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Jewish Review of Books Max, Moritz, and Marx 23 Jun 2016
The text discusses the author's experiences attending a Hegelian conference in Moscow during the 1970s, where he was invited to speak on Marx's criticism of ...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books The Alter Rebbe 23 Jun 2016
Immanuel Etkes, an Israeli historian, has written a biography of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady, known as the Alter Rebbe, the founder of Chabad Hasidism. The ...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Summer 2016 23 Jun 2016
The text discusses Leora Batnitzky's essay on Michael Wyschogrod, highlighting the debate over associating Heidegger's idea of Dasein with Wyschogrod's empha...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Religion and Power 23 Jun 2016
Jonathan Sacks, former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, delves into the topic of religion and violence in his book "Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Vio...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Eight Poetic Fragments by Avraham ben Yizhak 23 Jun 2016
Avraham ben Yizhak, also known as Abraham Sonne, was a renowned Jewish poet who introduced European modernism into Hebrew verse with his 12 influential poems...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Nuclear Family 23 Jun 2016
In the Israeli TV series "Shtisel," set in a haredi community in Jerusalem, the show explores the dynamics of a complex and intense Jewish family, including ...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books The Hit Man 23 Jun 2016
Morris Levy, a prominent figure in the music industry in the mid-20th century, was known for his controversial business practices, ties to the Mafia, and leg...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Passport Sepharad 23 Jun 2016
Spain and Portugal have recently passed laws inviting Sephardi Jews to seek citizenship if they can prove their ancestral ties to those expelled at the end o...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Our Rabbis J, E, P, and D 23 Jun 2016
The discussion centers on the traditional stenographic theory of revelation versus the participatory theory in Jewish theology. Benjamin D. Sommer, a biblica...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Pious Censorship 23 Jun 2016
Marc B. Shapiro explores the phenomenon of pious censorship in Orthodox Judaism, focusing on how rabbis and publishers have historically altered, censored, a...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Summer of ’36 23 Jun 2016
In the summer of 1936, Ostend became a gathering place for a mix of real and fake intellectuals, many of them Jewish and including writers like Stefan Zweig ...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Saladin, a Knight, and a Jew Walk Onto a Stage 23 Jun 2016
"Nathan the Wise" by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing is a play that contrasts with Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice," presenting a philo-Semitic narrative refl...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books The Secrets of the Efod 23 Jun 2016
In the book "The Secrets of the Efod," Maud Kozodoy delves into the life and writings of Isaac ben Moses, also known as Profayt Duran Halevi, a scholar and m...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Promised Land or Homeland? 23 Jun 2016
In two new works of Jewish political theory by David Novak and Chaim Gans, the foundation of Zionism is under scrutiny, with Novak arguing for a theological ...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Old Isaiah 23 Jun 2016
Louis D. Brandeis: American Prophet discusses the historical significance of Louis D. Brandeis, the first Jewish nominee to the Supreme Court in 1916. Despit...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Kibitzing in God’s Country 23 Jun 2016
The Catskills hold a unique place in Jewish American history, notably known for the Borscht Belt resorts that catered to Jewish guests seeking leisure and en...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books The Inklings 23 Jun 2016
The Inklings were a group of Christian writers, including J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, who met in the 1930s to 1950s to share writing, criticism, and conve...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Lost in Translation 29 Mar 2016
Growing up in a Modern Orthodox Jewish household in Monsey, New York, Aviya Kushner was immersed in the study of Biblical Hebrew and ancient languages due to...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Spring 2016 29 Mar 2016
The text discusses various topics related to Jewish thought and tradition. Avi Keslinger believes that reform within the Israeli Chief Rabbinate is necessary...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Pour Out Your Fury 29 Mar 2016
The Monks Haggadah, a unique Passover haggadah kept in a Bavarian monastery since the late 15th century, was discovered during the secularization process. Fe...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books It’s Spring Again 29 Mar 2016
The discussion delves into the theme of resurrection in various contexts, drawing from T.S. Eliot's poetry, Christian beliefs, rabbinic Judaism, and a contem...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Michael Wyschogrod and the Challenge of God’s Scandalous Love 29 Mar 2016
Michael Wyschogrod, a prominent Jewish theologian who passed away at 87, challenged modern Jewish thought by emphasizing a unique approach to understanding J...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books One Nation, Two Disraelis 29 Mar 2016
Benjamin Disraeli, a prominent British prime minister, had a lasting impact on British politics and conservative ideology even after his death. He was associ...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books A Dissonant Moses in Berlin and Paris 29 Mar 2016
In 2015, amid a backdrop of European challenges including terrorism and anti-Semitism, Berlin's Komische Oper and Opra National de Paris staged Arnold Schoen...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books The Kid from the Haggadah 29 Mar 2016
The poem "The Kid from the Haggadah" by El Lissitzky describes a scene at a market where a poor kid is bought by a father, setting the stage for a popular so...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Saving the World 29 Mar 2016
In 1913, Franz Rosenzweig, a young German Jewish scholar, underwent a transformative experience that led him from academic relativism to religious faith and ...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books As Though the Power of Speech Were an Ordinary Matter 29 Mar 2016
"Moods" by Yoel Hoffmann, translated by Peter Cole, delves into the profound impact and limitations of speech, portrayed through 191 interconnected fragments...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books The Quality of Rachmones 29 Mar 2016
Howard Jacobson explores the themes of literature, Jewish identity, and the character of Shylock in his works Zoo Time and Shylock Is My Name. Reflecting on ...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Chaos in the Wilderness 29 Mar 2016
Sinai, a region between Israel and mainland Egypt, has become a chaotic space, with tribal societies, criminal elements, and jihadist groups like Wilayat Sin...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Jews on the Loose 29 Mar 2016
"The article discusses the enduring fame and comedic legacy of the Marx Brothers, focusing on Groucho Marx in particular. Despite initial rankings, the Marx ...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Inconceivable 29 Mar 2016
In "Inconceivable," the authors of Midrash Tanchuma explore why the matriarchs were initially barren, suggesting that it was to elicit their prayers and subm...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Desert Wild 29 Mar 2016
In Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg's book "Bewilderments: Reflections on the Book of Numbers," she delves into the often overlooked and laborious biblical text to u...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books A Mechitza, the Mufti, and the Beginnings of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 29 Mar 2016
In Hillel Cohen's examination of the 1929 Arab-Jewish conflict in Palestine, he challenges the traditional Zionist narrative by portraying the attacks on Jew...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books A Fraternal Note 29 Mar 2016
Reuven Ben-Yosef, a poet who emigrated to Israel and changed his name from Robert Eliot Reiss, is remembered by his brother James through a collection of his...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Halakha and State: An Exchange 29 Mar 2016
Rabbi Elli Fischer's article challenges the authority of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate and its restrictive practices, highlighting personal experiences where h...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Your Time Is Up: Jabotinsky at the Sixth Zionist Congress 28 Dec 2015
Vladimir Jabotinsky's autobiography, "Story of My Life," previously available in Russian, will now be published in English thanks to a newly discovered annot...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books A Party in Boisk 28 Dec 2015
In 1843 in Boisk, outside Riga, the Hevrat Aggadeta celebrated finishing the Aggadeta with a lavish party. They committed to studying Ein Yaakov and hosted a...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books Two Poems 28 Dec 2015
These two poems by an unknown author express themes of love, death, and the power of mourning. The first poem reflects on the idea of weeping and finding sti...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Winter 2016 28 Dec 2015
The article discusses the state of Conservative Judaism as portrayed by Rabbi Gordis, with some readers critiquing his negative stance and urging for recogni...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books Water Shall Flow from Jerusalem 28 Dec 2015
The text discusses how British reports in the 1930s highlighting water scarcity in Palestine to limit Jewish immigration inadvertently drove Zionist efforts ...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books Shifting Daylight 28 Dec 2015
Dennis Ross, a prominent figure involved in U.S.-Israel relations for decades, presents a historical analysis in his book "Doomed to Succeed: The U.S.-Israel...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books Reader, I Adopted Him 28 Dec 2015
Maya Arad, a prominent Hebrew writer living outside Israel, creates novels that focus on the lives of the professional class rather than the typical big issu...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books A Walk in Jerusalem 28 Dec 2015
The text discusses the complex dynamics in Jerusalem as seen through the lens of a walk around the city. It highlights the daily interactions and tensions be...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books Why I Defy the Israeli Chief Rabbinate 28 Dec 2015
The article discusses Rabbi Farber's defiance against the Israeli Chief Rabbinate by conducting non-Rabbanut weddings and the legal implications of such acti...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books Sadat in Jerusalem: Behind the Scenes 28 Dec 2015
In 1977, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's groundbreaking visit to Israel took many by surprise, including Palestinian leaders who were aligned with the PLO. ...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books Remembering the Scholems 28 Dec 2015
Gershom Scholem, a highly influential Israeli intellectual, had a profound impact on a wide range of figures in Israel and abroad due to his work in the hist...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books A Harem of Translators 28 Dec 2015
"The Muses of Bashevis Singer" is a documentary exploring Isaac Bashevis Singer's relationships with translators and women to solve his translation challenge...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books Re-Intoxicated by God 28 Dec 2015
The text explores the journey of talmudic prodigies like Harry Austryn Wolfson who turned to studying Spinoza, focusing on the Ethics and its influence. Wolf...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books A Cipher and His Songs 28 Dec 2015
Avraham Halfi, a lesser-known but influential Israeli poet whose works were often sung by Arik Einstein, is the subject of the recent documentary "Chayav mel...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books Not by the Rivers of Babylon 28 Dec 2015
The text discusses the talmudic tractate Taanit which explores Jewish perspectives on the natural world and resources, comparing the climate and resources of...
28 Dec 2015