Daily Podcasts Video search
Halacha Headlines headphones 9/9/23 – Shiur 435 – מי אנכי שאזכה להתפלל – The Halachos and beauty of Tefillah – The decorum in Shul 8 Sep 2023
In this Shiur, the discussion revolves around various aspects of Tefillah and the decorum in Shul. Some of the topics covered include: whether it is permissi...
8 Sep 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 9/2/23 – Shiur 434 – מי יחיה מי ימות Community organizations dealing with life and death issues daily and some of the שאלות that arise 1 Sep 2023
In this text, a range of topics related to Jewish community organizations and life and death issues are discussed. The first section focuses on questions abo...
1 Sep 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 8/26/23 – Shiur 433 – Conflict in marriage – how to fight effectively 25 Aug 2023
This shiur discusses conflict in marriage and provides insights on how to fight effectively. The discussion touches upon topics such as whether there are hal...
25 Aug 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 8/19/23 – Shiur 432 – Exclusivity or Community: The dilemma of school selection policies | The love of the Tosher Rebbe ZT”L 18 Aug 2023
This text explores the dilemma of school selection policies within the Jewish community. It raises questions about the halachic permissibility of discriminat...
18 Aug 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 8/12/23 – Shiur 431 – Navigating the Halachic landscape of vacation 11 Aug 2023
In this shiur, three different topics related to navigating halachic considerations during a vacation are discussed. Firstly, Rabbi Sholom Fishbaine addresse...
11 Aug 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 8/5/23 – Shiur 430 – LGBTQ+ and “Pride Parades” – How is it impacting us? Should we explain it to our children? 4 Aug 2023
In this shiur (lesson) on LGBTQ+ and pride parades, the discussion revolves around how these issues impact society and how to navigate them, particularly whe...
4 Aug 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/29/23 – Shiur 429 – Jewish Influencers: The Facts The Fears The Responsibilities 28 Jul 2023
In this Shiur (lecture), the topic of Jewish influencers and their responsibilities is discussed. The main question is what responsibility an influencer has ...
28 Jul 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/22/23 – Shiur 428 –TISHA B’AV All year round – The plight of mature singles and divorcees in our community 21 Jul 2023
In this Shiur (lecture) on Tisha B'Av, the discussion focuses on the challenges faced by mature singles and divorcees in the Jewish community. The speakers, ...
21 Jul 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/15/23 – Shiur 427 –Women Singers – Is it preferable that women attend a performance by a male or female singer? 14 Jul 2023
In this Shiur (lesson) on women singers, the discussion revolves around various questions and concerns related to women attending performances by either male...
14 Jul 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/8/23 – Shiur 426 – After the BAN – Revisiting AI 7 Jul 2023
In this Shiur discussion, the participants explore the question of why artificial intelligence (AI) is seen as more problematic than filtered internet. They ...
7 Jul 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/1/23 – Shiur 425 – HOT DEAL OR HOT AIR – Ponzi Schemes Proliferating – The Halachic, legal, and monetary ramifiactions 30 Jun 2023
In this audio conversation, the speakers discuss the ethical and legal implications of Ponzi schemes, which are proliferating. They address questions such as...
30 Jun 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/24/23 – Shiur 424 – Segulos – Do they really work? Are they mutar and advisable or ineffective and prohibited? 23 Jun 2023
In this discussion, the speakers explore the concept of segulos, which are spiritual remedies or practices meant to bring about specific outcomes, such as su...
23 Jun 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/17/23 – Shiur 423 – Daniel Penny VS Jordan Neely through the lense of Halacha / AI Paskening II 16 Jun 2023
In this Shiur (lesson), the discussion revolves around the topic of self-defense from a Halachic perspective. The question is raised whether overreacting in ...
16 Jun 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/10/23 – Shiur 422 – Can AI Pasken ? Will Artificial Intelligence ever replace Rabbonim? 9 Jun 2023
In this shiur, the question is posed whether artificial intelligence (AI) can be relied upon for psak (rulings in Jewish law) and if it could potentially rep...
9 Jun 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/3/23 – Shiur 421 – “Living the Dream” – Spending Beyond Our Means 2 Jun 2023
In this Shiur, the discussion revolves around the topic of spending beyond one's means and the factors that contribute to this behavior. The concept of "keep...
2 Jun 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 5/20/23 – Shiur 420 – The Shabbos Elevator Controversy 19 May 2023
In this audio lecture, Rabbi Tzvi Ortner and Rabbi Yisroel Krengel discuss the controversy surrounding the use of Shabbos elevators. They explore whether the...
19 May 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 5/13/23 – Shiur 419 – Baalei Aveirah in our midst – How to we deal with them? 12 May 2023
In this Shiur, Rabbi Aharon Sorscher and Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun discuss how to deal with Baalei Aveirah (sinners) in our midst. Some of the questions they...
12 May 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 5/6/23 – Shiur 418 – What’s Shana Rishona about? Should it be spent in Ramat Eshkol/Yerushlayim on the parents’ tab? 5 May 2023
This text discusses various aspects of the concept of "Shana Rishona" or the first year of marriage in Jewish law and tradition. The discussion revolves arou...
5 May 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 4/29/23 – Shiur 417 – Miscarriage in Halacha 28 Apr 2023
In this Shiur (Jewish lesson) on miscarriage in Halacha (Jewish law), various questions are addressed regarding the halachic status and practices related to ...
28 Apr 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 4/22/23 – Shiur 416 – Organ Donation in Halacha Is it an obligation, a prohibition, or a choice? 21 Apr 2023
In this shiur (lecture), three rabbis discuss the topic of organ donation in Jewish law (halacha). They explore different scenarios, such as donating organs ...
21 Apr 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 4/15/23 – Shiur 415 – Is it good or bad that many young men don’t have a “plan” for parnassah? Should they have one? 14 Apr 2023
The discussion in this shiur focuses on whether young men in yeshiva should have a plan for earning a livelihood (parnassah). The question of when young men ...
14 Apr 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 4/1/23 – Shiur 414 – The most common Pesach Shailos answered by the world’s leading Rabbonim – Hear some new fascinating Shailos 31 Mar 2023
In this Shiur (lecture), the leading Rabbonim (rabbis) address a variety of Pesach (Passover) Shailos (questions) commonly asked. Some of the topics discusse...
31 Mar 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/25/23 – Shiur 413 – How not to go to jail 24 Mar 2023
In this Shiur (Jewish learning session), three speakers discuss how to avoid legal trouble and make responsible choices. They address common mistakes people ...
24 Mar 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/18/23 – Shiur 412 – What makes for Effective Dating? 17 Mar 2023
In this Shiur (lesson), guest hosted by Ari Wasserman, the panel discusses various aspects of effective dating. They cover questions such as whether it is ac...
17 Mar 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/11/23 – Shiur 411 – Pesach - Does Medicine need to be Kosher L’pesach? | Hand Matzah VS Shmurah Matzah - at what expense? | Going to hotels for Pesach 10 Mar 2023
In this discussion, the topic of whether medicine needs to be kosher for Passover (Pesach) is addressed by Rabbi Dovid Heber, who is an expert in kosher phar...
10 Mar 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/4/23 – Shiur 410 – What are the Halachos of a Halachic State? What happens if the government in Eretz Yisroel is run by Frum Yidden? 3 Mar 2023
In this shiur (lecture), the discussion centers around the halachic implications of a halachic state and the potential scenarios in which a government in Ere...
3 Mar 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 2/25/23 – Shiur 409 – Is there any reason to wear a HAT for davening anymore? Does a YARMULKE suffice? Why are only chasidim wearing GARTELS? 24 Feb 2023
In this shiur, the question is raised about whether there is still a reason to wear a hat for davening or if a yarmulke is sufficient. It is also discussed w...
24 Feb 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 2/18/23 – Shiur 408 – Looking out for Shemiras Einayim – How to deal with the scourge of pornography? 17 Feb 2023
In this discussion on the podcast Shiur 408, the topic of addressing the issue of pornography and its impact on the Jewish community is explored. The main po...
17 Feb 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 2/11/23 – Shiur 407 – Kashrus in home establishments | How do you know if you’re really eating Kosher? 10 Feb 2023
In Shiur 407, the discussion revolves around the topic of kashrut in home establishments. The main questions addressed include the need for a Hechsher (koshe...
10 Feb 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 2/4/23 – Shiur 406 – Is Kovea Ittim only for the wealthy and brilliant? 3 Feb 2023
In this shiur, the discussion focuses on the concept of kovea ittim, or setting designated times for Torah learning. The guests explore various aspects of th...
3 Feb 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 1/28/23 – Shiur 405 – Whom should you marry? 27 Jan 2023
In this Shiur, Rabbi Yaakov Berman discusses various considerations when choosing a marriage partner. He addresses the significance of sharing names with in-...
27 Jan 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 1/21/23 – Shiur 404 – Adoption in Halacha 19 Jan 2023
In this Shiur, the discussion revolves around adoption in Halacha. Some of the questions addressed include whether there is a mitzvah for childless couples t...
19 Jan 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 1/14/23 – Shiur 403 – Does yeshiva prepare us for life-after-yeshiva? Should it? 13 Jan 2023
In this shiur (lesson) discussion with guest host Ari Wasserman and three rabbis, the topic revolves around the question of whether yeshiva (Jewish religious...
13 Jan 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 1/7/23 – Shiur 402 – Women’s role in society – Has our Halachic attitude towards women shifted over the years? 5 Jan 2023
In this discussion, the topic of women's roles in society is explored, particularly in relation to shifts in the halachic attitude over the years. Some examp...
5 Jan 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 12/31/22 – Shiur 401 – To discuss or not to discuss - That is the Question 30 Dec 2022
In this discussion, the question of whether to have shiurim (educational lessons) on sensitive topics in headlines is explored. The participants debate wheth...
30 Dec 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 12/24/22 – Shiur 400 – Drug and alcohol use in our high schools – how big a problem is it? What can be done? 23 Dec 2022
In this Shiur discussion, the topic of drug and alcohol use in high schools is explored. The participants delve into questions about the halachic implication...
23 Dec 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 12/17/22 – Shiur 399 – Chasunah Halachos & Minhagim in all Kehilos | Eight Chanukah Riddles - Win a Chanukah gift !!!!!! 16 Dec 2022
This Shiur discusses various halachos and minhagim related to Jewish weddings. Topics include walking down the aisle, standing up for the bride and groom, re...
16 Dec 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 12/10/22 – Shiur 398 – Seudas Shabbos – Eating out by others who have different Kashrus standards than you | Kiruv – Who should you and who shouldn’t you invite to your home 9 Dec 2022
In this discussion, the question of inviting guests with different kashrut standards to your Shabbat meals is explored. The main concern is whether this comp...
9 Dec 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 12/3/22 – Shiur 397 – Abuse and Abuse Coverups in Our Communities 2 Dec 2022
In this Shiur discussion, the topic of abuse and abuse coverups in Jewish communities is explored. Questions are raised about the appropriateness of a rabbi ...
2 Dec 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 11/26/22 – Shiur 396 – Taking One’s Life in Halacha 25 Nov 2022
In this shiur (lecture) on the topic of taking one's life in halacha (Jewish law), various perspectives are discussed. Questions are raised regarding situati...
25 Nov 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 11/19/22 – Shiur 395 – Life Before Divorce – How do we stop the upward trend of divorce in our communities? 18 Nov 2022
In this Shiur (Jewish lecture) on the topic of divorce, Rabbi Yisroel Knofler explores why there is an upward trend of divorces in Jewish communities. He dis...
18 Nov 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 11/12/22 – Shiur 394 – “Being in the box” – have we made the “box” into a coffin? Is “the derech” too narrow? 11 Nov 2022
In this Shiur (lecture), the topic of discussion is the concept of being "in the box" and whether the derech (path) of Jewish observance has become too narro...
11 Nov 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 11/5/22 – Shiur 393 – Hear from the wife of someone who has SSA – Is there life after divorce? 4 Nov 2022
In this Shiur (audio lecture), listeners can hear from "Sara," the wife of someone who has same-sex attraction (SSA), discussing whether there is life after ...
4 Nov 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 10/29/22 – Shiur 392 – Mental Health in Halacha – Learn how to recognize it and deal with it 27 Oct 2022
In this Shiur, Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, a Dayan and forensic and clinical psychologist, and Rabbi Moshe Rotberg, a licensed therapist and renowned Rov, discuss v...
27 Oct 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 10/22/22 – Shiur 391 – Do we need to be a shmata when dealing with difficult people? 21 Oct 2022
This shiur discusses strategies for dealing with difficult people and whether it is necessary to be ashmata (soft-spoken) when doing so. The conversation exp...
21 Oct 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 10/8/22 – Shiur 390 – The Kashrus scandal in the (non) Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan Revisited | The court’s decision regarding YU | Transgender in Halacha 6 Oct 2022
In this shiur, there are several discussions taking place. Firstly, the topic of the Kashrus scandal in the non-kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan is revisi...
6 Oct 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 9/24/22 – Shiur 389 – The Kashrus scandal in the Chinese Restaurant | The New York State Board of Regents vote regarding Yeshivos 23 Sep 2022
In this Shiur (lesson) titled "The Kashrus scandal in the Chinese Restaurant," Rabbi Yudel Shain, a Dayan and renowned Kashrus expert, discusses concerns abo...
23 Sep 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 9/17/22 – Shiur 388 – Quick Retirements – Should it be our goal to retire as quickly as possible? Is retirement a good idea? 16 Sep 2022
This Shiur discussion revolves around the topic of retirement. The participants explore whether it is beneficial to retire early and if it is wise to stop wo...
16 Sep 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 9/10/22 – Shiur 387 – Are my Tefillos really worth anything? Does Hashem really listen to me? Powering up our Tefillos 9 Sep 2022
In this shiur, titled "Are my Tefillos really worth anything? Does Hashem really listen to me? Powering up our Tefillos," various prominent Jewish figures di...
9 Sep 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 9/3/22 – Shiur 386 – Next year in Uman/Yerushalayim? Is it about time we brought up Reb Nachman’s Kever to Eretz Yisroel? 2 Sep 2022
The discussion in this text revolves around the question of whether the remains of Reb Nachman should be brought from his grave in Uman to Eretz Yisrael. Var...
2 Sep 2022