Lehrhaus Should Jacob have conquered Canaan? 18 Nov 2021
The author discusses whether Jacob should have conquered the land of Canaan upon his return from Haran. Although the conquest of Canaan was promised to Abrah...
18 Nov 2021
Lehrhaus A More Holistic Halakhic Approach to Vaccine Inequity 15 Nov 2021
In this article, the author responds to a discussion on whether high resource countries like Israel should prioritize providing COVID-19 vaccines to their ow...
15 Nov 2021
Lehrhaus Dear Rabbi, Due Too Soon 11 Nov 2021
The author reflects on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the loss of normalcy and loved ones. The death of Rabbi Groner, a secretary to the Lubavitcher...
11 Nov 2021
Lehrhaus U-shemor Nafshekha: The Curious History of the (Supposed) Mitzvah to Maintain One’s Health 9 Nov 2021
The article explores the possible mitzvah (commandment) to maintain one's health in Jewish tradition. The author examines the verses u-shemor nafshekha and v...
9 Nov 2021
Lehrhaus Third Dose vs. Third World Countries: Halakhah Approaches COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation 4 Nov 2021
This article discusses the debate over whether wealthy countries should administer booster shots to fully vaccinated adults or prioritize sending these doses...
4 Nov 2021
Lehrhaus Alexander Hamilton: The “Jewish” Founding Father 2 Nov 2021
Andrew Porwancher's book, "The Jewish World of Alexander Hamilton," argues that Alexander Hamilton had a Jewish identity that should be taken seriously. Porw...
2 Nov 2021
Lehrhaus Rabbi Moshe Dovid Tendler and the Golden Age of Jewish Medical Ethics 28 Oct 2021
Rabbi Moshe Dovid Tendler played a pivotal role in the field of Jewish Medical Ethics, bridging the gap between Halakhah and modern science. He interpreted t...
28 Oct 2021
Lehrhaus A Chicken, a Golem, and the Scientific Revolution 19 Oct 2021
In his book "A Chicken, a Golem, and the Scientific Revolution," Maoz Kahana explores the conflict between Jewish tradition and the discoveries of the scient...
19 Oct 2021
Lehrhaus Rethinking Judaism in Early America 14 Oct 2021
In the book "Kabbalah and the Founding of America: The Early Influence of Jewish Thought in the New World" by Brian Ogren, the author argues that Jewish myst...
14 Oct 2021
Lehrhaus Leonard Cohen Five Years On: Death of a Ladies’ Kohen 12 Oct 2021
This article reflects on Leonard Cohen's Jewish legacy and cautions against co-opting him into a conventional framework of Judaism. The author shares a perso...
12 Oct 2021
Lehrhaus My “Chavrusa,” Rav Tendler  11 Oct 2021
Rabbi Dr. Moshe Dovid Tendler was a revered figure in the Jewish community, well-known for his Torah and academic achievements. He held positions on various ...
11 Oct 2021
Lehrhaus Rabbeinu Bahya and the Case of the Mysterious Medieval Lightning Rod 7 Oct 2021
The commentary of Rabbeinu Bahya, a 13th-century Spanish exegete, contains a description of a lightning rod in his interpretation of the Tower of Babel story...
7 Oct 2021
Lehrhaus Man is not God: The Limits of Imitatio Dei 30 Sep 2021
In this article, the author explores the different interpretations of the verse in Genesis 2:18, "It is not good for man to be alone." The interpretations of...
30 Sep 2021
Lehrhaus What Do We Know About Moses’s Burial Place? 27 Sep 2021
The book of Deuteronomy emphasizes the importance of Moses to Israel's history, declaring him the greatest prophet and leader they have ever had. However, th...
27 Sep 2021
Lehrhaus Outside Help in the Teshuvah Process 27 Sep 2021
The process of teshuvah, or repentance, is often seen as an individual pursuit. However, there are situations where external assistance is necessary. For exa...
27 Sep 2021
Lehrhaus When God Appeases Man: Yom Kippur in a Time of Exile 14 Sep 2021
The author explores the connection between the haftarot (prophetic readings) leading up to Yom Kippur and the process of reconciliation between the Jewish pe...
14 Sep 2021
Lehrhaus Epilogue 9 Sep 2021
Tikva Hecht is a writer and educator who has published her work in various literary journals. She specializes in teaching creative writing and has created a ...
9 Sep 2021
Lehrhaus Liturgical Repetition: When Singing Becomes Sacrilegious 30 Aug 2021
The author discusses the issue of liturgical repetition in Jewish prayer and its potential implications. He begins by highlighting a historical example of ca...
30 Aug 2021
Lehrhaus Liturgical Repetition: When Singing Becomes Sacrilegious 30 Aug 2021
The author discusses the issue of liturgical repetition in Jewish prayer services. They begin by citing the concern raised by R. Yehiel Mikhel Epstein about ...
30 Aug 2021
Lehrhaus A New Book Brings Hebrew Language and Liturgy to Life 26 Aug 2021
Mitchell First's new book, "Links to Our Legacy: Insights into Hebrew, History, and Liturgy," provides a collection of articles that explore various aspects ...
26 Aug 2021
Lehrhaus “And I will Betroth You unto Me”: On Fading Tefillin Strap Marks 23 Aug 2021
The author explores a custom mentioned in a short story by Shai Agnon, where the protagonist waits for the marks left by his tefillin straps to fade before e...
23 Aug 2021
Lehrhaus The Children of the Beautiful Captive 20 Aug 2021
In this discussion of the first section of Parashat Ki Tetzei, the author explores the difficult passages that present ethical challenges in the Torah. Speci...
20 Aug 2021
Lehrhaus Rabbi Elazar Ben Dordaya: The Master of Teshuvah 16 Aug 2021
The story of Rabbi Elazar ben Dordaya, as found in Avodah Zarah 17a, is a well-known tale of redemption and repentance. The story challenges the idea that id...
16 Aug 2021
Lehrhaus Beginning the day with Halakhah or with Spirituality? 12 Aug 2021
The author discusses the order of prayers in traditional Jewish siddurim, specifically focusing on the opening of the morning prayers. He explains that the S...
12 Aug 2021
Lehrhaus Exhuming the Rav from his Procrustean Sarcophagus: The “Mesorah Speech” Reconsidered 9 Aug 2021
The article explores the Mesorah Speech given by Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, known as the Rav, and its significance. The author argues that while the speec...
9 Aug 2021
Lehrhaus Letters to the Editor: More on Shadal and Modern Orthodox Outreach 5 Aug 2021
In a letter responding to an article about Shadal, the translator/editor of Shadal on Leviticus asserts that Shadal did consider himself Orthodox, despite hi...
5 Aug 2021
Lehrhaus Secular Music and the Jewish Soul 2 Aug 2021
The text explores the question of whether there are dangers involved in our love affair with music, specifically secular music. It references a Talmudic stor...
2 Aug 2021
Lehrhaus Letters to the Editor: Shadal, Hazarat Ha-Shatz, and Modern Orthodox Outreach 26 Jul 2021
In this collection of letters to the editor, various topics related to Jewish practice and belief are discussed. One letter debates whether the 19th-century ...
26 Jul 2021
Lehrhaus The Difference Between Lo Tahmod and Lo Tit’avveh: An Insight Based on the Hitpa’el 22 Jul 2021
The article explores the difference between two Hebrew terms, "lo tahmod" and "lo titavveh," which both appear in the tenth commandment in different versions...
22 Jul 2021
Lehrhaus Is Modern Orthodox Kiruv Possible? 19 Jul 2021
The author explores the possibility of Modern Orthodox kiruv (outreach) and its potential to combat the assimilation and loss of Jewish identity in today's w...
19 Jul 2021
Lehrhaus Can We Cancel Tishah Be-Av? The “Four Fasts” in Light of the Miracle of the Modern State of Israel 16 Jul 2021
The author discusses the question of whether Tishah Be-Av, along with the other fasts instituted to mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple and Jerusalem, s...
16 Jul 2021
Lehrhaus Kamtza and Bar Kamtza in the Age of Cancel Culture 16 Jul 2021
The story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza, often used to illustrate baseless hatred (sinat hinam) among the Jewish people, can be understood in a more nuanced way. ...
16 Jul 2021
Lehrhaus Shomron Kol Titein: Let the Silent Sisters Speak and be Consoled 14 Jul 2021
The article discusses the kinnah (dirge) called "Shomron Kol Titein" which is recited on Tishah Be-Av, the day of mourning for the destruction of the Temple....
14 Jul 2021
Lehrhaus How the Student Poland Experience Has Changed 13 Jul 2021
In this article, the author discusses how student trips to Poland to learn about Jewish heritage have changed over the years. The author notes that Poland it...
13 Jul 2021
Lehrhaus Joyful Planting: COVID and the Prohibition of Planting During the Three Weeks 12 Jul 2021
The author explores the prohibition of planting during the Nine Days and its significance in mourning the destruction of the Temples. The prohibition of joyf...
12 Jul 2021
Lehrhaus What is a Jewish Classicist? 8 Jul 2021
This article explores the role of education in reproducing social norms and promoting social change, particularly in relation to identity politics and the Je...
8 Jul 2021
Lehrhaus The Zogerke’s Vort 6 Jul 2021
This text explores the concept of the "zogerke," a literate woman who led prayers and translated Hebrew texts for less educated women in Yiddish. The author ...
6 Jul 2021
Lehrhaus From Polemic to Pandemic: The Past, Present, and Future of Hazarat ha-Shatz 1 Jul 2021
The article discusses the historical debate surrounding hazarat ha-shatz, the repetition of the silent devotion in Jewish liturgy, and its relevance in the p...
1 Jul 2021
Lehrhaus Must Creativity and Rigor be Either/Or? 28 Jun 2021
This article reviews two volumes on the books of Joshua and Judges by Rabbi Michael Hattin, part of the series Studies in Tanakh by Maggid Books. The author ...
28 Jun 2021
Lehrhaus Must Creativity and Rigor be Either/Or? 28 Jun 2021
This article discusses Rabbi Michael Hattin's approach to studying the books of Joshua and Judges in the Tanakh. Hattin combines traditional Jewish interpret...
28 Jun 2021
Lehrhaus The Pitfalls of Excessive Rabbinic Honorifics 21 Jun 2021
This essay discusses the issue of excessive rabbinic honorifics and the pitfalls associated with them. The author acknowledges the biblical obligation to hon...
21 Jun 2021
Lehrhaus Shadal: Translated, Elucidated, and Uncensored at Last 17 Jun 2021
Samuel David Luzzatto, also known as Shadal, was a prominent Italian Jewish scholar in the 19th century. He taught at the Modern Orthodox rabbinical seminary...
17 Jun 2021
Lehrhaus Shadal: Translated, Elucidated, and Uncensored at Last 17 Jun 2021
Samuel David Luzzatto, also known as Shadal, was a prominent Italian Jewish scholar in the 19th century. Despite being a leading figure in his time, there we...
17 Jun 2021
Lehrhaus What Can We Learn From Louis Jacobs? 14 Jun 2021
Reason to Believe: The Controversial Life of Rabbi Louis Jacobs by Harry Freedman explores the life and theology of Rabbi Louis Jacobs, who became a divisive...
14 Jun 2021
Lehrhaus “Let Truth Spring Up from the Ground”: Truth’s Changing Role Throughout History 10 Jun 2021
The article explores the changing role of truth throughout Jewish history. It begins with a midrash about the creation of Adam, where truth is thrown to the ...
10 Jun 2021
Lehrhaus “Justice has not Been Done”: Officer Immunity and Accountability in Jewish Law (Part 2) 7 Jun 2021
In Part 2 of the article "Justice has not Been Done: Officer Immunity and Accountability in Jewish Law," the author explores the concept of qualified immunit...
7 Jun 2021
Lehrhaus Religious Zionism: Beyond Left and Right 3 Jun 2021
The article discusses the divide within Zionism between the "Pesach Jews" on the Left and the "Purim Jews" on the Right. Pesach Jews prioritize the story of ...
3 Jun 2021
Lehrhaus Religious Zionism: Beyond Left and Right 3 Jun 2021
In "Religious Zionism: Beyond Left and Right," the author discusses the divided perspectives within Zionism. He presents the distinction between "Pesach Jews...
3 Jun 2021
Lehrhaus “Justice has not Been Done”: Officer Immunity and Accountability in Jewish Law (Part 1) 27 May 2021
This article discusses the issue of police officer immunity and accountability in Jewish law. It highlights the disproportionate use of force by police again...
27 May 2021
Lehrhaus Shared Leadership: A Response to Ezra Schwartz and Nathaniel Helfgot 25 May 2021
The debate between centralization and the authority of local rabbis in making halakhic decisions within the Modern Orthodox community has important implicati...
25 May 2021