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Jewish Review of Books Desk Pounding and Jewish Leadership 17 Jun 2015
In the 1940s, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver were key figures in American Zionism. While initially working together, they faced conflicts...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books A View from Reservoir Hill 17 Jun 2015
In Reservoir Hill, Baltimore, a formerly Jewish neighborhood now sees an increase in Jewish families alongside African-American residents. The rabbi of Beth ...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books An Al Schwimmer Production 17 Jun 2015
"Above and Beyond" is a documentary produced by Nancy Spielberg and directed by Roberta Grossman, focusing on the untold story of foreign volunteers who came...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books Strange Journey: A Response to Shmuel Trigano 17 Jun 2015
In his article "Strange Journey: A Response to Shmuel Trigano," the author reflects on Shmuel Trigano's analysis of the rise of anti-Semitism in France, attr...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books Everything Is PR 17 Jun 2015
"Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible: The Surreal Heart of the New Russia" by Peter Pomerantsev examines the blurred lines between reality and PR in c...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books Jews of Dune 29 Mar 2015
Frank Herbert's iconic science fiction novel "Dune" presents a futuristic universe where religion is a potent force influenced by Judaism and other faiths, p...
29 Mar 2015
Jewish Review of Books A Conversation with Leon Wieseltier 21 Jan 2015
In this conversation between Abraham Socher and Leon Wieseltier, they discuss various topics such as Yosef Yerushalmi, the renowned historian who was Wieselt...
21 Jan 2015
Jewish Review of Books The Argumentative Jew 9 Dec 2014
The text explores the concept of disagreement within Jewish thought, contrasting it with the desire for consensus found in other philosophical traditions. Wh...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Common Clay 9 Dec 2014
Despite the vast knowledge found in the Babylonian Talmud about classical Jewish life, law, and culture from the 3rd to the 6th century C.E., there has been ...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Revealer Revealed 9 Dec 2014
Jonatan Meir's publication of a three-volume set delves into Joseph Perl, an 18th-century maskil from Galicia who actively promoted the Haskalah ideology whi...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Thoroughly Modern Maimonides?: A Rejoinder 9 Dec 2014
Josef Stern provides a thoughtful response to Lawrence Kaplan's critique of his reading of Maimonides' "The Guide of the Perplexed," acknowledging that Maimo...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Mashed Potatoes and Meatloaf 9 Dec 2014
"A Dual Inheritance" by Joanna Hershon follows the lives of two Harvard friends, Hugh and Ed, representing contrasts in upbringing and character. The narrati...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Shifting Sands 9 Dec 2014
Shlomo Sand, a well-known anti-Israel Israeli intellectual and history professor, challenges traditional Jewish narratives in his book "How I Stopped Being a...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Accounting for the Soul 9 Dec 2014
In Edith Brotman's book "Mussar Yoga," a unique combination of the Jewish ethical movement of Mussar and yoga practice is explored, aiming to cultivate ethic...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books POLIN: A Light Unto the Nations 9 Dec 2014
POLIN, the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw, was conceived as a tribute to Jewish life in Poland rather than another Holocaust memorial. It was...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Thoroughly Modern Maimonides?: A Response 9 Dec 2014
Josef Stern responds to Lawrence Kaplan's praise of his book "The Matter and Form of Maimonides Guide" by discussing key issues raised. Stern delves into Mai...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Winter 2015 9 Dec 2014
The Winter 2015 edition of Letters featured various perspectives on Israel, ethics in warfare, and Jewish historical figures. Discussions included refuting t...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Is Beauty Power? 9 Dec 2014
Helena Rubinstein, a pioneering Jewish female entrepreneur, transformed the beauty industry through her sheer entrepreneurial and marketing skills, amassing ...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Yiddish Genius in America 9 Dec 2014
Jacob Glatstein, the renowned Yiddish poet, wrote autobiographical novels titled Ven Yash iz geforn and Ven yash iz gekumen in response to his trip to Poland...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Why the Germans? 9 Dec 2014
Götz Aly's book "Why the Germans?" delves into the historical roots of German anti-Semitism leading to the Holocaust. Aly argues that envy of Jewish economic...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Fateless: The Beilis Trial a Century Later 9 Dec 2014
In the Fateless: The Beilis Trial a Century Later, the text discusses Mendel Beilis's notorious trial in 1913, accused of a blood libel murder in Tsarist Rus...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Silence of the Lambs 9 Dec 2014
In "Silence of the Lambs," the discussion revolves around the concept of sacrifice in both ancient religious practices and modern political and ethical conte...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books And How Do You Like Israel? 9 Dec 2014
The text discusses the evolving international perception of Israel post-1967, attributing the shift to various factors such as the revolutionary left's suppo...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Warped Fantasies 25 Nov 2014
The text discusses the prevalence of anti-Semitism in modern discourse, particularly in the context of criticisms leveled against Israel. It highlights examp...
25 Nov 2014
Jewish Review of Books Eichmann, Arendt, and “The Banality of Evil” 14 Oct 2014
The text discusses a review by Richard Wolin of Bettina Stangneth's translated book about Adolf Eichmann, sparking a discussion on Hannah Arendt and the conc...
14 Oct 2014
Jewish Review of Books Richard Wolin on Arendt’s “Banality of Evil” Thesis 14 Oct 2014
Richard Wolin criticizes the interpretation of Hannah Arendt's "banality of evil" thesis, pointing out factual errors and challenging the emphasis on Martin ...
14 Oct 2014
Jewish Review of Books Valhalla in Flames 16 Sep 2014
David B. Dennis's works shed light on how Nazis utilized culture for political ends, as outlined in "Valhalla in Flames." Dennis examined the Völkischer Beob...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Letters Fall 2014 16 Sep 2014
In "Letters Fall 2014," different writers offer critiques and responses regarding various topics. The Cardinal Dulles Inspiration discusses the influence of ...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Shaking Up Israel’s Kosher Certification System 16 Sep 2014
The text discusses the case of Ilana Raskin challenging the Jerusalem religious council's attempt to restrict entertainment like belly dancing in venues with...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Thoroughly Modern Maimonides? 16 Sep 2014
"Moshe Halbertal's intellectual biography 'Maimonides: Life and Thought' delves into the relevance of Maimonides in modern times, exploring his contributions...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Neither Friend nor Enemy: Israel in the EU 16 Sep 2014
An ex-member of the European Parliament reflects on the bias and hostility towards Israel among European political and academic elites. The discussion touche...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Muscular Judaism 16 Sep 2014
Daniel Mendoza, a celebrated bare-knuckle prizefighter in late-Georgian London, was born to British-born parents of converso background in 1764. Despite a tu...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books The Banality of Evil: The Demise of a Legend 16 Sep 2014
Hannah Arendt's analysis of the Adolf Eichmann trial in "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil" stirred controversy with her proposition th...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Killer Backdrop: A Response 16 Sep 2014
The response to Amy Newman Smith's article "Killer Backdrop" questions the focus and criticisms of Holocaust-related fiction, wondering if any examples meet ...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Killer Backdrop: A Rejoinder 16 Sep 2014
Amy Newman Smith and Erika Dreifus engage in a discussion regarding the quality and ethical considerations of fiction based on the Holocaust and Nazi era. Sm...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Poland Is Not Ukraine: A Response to Konstanty Gebert’s “The Ukrainian Question” 16 Sep 2014
Konstanty Gebert in response to "The Ukrainian Question" discusses the differing perspectives in Eastern European countries like Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, a...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Poland’s Jewish Problem: Vodka? 16 Sep 2014
In "Yankel's Tavern: Jews, Liquor, & Life in the Kingdom of Poland," Glenn Dynner challenges the myth of Jewish sobriety and explores the deep intertwining o...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Sometimes a Bag Is Just a Bag 16 Sep 2014
Daphne Merkin's new collection of essays, "The Fame Lunches: On Wounded Icons, Money, Sex, the Bronts, and the Importance of Handbags," explores themes of me...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Sephardi Lives: From Ottoman Salonica to Rosario, Argentina 16 Sep 2014
In "Sephardi Lives: A Documentary History, 1700-1950," Professors Julia Phillips Cohen and Sarah Abrevaya Stein explore the lives and experiences of Sephardi...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Available Light: Pictures from Yemen 16 Sep 2014
Yihye Haybi, a Jewish man from Yemen, worked at a medical clinic where he excelled as a medical assistant and photographer, despite photography being illegal...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Something Borrowed 16 Sep 2014
In "A Replacement Life" by Boris Fishman, the theme of fakery and manipulation of identity in the Jewish context is explored through protagonist Slava Gelman...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books What We Talk About When We Talk About Stepan Bandera: A Rejoinder to Dovid Katz 16 Sep 2014
The article responds to Dovid Katz's views on the ethical complexities surrounding Ukrainian nationalism and Russian separatism, particularly in relation to ...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Like an Elevator 16 Sep 2014
Stefan Zweig, a highly-translated and polarizing author in the 1930s, was both envied and criticized by his peers for his success which some saw as a symbol ...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Zionism’s Forgotten Father 16 Sep 2014
Nathan Birnbaum, often forgotten in the history of Zionism, played a significant role in the early movement. Despite initial tension with Theodor Herzl, Birn...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books I Believe: A Poem 16 Sep 2014
The poem "I Believe" intertwines references to Jewish tradition and practice with the popular TV show Jeopardy!. It includes allusions to Maimonides' 12th Pr...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books The Ethics of Protective Edge 16 Sep 2014
The text discusses the ethical considerations surrounding Israel's military operations, particularly focusing on Operation Protective Edge against Hamas. It ...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books The Digression 16 Sep 2014
The text reflects on the final days of the author's father, a man who found solace and purpose in philosophy throughout his life. As he faces a terminal illn...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Publishing Godliness: The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Other Revolution 16 Jul 2014
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson's role as an editor and publisher in spreading Hasidic teachings through the Chabad publishing house, Kehot, has been overlo...
16 Jul 2014
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Summer 2014 15 Jun 2014
In the Summer 2014 issue of Letters, different authors address key points in recent articles. Saul Newman clarifies the relationship between his grandfather,...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books National Socialism, World Jewry, and the History of Being: Heidegger’s Black Notebooks 15 Jun 2014
Martin Heidegger's recently published Black Notebooks reveal his deep entanglement with National Socialism, anti-Semitism, and belief in the superiority of t...
15 Jun 2014