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Jewish Review of Books Robert Capa’s Road to Jerusalem 28 Dec 2015
Robert Capa, the renowned photojournalist, captured iconic moments in history, including Israel's establishment in 1948 by David Ben-Gurion. Despite controve...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books Oh, the Humanity! 28 Dec 2015
Yuval Noah Harari, a Hebrew University professor, has gained worldwide fame for his book "Sapiens," which traces the history of humankind with a focus on cog...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books On Old Stones, a Black Cat, and a New Zion 16 Sep 2015
The Altneuschul, or Old-New Synagogue in Prague, is surrounded by folklore that speaks of old stones from the Temple in Jerusalem, the creation of a golem by...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books It Is Either Serious or It Isn’t 16 Sep 2015
Chana Bloch, renowned for her translations of Yehuda Amichai and others, shines in her own poetry as well. In her latest collection, themes of family, Jewish...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books The Apocryphal Psalms of David 1:15–20 16 Sep 2015
The text talks about God's promise to David, anointing him from the lineage of Jesse, sustaining his authority through spreading praise globally, establishin...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Fall 2015 16 Sep 2015
The discussion in this excerpt primarily revolves around the history of Yiddish spelling reforms and the influence of the Soviet Union on these changes. Dara...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Israeli Strategy for a New Middle East 16 Sep 2015
The text discusses the historical context of the Middle East, highlighting the impact of the Sykes-Picot Agreement on the region's borders. It emphasizes the...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Tradition, Creativity, and Cognitive Dissonance 16 Sep 2015
Reflecting on the parallels between the Conservative Judaism movement and the Zionist enterprise, the author explores the intellectual richness and challenge...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books The Israelization of Judaism and the Jews of France 16 Sep 2015
The text discusses the Israelization of Judaism and the Jewish community in France, particularly in light of increasing anti-Semitic attacks. Following terro...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Members of the Tribe 16 Sep 2015
Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to the United States, found himself embroiled in controversy over a reported incident involving a Christmas ham, sh...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Something Off 16 Sep 2015
Bruno Schulz, a renowned writer and illustrator from pre-war Poland, met a tragic end during the Holocaust. Despite being recognized as a great stylist in hi...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Vegetarian in Vilna 16 Sep 2015
Fania Lewando, a chef and owner of Vilna's Vegetarian-Dietetic Restaurant in pre-Holocaust Poland, highlighted the benefits of plant-based foods in her 1938 ...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books “I Am Talking to You Like King Solomon” 16 Sep 2015
"Letters to Vra" by Vladimir Nabokov, translated and edited by Olga Voronina and Brian Boyd, offers a window into the passionate and vulnerable side of Nabok...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Yosl Bergner’s Jewish-Israeli Genius 16 Sep 2015
Renowned Israeli painter Yosl Bergner, son of prolific Yiddish poet Melekh Ravitch, is celebrated for his artistic talent and family legacy. Ravitch played a...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Who Is David? 16 Sep 2015
The discussion revolves around various perspectives on King David in Jewish history and biblical literature. David is a prominent figure in the Hebrew Bible,...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books I Have Come to My Garden 16 Sep 2015
The discussion delves into the significance and interpretations of the Song of Songs in Jewish tradition. Rabbi Akiva's reverence for the book as the "Holy o...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books The Commentary Tales 16 Sep 2015
John J. Clayton, a prolific writer known for his engaging novels and short stories, particularly in his recent collection "Many Seconds into the Future: Ten ...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Intense Listening: The Poetry of Harvey Shapiro 16 Sep 2015
Harvey Shapiro's posthumous poetry collection, edited by Norman Finkelstein, reflects on themes of distance, silence, and spiritual inquiry. Shapiro, a city ...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books The Great Whitefish Way 16 Sep 2015
Larry David's play "Fish in the Dark" is a reflection of American Jewish comedy tradition, seen through the lens of Larry David's distinct style and wit. The...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Islamic Jihad, Zionism, and Espionage in the Great War 16 Sep 2015
The text explores the intricate role of figures like Baron Max von Oppenheim in World War I, highlighting his involvement in German-Turkish politics and his ...
16 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Coming with a Lampoon 9 Sep 2015
Howard Jacobson's novel "J: A Novel" delves into a fictional world where a past atrocity, known as WHAT HAPPENED, is deliberately suppressed, akin to histori...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Live Wire 9 Sep 2015
Philip Roth's novella "The Ghost Writer" features a discussion between the character Nathan Zuckerman and the writer E.I. Lonoff, resembling Bernard Malamud ...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Spring 2015 9 Sep 2015
The text discusses various letters in the Spring 2015 edition. It begins with Michael H. Traison praising David G. Roskies for recognizing Grayna Pawlak's co...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Lincoln and the Jews 9 Sep 2015
"Lincoln and the Jews" explores Abraham Lincoln's interactions with the Jewish community during the Civil War era. Despite most American Jews not having dire...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Going Under with Klinghoffer 9 Sep 2015
The Death of Klinghoffer, an opera inspired by the 1985 Achille Lauro hijacking, has faced controversy for its depiction of the events and the character of L...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Lands of the Free 9 Sep 2015
The discussed texts delve into the historical pursuit of Jewish nationalism and identity across Europe and the United States before the establishment of Isra...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Unsettling Days 9 Sep 2015
"The Hilltop" by Assaf Gavron is a novel that offers insight into contemporary Israeli society and politics through the portrayal of a small illegal settleme...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books An Affair as We Don’t Know It 9 Sep 2015
"An Officer and a Spy" by Robert Harris reexamines the Dreyfus Affair from the perspective of Lieutenant-Colonel Marie-Georges Picquart, emphasizing his role...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Climate of Opinion 9 Sep 2015
"The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel," edited by Cary Nelson and Gabriel Noah Brahm, delves into the passionate anti-Israel sentiments present on co...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books High Fives 9 Sep 2015
The text describes a reflection on favorite books, including works by Saul Bellow, Jeremy Bernstein, Moses of Narbonne, and Martin Buber, among others, that ...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Love in the Shadow of Death 9 Sep 2015
"Love in the Shadow of Death" tells the heartbreaking story of Valy and Karl, two young lovers separated by the events of World War II and the Holocaust. Thr...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books The Abrams Case and Justice Holmes’ Philo-Semitism 9 Sep 2015
In 1919, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes famously changed his stance on free speech during the Abrams v. United States case, where five Russian-born Jewish ana...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books The Fifth Question 9 Sep 2015
The article discusses the presence of a "fifth question" at Passover Seder - "When do we eat?" and presents a historical and halakhic comparison regarding th...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Jewish Geography 9 Sep 2015
Hasia Diner's book "Roads Taken" explores the challenging and significant role of Jewish peddlers in forging new communities across the world in the 19th and...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books A Spy’s Life 9 Sep 2015
"Sylvia Rafael: The Life and Death of a Mossad Spy" details the life of Sylvia Rafael, a Mossad agent targeted for assassination by Black September terrorist...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books A Journey Through French Anti-Semitism 9 Sep 2015
The article discusses the rise of anti-Semitism in France, attributing it to a mix of historical Islamic anti-Judaism, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and ...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books Drawing Conclusions: Joann Sfar and the Jews of France 9 Sep 2015
Joann Sfar, a prominent French comic book creator, delves into Jewish themes in his works, notably exploring the challenges of anti-Semitism and Jewish ident...
9 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books The View from Paris: A Rejoinder to Ethan Katz and Maud Mandel 17 Jun 2015
In a response to Ethan Katz and Maud Mandel, Shmuel Trigano critiques their perspective on French anti-Semitism, highlighting divergent opinions on the roots...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Summer 2015 17 Jun 2015
In the Summer 2015 issue of Letters, several thought-provoking discussions are highlighted. Ruth R. Wisse reviews the novel "J," emphasizing the lack of Jewi...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books Fanny and Hilde 17 Jun 2015
Fanny and Hilde tells the story of Fanny von Arnstein, a prominent figure in the turn-of-the-19th-century Jewish salon scene in Berlin and Vienna. Fanny, a m...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books Tested Loyalties 17 Jun 2015
David Bezmozgis' novel "The Betrayers" explores the complex themes of loyalty, betrayal, and sacrifice within the Jewish context, drawing parallels to real-l...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books The Life of the Flying Aperçu 17 Jun 2015
Morris Dickstein's memoir "The Life of the Flying Aperu" provides an insightful account of his sentimental education, focusing on his Jewish identity and int...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books Israel’s Northern Border and the Chaos in Syria: A Symposium 17 Jun 2015
Two analysts, Elliott Abrams and Itamar Rabinovich, discuss the impact of the chaos in Syria on Israel's northern border. The Syrian civil war has caused a h...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books The Great Gaon of Italian Art 17 Jun 2015
Bernard Berenson, a renowned art expert, was a Jewish-born man from Lithuania who converted to Christianity in his youth and later became a leading authority...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books New Gleanings from an Old Book 17 Jun 2015
In Alon Shevut, the Herzog Academic College hosts an annual seminar on Tanakh, the Jewish Bible, where participants engage in intense study and debate. This ...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books Playing the Fool 17 Jun 2015
The article discusses the Soviet-Jewish experience through the lens of artists and intellectuals who faced betrayal and persecution under Stalin's regime. It...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books Give Ear O Ye Heavens 17 Jun 2015
Benjamin Harshav, a renowned scholar of Hebrew and Yiddish literature, passed away at 86, leaving a significant legacy in literary studies. His book, "Three ...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books Do You Want to Know a Secret? 17 Jun 2015
The author reflects on a conversation about philosopher Leo Strauss and his idea of esoteric writing, where authors hide true meanings to protect themselves ...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books Paradox or Pluralism? 17 Jun 2015
Michael Walzer's exploration delves into the paradox of liberation and secularism in post-World War II India, Israel, and Algeria, focusing on the tension be...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books How the Baby Got Its Philtrum 17 Jun 2015
The discussion explores the origin of a Jewish legend regarding how a baby gets its philtrum, a small indentation above the upper lip. Initially observed in ...
17 Jun 2015