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Jewish Action Hidden in Thunder: Perspectives on Faith, Halachah and Leadership during the Holocaust 30 Mar 2013
"Hidden in Thunder" by Esther Farbstein delves into the choices made by Jewish individuals, particularly Rabbi Avraham Dov-Ber Kahane-Shapiro, during the Hol...
30 Mar 2013
Jewish Action The Bugs Are Burning/When the Danube Ran Red 29 Mar 2013
"The Bugs Are Burning" by Sheldon Hersh and Robert Wolf discusses how the dehumanization of Jews in Eastern Europe during the Holocaust allowed many civilian...
29 Mar 2013
Jewish Action Between My Father and the Old Fool: A Holocaust Memoir 29 Mar 2013
"Between My Father and the Old Fool: A Holocaust Memoir" by Maier Cahan, adapted by Yosef Neumark, delves into Cahan's personal Holocaust experiences and his...
29 Mar 2013
Jewish Action If God is Good, Why is the World So Bad? 29 Mar 2013
In "If God is Good, Why is the World So Bad?" by Rabbi Blech, the author addresses the age-old question of how to reconcile belief in a benevolent deity with...
29 Mar 2013
Jewish Action On Calendars And the Holocaust 28 Mar 2013
The text discusses the significance of the Jewish calendar, especially focusing on its importance during the Holocaust. It highlights how the Jewish calendar...
28 Mar 2013
Jewish Action Advocate for the Doomed: The Diaries and Papers of James G. McDonald, 1932-1935 26 Mar 2013
"Advocate for the Doomed: The Diaries and Papers of James G. McDonald, 1932-1935" portrays the efforts of James G. McDonald in the 1930s to aid German Jews f...
26 Mar 2013
Jewish Action Achdut by Sandy, or Achdut by Love? 4 Mar 2013
The article reflects on the concept of unity, or "achdut," within the Jewish community, drawing parallels from historical events and personal experiences. It...
4 Mar 2013
Jewish Action Unmasking the Purim Pesach Connection 11 Feb 2013
The article discusses the unique relationship between Purim and Pesach, highlighting their proximity on the calendar despite being far apart linearly. It del...
11 Feb 2013
Jewish Action Rishon LeCheshbon 24 Sep 2012
Yossi Huttler's poem "Rishon LeCheshbon" reflects on the significance of a bar mitzvah occurring during Succos, a time of accountability and introspection. T...
24 Sep 2012
Jewish Action Guest Pass 24 Sep 2012
Yossi Huttler, author of Lakol Zman: A Poetical Journey Through The Jewish Year, reflects on his temporary sukkah as a rustic weeklong shelter, expressing re...
24 Sep 2012
Jewish Action Why Is It So Hard to Change? The Six Obstacles to Teshuvah 19 Sep 2012
The text discusses the psychological obstacles to teshuvah (repentance) faced by individuals who may believe they have no need for repentance due to their ob...
19 Sep 2012
Jewish Action Reflections on the Power of Prayer 18 Sep 2012
The text explores the power and relevance of prayer in Judaism, emphasizing the importance of speaking to God in one's own words to feel His presence in dail...
18 Sep 2012
Jewish Action Vacationing for the Frugal: Tips for the Cost-Conscious Traveler 8 Aug 2012
The text offers tips for cost-conscious travelers looking to save money during vacation. Suggestions include opting for a staycation to save on food and acco...
8 Aug 2012
Jewish Action IF I FORGET THEE, O JERUSALEM 8 Jul 2012
After the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash, Jewish Sages established customs to remember Jerusalem and the Temple to ensure that joy would be incomplete wit...
8 Jul 2012
Jewish Action In the Narrow Places: Daily Inspiration for the Three Weeks 15 Jun 2012
"In the Narrow Places: Daily Inspiration for the Three Weeks" by Erica Brown explores the challenge of truly experiencing mourning during the period between ...
15 Jun 2012
Jewish Action Letter from South Africa 7 Dec 2011
In Johannesburg, South Africa, a new eruv construction sparked opposition due to security concerns, reflecting the unique challenges faced by the Jewish comm...
7 Dec 2011
Jewish Action Diras Arai 16 Sep 2011
Yossi Huttler reflects on the concept of Diras Arai, the temporary dwelling, in Jewish tradition. He muses on the faith involved in residing within these imp...
16 Sep 2011
Jewish Action Out of Africa 28 Feb 2011
The text discusses the little-known Jewish communities of East Africa, particularly focusing on Ethiopian Jews and Adenite Jews in places like Ethiopia, Djib...
28 Feb 2011
Jewish Action Kidney Doctor As Kidney Donor 29 Oct 2010
Dr. Meyer Lifschitz, a kidney doctor, became a kidney donor for his sister after her kidney function deteriorated, advancing the idea of transplantation over...
29 Oct 2010
Jewish Action Kidney Donation in Jewish Law: A Testimony to the Progress of Science and Medical Halachah 29 Oct 2010
The essay discusses the evolution of kidney donation in Jewish law, highlighting the historical context and halachic considerations surrounding living kidney...
29 Oct 2010
Jewish Action Mourning the Churban with the Rav 6 Jul 2010
Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik's teachings have transformed the observance of Tishah B'Av, with a focus on understanding and mourning the tragedies of Jewish h...
6 Jul 2010
Jewish Action Jewish Life In Egypt 13 May 2010
Despite a once vibrant Jewish presence in Egypt dating back to ancient times, the Jewish communities in Alexandria and Cairo are now dwindling, with fewer th...
13 May 2010
Jewish Action Jewish Life In Eygpt 13 May 2010
The Jewish communities of Egypt, once vibrant and numerous, are now dwindling and on the brink of extinction. Dr. Ari Greenspan and Rabbi Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofs...
13 May 2010
Jewish Action “Dear Reb Aharon” 13 May 2010
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein reviewed Rabbi Aharon Feldman's book "The Eye of the Storm" and engaged in a dialogue with Rabbi Feldman regarding their differing ...
13 May 2010
Jewish Action Hands Across the Ocean: A Review of Rabbi Aharon Feldman’s The Eye of the Storm 8 Mar 2010
Rabbi Aharon Feldman's book "The Eye of the Storm" delves into various contentious issues within the Jewish community, focusing on topics such as Zionism and...
8 Mar 2010
Jewish Action Uncorking the Secrets of Kosher Wine 11 Feb 2010
The importance of kosher wine in Jewish religious life, its production process, and the nuances of making wine kosher are discussed. Wine holds significance ...
11 Feb 2010
Jewish Action Halachic Aspects of Vaccination 8 Dec 2008
In the late 18th century, vaccination emerged as a method to prevent smallpox, despite being controversial due to risks. Jewish rabbis debated the halachic i...
8 Dec 2008
Jewish Action Simple, But Not Boring, Sukkot Recipes 15 Sep 2007
Eileen Goltz presents simple and delicious Sukkot recipes to enjoy during the holiday festivities. Amidst the challenges of building a sukkah, Goltz emphasiz...
15 Sep 2007
Jewish Action Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro 16 Jun 2007
Three Orthodox Jewish men from New Jersey undertook a challenging seven-day climb up Mount Kilimanjaro, motivated by the physical, spiritual, and emotional a...
16 Jun 2007
Jewish Action Travel Talk: Test Your Kosher Travel I.Q. 15 Jun 2007
As Orthodox Jews are traveling to diverse destinations, they face challenges like praying on a plane or dealing with the International Date Line. Sitting whi...
15 Jun 2007
Jewish Action Go Where I Send Thee: A Former Minister Finds Torah 22 May 2006
Ahuvah Gray, a former high-powered travel executive, shared her remarkable journey of converting to Judaism at age fifty-one, leaving behind a lucrative care...
22 May 2006
Jewish Action Logging on to Judaism: A Convert Retrieves Her Soul from Cyberspace 22 May 2006
Shoshana Zakar, a convert to Judaism, discovered through an online Jewish discussion group that her initial conversion wasn't recognized. Raised in a secular...
22 May 2006
Jewish Action From Japan to Jerusalem 22 May 2006
Nobutaka Hattori, a former Protestant minister in Japan's fourth-largest city, had doubts about his faith, leading to a spiritual journey that led him to bec...
22 May 2006
Jewish Action The Prince of Light: The Story of an African Prince Who Left Royalty and Fortune to Pursue a Torah Lifestyle 22 May 2006
Rabbi Natan Gamedze, a linguist and grandson of a former king of Swaziland, embarked on a journey from prince to rabbi after encountering Judaism in college....
22 May 2006
Jewish Action Finding Mount Sinai in Montana 20 May 2006
Devorah and Gavriel Snyder, a unique Orthodox Jewish couple living in remote Kila, Montana, offer kosher food and Shabbat hospitality in their self-built hom...
20 May 2006
Jewish Action Say Cheese! 29 Apr 2006
Cheese, an accidental discovery dating back thousands of years, is made in two main categories: acid-set (soft cheese) and rennet-set (hard cheese). Acid-set...
29 Apr 2006
Jewish Action Burning Stones 24 Jun 2003
In "Burning Stones," Rabbi Leibel Reznick discusses the destruction of the Second Temple, examining historical accounts and physical evidence. He describes t...
24 Jun 2003
Jewish Action The Sukkah: Our Eternal Reminder 12 Oct 2000
The article discusses the significance of the Sukkah in Jewish tradition, drawing on the writings of Gershon Henoch of Radzin. It highlights the period of Eg...
12 Oct 2000
Jewish Action “Jewish Faction” Purim Magazine 27 Mar 2000
The Orthodox Union's 2023 Purim magazine is available for submission of articles, advertisement, and subscription, maintaining all rights reserved.
27 Mar 2000
Jewish Action The Three Little Pigs: A Quintessential Jewish Allegory in Deceptive Disguise? 1 Mar 2000
In an intriguing article by Professor Rumplestiltskin Schwartz, he argues that the classic tale of The Three Little Pigs may actually be a hidden Jewish alle...
1 Mar 2000
Jewish Action Going in Circles: The Double Identity of Sukkot 12 Oct 1998
Sukkot holds a unique place among Jewish holidays, embodying a double identity that reflects both repentance and growth. Rabbi Jeremy Kagan explores how Sukk...
12 Oct 1998
Jewish Action Chocolate Heaven for Purim 25 Mar 1998
The article by Eileen Goltz discusses the evolution of Purim shalach manot treats, focusing on chocolate as a star ingredient this year. Goltz shares recipes...
25 Mar 1998
Jewish Action Viktor Frankl: Father of Logotherapy 25 Mar 1998
Viktor Frankl, known as the father of Logotherapy, emphasized the importance of finding meaning in life. His philosophy, consisting of freedom of will, will ...
25 Mar 1998
Jewish Action Slice of Life: Purim 20 Mar 1996
The author shares a humorous glimpse into preparing for Purim, focusing on acquiring loud groggers for the Megillah reading and baking hamantashen with her c...
20 Mar 1996
Jewish Action Do We Still Mourn the Churban? 6 Feb 1996
Rabbi Joshua Berman examines the lack of emotional connection many feel towards Tisha B'Av and the concept of mourning the destruction of the Temple. He delv...
6 Feb 1996
Jewish Action Holocaust Memorials: Teaching the Wrong Message? A Challenge to the Orthodox Community 10 Nov 1993
The article discusses the Orthodox Jewish community's reluctance to embrace Holocaust museums due to their focus on preserving living traditions over display...
10 Nov 1993
Jewish Action Boxes with Rainbows 20 Jul 1991
During the thirtieth anniversary of the Gulf War, Toby Klein Greenwald reflects on the experiences of her family during the war, including the fears, uncerta...
20 Jul 1991