in the present. It highlights how Jews were targ...
2 Nov 2023
Tablet An Open Letter to Hamas’ Defenders 2 Nov 2023
In this open letter to Hamas defenders, the author addresses individuals who may be advocating for or implicitly defending terrorism. The author acknowledges...
2 Nov 2023
Tablet Never Again Is Now 1 Nov 2023
The author discusses the rise of anti-Zionism and antisemitism on American college campuses and highlights the failure of university leaders to unequivocally...
1 Nov 2023
Tablet Jewish Writing During Wartime 1 Nov 2023
This article discusses the experiences of Jewish writers during wartime, focusing on two figures: Sholem Aleichem, a famous Yiddish writer from the late 19th...
1 Nov 2023
Tablet Ivy Leaguers, Find Your Spines 31 Oct 2023
The author reflects on their experiences at Columbia University, where they encountered a double standard in the way their classmates treated injustice and s...
31 Oct 2023
Tablet Why Israel Feels Like Home 31 Oct 2023
The author reflects on her experiences living in Israel and the recent attacks by Hamas. She recounts growing up in the Soviet Union with anti-Semitism and t...
31 Oct 2023
Tablet France’s Nightmare Is Yours Now 31 Oct 2023
The author, a French Jew, reflects on the recent rise of anti-Semitism and acts of violence against Jews around the world. They recount instances of anti-Sem...
31 Oct 2023
Tablet The Spirit of ’48 30 Oct 2023
The article discusses the recent security events in Israel and reflects on the failures of the state's security institutions and decision-makers. It argues t...
30 Oct 2023
Tablet Verdi’s Jewish Opera Grandly Staged at the Metropolitan 30 Oct 2023
Giuseppe Verdi's opera "Nabucco" is a work with deep Jewish sensibility despite the composer's lack of religious affiliation. The opera's iconic chorus, Va P...
30 Oct 2023
Tablet Feminists Are Consenting to Hamas’ Rape Culture 30 Oct 2023
The author criticizes the feminist community for remaining silent in the face of the brutal attacks by Hamas on women in southern Israel. Despite their previ...
30 Oct 2023
Tablet Anatomy of a Blood Libel 30 Oct 2023
The article discusses a false claim made by various news outlets that an Israeli air strike killed at least 500 people at the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza. It is...
30 Oct 2023
Tablet Today’s Terahs 27 Oct 2023
The article explores the biblical figure of Terah, the father of Abraham, and his role in the narrative of God's command to Abram to go to the land of Canaan...
27 Oct 2023
Tablet Marty Glickman 27 Oct 2023
In 1936, Marty Glickman, a Jewish athlete, was removed from the 4x100m relay race at the Berlin Olympics in favor of Jesse Owens and Ralph Metcalfe. The deci...
27 Oct 2023
Tablet Preparing for an Emergency 27 Oct 2023
Israel's Galilee Medical Center recently conducted simulations to train healthcare professionals for a potential war front opening in the region. The hospita...
27 Oct 2023
Tablet Hamas Killed My Wokeness 26 Oct 2023
In this personal essay, the author reflects on his journey from being a progressive supporter of the Palestinian cause to feeling disillusioned with the prog...
26 Oct 2023
Tablet Israel Abandoned My Son Out of Fear 26 Oct 2023
The author, a bereaved father, criticizes the Israeli military and political leadership for abandoning his son and other fallen soldiers captured by Hamas. H...
26 Oct 2023
Tablet The George Kennan Who Wasn’t 26 Oct 2023
This article criticizes Jake Sullivan, the U.S. National Security Advisor, questioning his qualifications and leadership abilities. It highlights his rapid r...
26 Oct 2023
Tablet The Protests of Fools 26 Oct 2023
The author questions the double standard and selective outrage displayed by protesters who support the Palestinian cause but ignore other instances of violen...
26 Oct 2023
Tablet The DEI Complex Will Never Protect Jews 25 Oct 2023
The author argues that the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) complex in American higher education fails to protect Jewish students during times of crisi...
25 Oct 2023
Tablet America Needs a Decisive Israeli Victory 25 Oct 2023
The article argues that the outcome of the Gaza war will have significant implications for America's influence in the Middle East in its competition with Chi...
25 Oct 2023
Tablet Weddings in Wartime 25 Oct 2023
This article discusses the impact of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas on weddings in Israel. Many couples have had to downsize or postpone their...
25 Oct 2023
Tablet Netanyahu’s Deal With Putin Goes Wrong 24 Oct 2023
The article discusses the consequences of a Hamas attack on Israel and its impact on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's relationship with Russian Pr...
24 Oct 2023
Tablet America’s Democratic Socialists Loved Israel 24 Oct 2023
During the 1967 Six-Day War and 1973 Yom Kippur War, leaders in America's democratic socialist movement, including Michael Harrington and Bayard Rustin, were...
24 Oct 2023
Tablet Sitting Shiva, Far From Home 24 Oct 2023
Saar Margolis, a resident of the Israeli community Kibbutz Kissufim, was killed by Hamas terrorists. Following the attack, Margolis' family and other survivo...
24 Oct 2023
Tablet A Beautifully Jewish Craft-Along for Israel 23 Oct 2023
This text is promoting a virtual craft-along event aimed at supporting children in Israeli hospitals and the Israeli Defense Forces. Participants can join vi...
23 Oct 2023
Tablet Biden’s Three Nos 23 Oct 2023
President Biden's visit to Israel was seen as a show of support for the country, but closer examination reveals some concerning aspects. Biden's policy of ap...
23 Oct 2023
Tablet The Ford Foundation Carries on the Legacy of Its Namesake 23 Oct 2023
The Ford Foundation, led by president Darren Walker, has announced its support for immediate humanitarian relief efforts in Gaza and the Middle East, specifi...
23 Oct 2023
Tablet Pro-Hamas Capitol Protest Backed By Democratic Dark Money 22 Oct 2023
Around 300 protestors were arrested at the U.S. Capitol in October 2023 during a demonstration opposing Israel's war in Gaza and calling for a ceasefire. The...
22 Oct 2023
Tablet Birthright Worked 21 Oct 2023
The author reflects on their Birthright trip to Israel and its impact on their connection to the country and the ongoing conflict with Palestine. They initia...
21 Oct 2023
Tablet Why Egypt Leaves Palestinians in Gaza to Die 21 Oct 2023
The article discusses Egypt's refusal to play a constructive role in the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, highlighting the country's longstanding a...
21 Oct 2023
Tablet Jews of the Left 20 Oct 2023
The author addresses fellow Jews on the left and expresses their horror at the recent acts of anti-Semitism, including the brutal murders of innocent Jews by...
20 Oct 2023
Tablet Why a Nice Girl Vandalizes Israeli Hostage Rescue Posters 20 Oct 2023
A New York University student, Yazmeen Deyhimi, who was caught on video vandalizing posters depicting Israeli hostage victims, had a history of volunteering ...
20 Oct 2023
Tablet Celebrating ‘Unity’ in North Carolina 20 Oct 2023
Chabad of Raleigh, North Carolina, organized a Shabbat dinner for Israel that also served as a fundraiser for a restaurant in Tel Aviv owned by a member of t...
20 Oct 2023
Tablet Our Support for Israel Is as Important as That for Ukraine 20 Oct 2023
The author argues that our support for Israel is just as important as our support for Ukraine, especially in the face of terrorist attacks by Hamas. The auth...
20 Oct 2023
Tablet Where Are You People? 20 Oct 2023
The author expresses frustration with the art world's silence in expressing support for Israel and the Jewish people during the recent conflict in Gaza. They...
20 Oct 2023
Tablet An Indigenous Zionist Speaks Out 20 Oct 2023
The author, a Native woman from Peru, expresses her opinion on the situation in Israel, highlighting what she perceives as a double standard in the way peopl...
20 Oct 2023
Tablet The Hollow Men 19 Oct 2023
The article discusses the film "Carlos," a biopic about the terrorist Carlos the Jackal. The film portrays Carlos as a hollow and empty individual driven by ...
19 Oct 2023
Tablet The Writing Is on the Wall for Jewish Students 19 Oct 2023
The writer describes the hostile environment that Jewish students face on American college campuses, particularly in the aftermath of the recent conflict bet...
19 Oct 2023
Tablet The Terrorist, the State, and the Student 19 Oct 2023
This text describes the portrayal of a terrorist in a film and explores the contrast between the terrorist and the state. The terrorist is depicted as beauti...
19 Oct 2023
Tablet The Terrorist Who Mistook His Life for a Movie 19 Oct 2023
The article discusses Olivier Assayas' film "Carlos," which explores the life of Venezuelan-born terrorist Illich Ramírez Sánchez, also known as Carlos. The ...
19 Oct 2023
Tablet The Hell of Urban Warfare Is Not Unique to Gaza 19 Oct 2023
The author discusses the parallels between the urban warfare in the US-backed campaign to liberate Mosul from the Islamic State in 2016-17 and the potential ...
19 Oct 2023
Tablet ‘More Relevant Than Ever’ 18 Oct 2023
The Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York has opened a new exhibition called "Courage to Act: Rescue in Denmark," which tells the story of the Danish and Swe...
18 Oct 2023
Tablet We Know Terror 18 Oct 2023
The author reflects on their feelings of pain and fear after seeing the recent Hamas attack on Israel, comparing it to the feelings they had during 9/11 and ...
18 Oct 2023
Tablet Eyeless in Gaza 18 Oct 2023
This article discusses Israel's intelligence failure in the face of a massive Hamas terrorist attack in Gaza. The author highlights the role of Lebanon in th...
18 Oct 2023
Tablet Pray for Madness 17 Oct 2023
The author reflects on the current state of danger and suffering for both Israel and Jews worldwide, and the necessity of special prayers during such times. ...
17 Oct 2023