eJewishPhilanthropy Purim 2024: Can we really be happy? 22 Mar
As Purim approaches amidst times of war and tragedy, the challenge of balancing joy with pain is daunting for many. This year, the celebrations are shadowed ...
22 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Strengthening our missions with KPIs 22 Mar
The tradition of "Chazak, chazak, vnitchazeik" reflects the essence of organizational development through key performance indicators (KPIs) in Jewish nonprof...
22 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy The power of people-to-people experiences  21 Mar
Israeli students from Shaar HaNegev Regional High School visited San Diego Jewish Academy as part of a people-to-people exchange following the Oct. 7 attacks...
21 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Rising to the moment: Andrés Spokoiny’s address to JFN 2024 21 Mar
Andrés Spokoiny spoke at the JFN 2024 addressing the profound loss and grief following recent tragedies, emphasizing the inadequacy of the phrase "rest in pe...
21 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Jewish educators have nightmares about Oct. 7 20 Mar
Jewish educators, particularly those with connections to Israel, have reported experiencing recurring nightmares and trauma related to the events of Oct. 7, ...
20 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy The future we don’t want to imagine 20 Mar
Dana Sheanin, CEO of Jewish LearningWorks, expresses deep concern about the future of the Bay Area Jewish community, highlighting the challenges faced by loc...
20 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy In uncertain times, Jewish families seek community in Jewish day schools 19 Mar
In the wake of recent challenges like the 10/7 events affecting American Jews, Jewish day schools are witnessing increased interest and enrollment inquiries ...
19 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Four things to do when defending Israel 18 Mar
To effectively defend Israel, it is essential to have a clear goal, acknowledge Palestinian suffering while highlighting Hamas' actions, avoid political enta...
18 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Et tu, #MeToo 18 Mar
The United Nations released a report on Hamas attacks in Israel on Oct. 7, acknowledging violence against Israeli women, but falling short of condemning it u...
18 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Reconsidering the rabbi-rebbetzin leadership dynamic 15 Mar
The article discusses the evolving dynamics of leadership within couples, specifically focusing on the roles of rabbis and rebbetzins in modern times. Drawin...
15 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy The Diaspora’s ‘The Day After’ dilemma  14 Mar
Jewish communities, both in Israel and the Diaspora, are facing a surge in antisemitic incidents following a recent terrorist attack, particularly on univers...
14 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Minding the gap: Preparing for a radically different mifgash 14 Mar
Adina Frydman, CEO of Young Judaea Global, shares impactful encounters from a recent trip to Israel after the Oct. 7 attacks, highlighting the need to adjust...
14 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy How are Jewish boards different from all other boards? 13 Mar
Jewish boards share similarities with nonprofit boards in areas like providing value, CEO evaluations, fundraising support, strategic planning, and board com...
13 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Why traveling to Israel is more important for young adults now than ever 12 Mar
Rabbi Jonah Zinn, the executive director of the University of Florida Hillel, emphasizes the heightened importance for young Jewish adults to visit Israel in...
12 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Meeting the needs in Israel requires all of our humanitarian experience 12 Mar
IsraAID, led by CEO Yotam Polizer, made the significant decision to provide large-scale humanitarian aid within Israel following the Oct. 7 attacks. Leveragi...
12 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Getting the Jewish workforce out of ‘the Red Zone’ 11 Mar
In a piece discussing the challenges facing Jewish professionals, Barry Finestone, the president and CEO of the Jim Joseph Foundation, reflects on the strain...
11 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Helping women in wartime: Key lessons in honor of International Women’s Day 8 Mar
On International Women's Day, Project Kesher highlights key lessons for supporting women in wartime, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and addressing...
8 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Revisiting philanthropic priorities after Oct. 7 7 Mar
The article discusses the debate among Jewish funders regarding whether to prioritize giving to Jewish causes or support more universalist values such as tik...
7 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Why every Jewish org should take up the cause of child welfare  6 Mar
Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz argues that Jewish organizations should prioritize child welfare based on the Hebrew Bible's numerous calls to protect vulnerable chi...
6 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Teaching Israel in a time of war 6 Mar
The article discusses the challenges of teaching about Israel during times of war, sharing the experiences of an Israel educator amid recent tragic events. I...
6 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Martyrdom isn’t a Jewish value: Rethinking nonprofit leadership and sustainability 5 Mar
The article discusses the misconception in nonprofit leadership, particularly within the Jewish community, that self-sacrifice to the point of compromising w...
5 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy What Moving Traditions has learned about teens and Israel 4 Mar
Moving Traditions has discovered that many Jewish teens feel unequipped or hesitant to discuss Israel due to a lack of knowledge about its complex history or...
4 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy During these challenging times, scaling up mental health support in Israel is vital 1 Mar
The Israeli non-profit organization Sahar has been providing mental health support for over 20 years, now crucial due to the recent trauma from the Hamas att...
1 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Today’s young adults need the Jewish camp experience more than ever 29 Feb
Rachel Berlin Handloff, the executive director of 6 Points Specialty Camps, emphasizes the importance of Jewish summer camps for young adults amidst the rise...
29 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy To save a life: Lessons for launching a medical R&D initiative 29 Feb
Fernando Goldsztein's journey began with his son's diagnosis of medulloblastoma, leading to the creation of The Medulloblastoma Initiative (MBI) aimed at fun...
29 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Israel’s third sector: A living leadership laboratory 28 Feb
Israel's third sector, consisting of over 40,000 nonprofit organizations, plays a vital role in the nation's economy, with around 5% of GDP and 370,000 volun...
28 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Why using more than the IHRA definition strengthens, not undermines, the fight against antisemitism 28 Feb
The discussion revolves around how to define and combat antisemitism, particularly in the context of the Biden administration's National Strategy to Counter ...
28 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy You shall sojourn together: A lived experiment in interorganizational Jewish collaboration 27 Feb
A Jewish professional reflects on an impactful trip to Israel with Birthright, where professionals from various Jewish organizations, including Hillel, Chaba...
27 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy I tried to speak about a two-state solution at a university. The police had to evacuate me.  26 Feb
Jeffrey Blutinger, a professor at California State University, Long Beach, recounts being evacuated by police from a lecture at San Jose State University due...
26 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy After two years and two wars, we still choose life 23 Feb
Jewish communities in Ukraine have been navigating through two simultaneous wars over the past two years - the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine and the...
23 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Flexible funding and Jewish nonprofits: Meeting the moment calls for a trust-based model  23 Feb
In response to the challenges facing Jewish nonprofits, including increased demands for services, staffing issues, and outdated systems, there is a push for ...
23 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Raising money — and spirits — in times of emergency 22 Feb
Yad Sarah, Israel's largest health-care and social services NGO, is facing shortages of medical equipment during ongoing conflict with Hamas and disruptions ...
22 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Reimagining Jewish nonprofit culture 21 Feb
Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz discusses the need for Jewish nonprofits to incorporate Jewish values internally to create spiritually enriching workplaces. He sugge...
21 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Anti-Israel and anti-Jewish: Not the same thing 20 Feb
The article discusses the distinction between anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiments, particularly on college campuses. Data from a survey conducted by the F...
20 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy ‘Where are you, son of Lakish?’: Including diverse, even conflicting viewpoints in our teaching 16 Feb
A group of Hillel educators proposed the Kranjec Test, suggesting that source sheets in Jewish learning include diverse perspectives, especially women's voic...
16 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Stop selling and start channeling 15 Feb
The article discusses the growing generational divide among American Jews regarding attitudes towards Israel. Younger American Jews tend to be more liberal a...
15 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Empowering Sephardic perspectives as we navigate antisemitism in education 14 Feb
This article discusses the rise of antisemitism in the San Francisco Bay Area public school system. The author recounts her own experience with her son facin...
14 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Giving better after Oct. 7: Personal and professional insights  13 Feb
The author, Ariel Dloomy, reflects on the personal and professional challenges he faces as a philanthropy practitioner following the deadly attacks on Israel...
13 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy The necessity of Israeli women’s leadership 13 Feb
Israeli women's leadership is crucial in times of crisis, such as the aftermath of the Oct. 7, 2023 attacks in Israel. Women have stepped in to fill the gap ...
13 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Voices from the field: Educators respond to a historic moment 12 Feb
The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education and the Jewish Education Project conducted a survey to understand the experiences of Jewish educators, clergy...
12 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Crisis and opportunity 12 Feb
The article discusses the idea that crises present opportunities for positive change. The current crisis in the Diaspora is the increasing threat to physical...
12 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy When it comes to Israel education, turn to the beit midrash  9 Feb
The director of experiential education at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem highlights the importance of using the beit midrash, or the Jew...
9 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Rude ‘Awakenings’: Communal transformations in our time of crisis 8 Feb
The authors discuss the transformations happening in Jewish communal life in the face of recent crises, particularly in the aftermath of the attacks by Hamas...
8 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Let’s stay at the table 7 Feb
The authors reflect on the recent pain and challenges faced by the Jewish community worldwide as a result of the conflict in Israel and the rise of antisemit...
7 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Continuing to build: What we’ve learned and what we’re changing in our new area of grantmaking 7 Feb
The Jim Joseph Foundation has shared an update on their Build Grants program, which aims to support organizations in expanding their programs and engaging ne...
7 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy A road map for supporting Israel and making a difference 6 Feb
The author discusses his personal road map for supporting Israel and making a difference. He emphasizes the importance of giving to Israel and supporting var...
6 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Mending a broken Jewish story 5 Feb
The article discusses the current global Jewish crisis and the need for educators to help mend the broken Jewish narrative for the next generation. The erosi...
5 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Reflections on the unimaginable 2 Feb
The author reflects on the impact of watching footage of Hamas terrorist attacks, particularly focusing on the heartbreaking story of a father and his two yo...
2 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Yearning to breathe free 2 Feb
The article discusses the importance of Refugee Shabbat, an event organized by HIAS, which aims to advocate for compassionate refugee policies. The author, w...
2 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Transforming Jewish disability education: Turning good intentions into tangible outcomes 1 Feb
The Shiluv program aims to transform Jewish disability education by shifting attitudes and promoting true inclusion. Traditional disability awareness trainin...
1 Feb