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Jewish Action Jews Don’t Feel Safe in France: French Aliyah Soars 9 Mar 2015
A significant increase in French Jews making aliyah to Israel is driven by a growing sense of insecurity due to rising anti-Semitism in France. The Bchar fam...
9 Mar 2015
Jewish Action Pesach Dieters, Take Note: You Can Have Your Potato—and Eat It, Too! 3 Mar 2015
Potatoes often get a bad rap for being perceived as fattening due to their carb content, but they are actually nutritious and low in fat, providing essential...
3 Mar 2015
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about . . . Mishloach Manot? 16 Feb 2015
Mishloach Manot, the act of giving food gifts on Purim, does not require the foods to be from different blessing categories, contrary to a common misconcepti...
16 Feb 2015
Jewish Action Purim with Dr. Seuss 11 Feb 2015
This playful and clever Dr. Seuss-style Purim retelling by Naomi Wolf merges the story of Purim with the whimsical rhyming and rhythm of Dr. Seuss's books. T...
11 Feb 2015
Jewish Action Chocolate Heaven for Purim 11 Feb 2015
As Purim approaches, Eileen Goltz reflects on her children's creative costume choices for the holiday and channels her energy into making delicious treats fo...
11 Feb 2015
Jewish Action A Purim Afterthought 11 Feb 2015
The misconception that Mordechai and Esther, the heroes of Purim, were uncle and niece is clarified in this piece, stating they were actually first cousins a...
11 Feb 2015
Jewish Action Hard Truths about Hard Liquor 11 Feb 2015
Many Orthodox Jewish occasions involve the consumption of hard liquor like whiskey and scotch, but it's crucial to note that liquor production may involve no...
11 Feb 2015
Jewish Action Majesty and Mystery: A Commentary on Megillat Esther and The Ma’ariv Evening Service for Purim 1 Feb 2015
Rabbi Norman Lamm's "Majesty and Mystery" is a insightful commentary on Megillat Esther and the Maariv Evening Service for Purim. This collection of Rabbi La...
1 Feb 2015
Jewish Action Winter Workout 24 Dec 2014
The text provides advice for frum women on how to stay active during winter. It highlights outdoor activities like skiing, suggests wearing appropriate cloth...
24 Dec 2014
Jewish Action Chanukah’s Coming: Ta’am to Make the Latkes 1 Dec 2014
The article discusses various recipes for latkes, a traditional Jewish dish commonly enjoyed during Chanukah. The author shares personal memories of making l...
1 Dec 2014
Jewish Action Living the Sweet Life 1 Dec 2014
Excessive sugar consumption, especially added sugars, has been linked to weight gain and various chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease due to thei...
1 Dec 2014
Jewish Action Unlocking the Torah Text— Devarim: An In-depth Journey into the Weekly Parsha 1 Dec 2014
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin's "Unlocking the Torah Text - Devarim" offers a comprehensive exploration of the Book of Deuteronomy, focusing on critical and fundamenta...
1 Dec 2014
Jewish Action Thinking Like a Jew: Reflections on Chanukah 1 Dec 2014
The reflections on Chanukah delve into the differences between Greek and Jewish modes of thinking, examining how the Greeks aimed to blur the distinction bet...
1 Dec 2014
Jewish Action The “Hole” Truth About Sufganiyot 1 Dec 2014
The tradition of eating sufganiyot during Chanukah in Israel is deeply ingrained, with a myth connecting them to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden despite n...
1 Dec 2014
Jewish Action The Little-Known Story Behind the Latke 1 Dec 2014
The emergence of the potato latke, a staple of Chanukah celebrations today, is a relatively recent development dating back to the nineteenth century in Easte...
1 Dec 2014
Jewish Action Variations on the Chanukah Theme 1 Dec 2014
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm delivered a sermon during Chanukah discussing the order of lighting Chanukah candles and reciting Havdalah, reflecting a clash of princ...
1 Dec 2014
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about . . . the Arba Minim? 16 Sep 2014
The mitzvah of the Arba Minim (the Four Species) during Sukkot involves holding the lulav, hadasim, and aravot together in one hand and the etrog separately....
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Action New Books from OU Press 8 Sep 2014
"Headlines" by Dovid Lichtenstein examines contemporary issues faced by Orthodox Jews through a halachic lens, offering researched analyses based on classica...
8 Sep 2014
Jewish Action After Pew: What Will It Take to Save American Jewry 16 Jun 2014
The discussion after the Pew Research report highlights the concerning rate of intermarriage among American Jews, with 58% overall and even higher among non-...
16 Jun 2014
Jewish Action On and Off the Beaten Track in . . . Yad Vashem 16 Jun 2014
The article discusses the emotional impact of visiting the Yad Vashem Museum in Jerusalem, focusing on the personal stories and exhibits that aim to bring th...
16 Jun 2014
Jewish Action ANGLOS WHO HAVE HAD AN IMPACT 18 Mar 2014
Dr. David Applebaum, a renowned physician and talmid chacham, made significant contributions to Israeli emergency medicine, including developing innovative m...
18 Mar 2014
Jewish Action Yerach Tov: Birkat HaChodesh in Jewish Law and Liturgy 18 Mar 2014
In Rabbi Elchanan Adler's book "Yerach Tov: Birkat HaChodesh in Jewish Law and Liturgy," he delves into the intricate details of the prayer for the new month...
18 Mar 2014
Jewish Action What’s the Truth About . . . Reading the Megillah on Purim Morning? 2 Mar 2014
The morning Megillah reading on Purim is actually more important than the nighttime reading, according to Halacha. The requirement for two readings is based ...
2 Mar 2014
Jewish Action A Gentle Giant : Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, zt”l 20 Feb 2014
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, a revered figure in the Israeli Torah world, was known for his humility, deep expertise in Jewish law, and a balanced approach ...
20 Feb 2014
Jewish Action A Dairy Delicious Chanukah/Hannukah 1 Dec 2013
Chanukah festivities traditionally include fried foods like latkes and sufganiyot to commemorate the miracle of the oil lasting for eight days. While dairy d...
1 Dec 2013
Jewish Action What’s the Truth About…Fasting and Wearing Leather on Yom Kippur? 12 Sep 2013
Wearing leather items like belts and yarmulkes is permitted on Yom Kippur and Tishah B'Av; only leather shoes are prohibited. The prohibition stems from the ...
12 Sep 2013
Jewish Action A Clarification by Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein 12 Aug 2013
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein offers a clarification following a publication referencing Rabbi Yitzchok Hutner's approach to suffering, emphasizing a sense of re...
12 Aug 2013
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about . . . the Legend of Two Brothers and the Temple Mount? 12 Aug 2013
The legend of two brothers expressing mutual devotion through sharing is a popular but unfounded story in Jewish tradition. The true significance of the Temp...
12 Aug 2013
Jewish Action Do We Still Mourn the Churban? 7 Jul 2013
Rabbi Joshua Berman delves into the lack of emotional connection many Jews feel towards Tishah B'Av, questioning why the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash do...
7 Jul 2013
Jewish Action What’s the truth about….the Cause of the Destruction of the Beit Hamikdash? 24 Jun 2013
While the rabbinic tradition often attributes the destruction of the Second Beit Hamikdash to sinat chinam (gratuitous hatred), various sources have identifi...
24 Jun 2013
Jewish Action Kinot: The Language of Loss 1 Jun 2013
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb shares his deep connection to leading Tishah B'Av morning programs focusing on the kinot, expressing the need for meaningful pre...
1 Jun 2013
Jewish Action On and Off the Beaten Track at… Independence Hall 23 May 2013
Independence Hall in Tel Aviv holds historical significance as the site where Israel's Declaration of Independence was announced on May 14, 1948, marking the...
23 May 2013
Jewish Action Redemption and the Power of Small Things 30 Apr 2013
Rabbi Yosef Zev Lipovitz's commentary on the Book of Ruth emphasizes themes of redemption, devotion, and personal choice. Through the characters of Naomi, Ru...
30 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Linking Ruth to Bereishit 29 Apr 2013
Rabbi Joel Sirkes, known as the Bach, in his commentary on Megillat Ruth, draws parallels between Ruth's story and Jacob's acquisition of a blessing from his...
29 Apr 2013
Jewish Action The Yom Kippur War : An American Volunteer Remembers 9 Apr 2013
The text recounts the personal experience of an American volunteer during the Yom Kippur War in 1973, highlighting the surprise attack on Israel by Egypt and...
9 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Dream or Disappointment? 9 Apr 2013
The text explores the complex reality of the State of Israel, highlighting the juxtaposition of dreams and disappointments in its history and current state. ...
9 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Yona Baumel, Man of Faith 8 Apr 2013
Yona Baumel, a man of faith, passed away on Shavuot at the age of eighty-one, without his son Zecharya having been returned after going missing in a battle d...
8 Apr 2013
Jewish Action A Love Story in Anticipation of a Happy Ending 8 Apr 2013
The article reflects on the current state of Israel, noting both challenges and achievements. While there are issues such as corruption, education quality, a...
8 Apr 2013
Jewish Action On and Off the Beaten Track in…the Har’el Lookout 7 Apr 2013
During Israel's War of Independence, the construction of the Burma Road provided a crucial bypass to Jerusalem through the mountains, allowing Jewish soldier...
7 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Judea and Identity 7 Apr 2013
The text emphasizes the deep historical and spiritual connection between the Jewish people and Judea. It highlights how despite being dispersed for millennia...
7 Apr 2013
Jewish Action And Yet…. 7 Apr 2013
The text discusses the complex and contradictory nature of Israel, highlighting issues such as political instability, economic disparities, academic tensions...
7 Apr 2013
Jewish Action My Sister, My Home, My Life: The Story of Ruthi Cohen 6 Apr 2013
Ruthi Cohen, a devoted woman with a deep faith, is at the center of a narrative detailing the life and tragedy of her family in Gush Katif. Ruthi and her hus...
6 Apr 2013
Jewish Action On and Off the Beaten Track in … Gush Etzion 6 Apr 2013
Gush Etzion, located south of Jerusalem, holds significant historical and modern Jewish importance, attracting visitors with its rich heritage and attraction...
6 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Feeling the Hand of God 6 Apr 2013
After a suicide bombing in Jerusalem, Dr. Avraham Bauer and his son Yehonathon were severely injured, with Yehonathon suffering a brain wound that left him b...
6 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Open 3 Apr 2013
This poem reflects on the legacy of Holocaust survivors, exploring themes of identity, faith, and intergenerational trauma. The speaker, a descendant of surv...
3 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Healing a Wounded Covenant: Children of Holocaust Survivors Reclaim their Heritage 2 Apr 2013
The text delves into the experiences of second-generation Holocaust survivors, referred to as 2Gs, who have grappled with their parents' trauma and the impac...
2 Apr 2013
Jewish Action God, Israel, & Shiloh: Returning to the Land 2 Apr 2013
"God, Israel, & Shiloh: Returning to the Land" by David Rubin recounts his harrowing experience of being shot at with his young son in Shiloh, a Jewish commu...
2 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Mourning Under Glass: Reflections on a Son’s Murder 2 Apr 2013
"Mourning Under Glass: Reflections on a Son's Murder" by Naftali Moses is a deeply emotional account of the author's journey through grief after his son, Avr...
2 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Memoir: The Lord Is My Shepherd 1 Apr 2013
A memoir titled "The Lord Is My Shepherd" reflects on a third-generation American assimilated Jewish family's journey back to their Jewish roots. The author'...
1 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Responsa From the Holocaust 1 Apr 2013
Rabbi Ephraim Oshry, a respected figure in the Kovno Ghetto during the Holocaust, received questions on Jewish law in the face of extreme hardship. He wrote ...
1 Apr 2013