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18forty When Calls for Jewish Genocide Can Cost a University Its Government Funding 7 Dec 2023
The Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights has opened investigations into several prominent universities, including Harvard University, Cornell Uni...
7 Dec 2023
18forty 3 Songs To Listen to During Israel’s War 30 Nov 2023
This article discusses songs that were written and listened to during times of conflict in Israel. The author reflects on the power of songs during wartime, ...
30 Nov 2023
18forty 3 Songs To Listen to During Israel’s War 30 Nov 2023
This article discusses the power of music during times of conflict in Israel. It emphasizes the diverse nature of war songs, which can express various perspe...
30 Nov 2023
18forty Why Jews Need to Have Faith in Reason 23 Nov 2023
In this personal essay, the author reflects on his journey of faith and explores the role of reason in Judaism. He grew up in a mixed Jewish household, with ...
23 Nov 2023
18forty Why Jews Need to Have Faith in Reason 23 Nov 2023
The author shares their personal journey of faith and the challenges they faced in their pursuit of a religious identity. Growing up in a mixed religious fam...
23 Nov 2023
18forty Why Israelis Are Getting Married Despite War and Terror 22 Nov 2023
This article discusses the question of whether Jewish law obligates Israelis to continue with weddings despite the ongoing war and terror. The author explain...
22 Nov 2023
18forty Why Israelis Are Getting Married Despite War and Terror 22 Nov 2023
The author explores the question of why Israelis continue to get married despite the ongoing war and terror. According to Jewish law, if a funeral and a wedd...
22 Nov 2023
18forty What Crisis Does to My Faith 16 Nov 2023
The author, Zevi Slavin, reflects on the crisis in Israel and its impact on his faith. He describes the burning questions and emotions that arose in response...
16 Nov 2023
18forty What Crisis Does to My Faith 16 Nov 2023
In this personal reflection, the author discusses the crisis of faith brought on by tragic events in Israel. They describe the questions and doubts that aris...
16 Nov 2023
18forty What You’re Misunderstanding About the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict 9 Nov 2023
This article discusses the coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by Matti Friedman, a journalist known for his even-handed approach. It highlights his...
9 Nov 2023
18forty What You’re Misunderstanding About the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict 9 Nov 2023
This article highlights the work of journalist Matti Friedman and his unique approach to reporting on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Friedman emphasizes t...
9 Nov 2023
18forty How Can I Bring a Baby Into This World After Hamas’ Atrocities? 26 Oct 2023
This article features personal perspectives and experiences in the aftermath of Hamas atrocities in Israel. One writer expresses feelings of helplessness and...
26 Oct 2023
18forty How Can I Bring a Baby Into This World After Hamas’ Atrocities? 26 Oct 2023
The article discusses the impact of Hamas atrocities on Jews around the world, with various individuals sharing their perspectives and experiences. One perso...
26 Oct 2023
18forty Whispers 20 Sep 2023
In this heartfelt poem, the author reflects on the joy of the Jewish holidays, particularly Passover, with its focus on family, friends, food, and song. Howe...
20 Sep 2023
18forty Change and Self-Acceptance: Rav Shagar’s Paradox of Teshuva 18 Sep 2023
"Shuvi Nafshi: Hesed o Herut" explores the paradox of teshuva, or repentance, by questioning whether it is about changing ourselves or accepting who we are, ...
18 Sep 2023
18forty Loving God and Studying Torah: The Telos of Teshuva 14 Sep 2023
In this text, Rabbi Dr. Michael Rosensweig discusses Rambam's views on loving God and studying Torah, particularly in relation to the concept of teshuva (rep...
14 Sep 2023
18forty How Did Modernity Change Jewish Prayer? 13 Aug 2023
Modernity has brought changes to Jewish prayer, impacting the siddur (prayer book). Scholars in the Enlightenment era sought to establish the most accurate v...
13 Aug 2023
18forty The Siddur Has a Lot of Prayers. Where Did They Come From? 6 Aug 2023
This essay explores the origin of prayers in the Siddur (Jewish prayer book). It discusses the variety of prayer customs (nuschaot) in different Jewish commu...
6 Aug 2023
18forty Did All Jews Pray the Same in Ancient Times? 30 Jul 2023
This essay explores the variations in prayer traditions among Jews in ancient times. The author discusses the discovery of a hand-written copy of the Shemone...
30 Jul 2023
18forty Who Wrote the Siddur? 23 Jul 2023
The author explores the origins of the siddur, the Jewish prayer book. While prayer in Tanach is portrayed as individual and spontaneous, structured prayer b...
23 Jul 2023
18forty Where Marvel’s New Gods and Judaism Meet: ‘God, Man and History’ 20 Jul 2023
In the Marvel film Eternals, the godlike beings known as the Eternals protect humanity from evil. Their relationships with humans mirror the Jewish view of G...
20 Jul 2023
18forty A Call to Read More Fiction 13 Jul 2023
In this essay, the author reflects on the power of fiction to express the human experience and connect readers emotionally. They share a personal anecdote ab...
13 Jul 2023
18forty On Shabbos, I Get To Be a Child Again 6 Jul 2023
In this personal reflection, the author discusses their love for reading and television and how Shabbos has allowed them to reconnect with their childhood lo...
6 Jul 2023
18forty Why I Read on Shabbos: A Manifesto 28 Jun 2023
The author explains why they enjoy reading on Shabbos. They emphasize the joy of reading and the experience of being fully present with a book without distra...
28 Jun 2023
18forty ‘So, Come—Let’s Dance!’: How Rav Dov Singer Led Me into Life 21 Jun 2023
This article tells the personal story of the author's encounter with Rabbi Dov Singer and the impact he has had on their religious life. Rabbi Dov Singer is ...
21 Jun 2023
18forty The White Fire Burns: A Talk on Education that Begins from Within 14 Jun 2023
Rabbi Dov Singer discusses the importance of focusing on both boundaries and the content of education. He emphasizes the significance of the "White Fire," wh...
14 Jun 2023