Daily Podcasts Video search
Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Rabbi Herschel Schacter (1917-2013) 11 Nov 2021
Rabbi Herschel Schacter, a prominent rabbi and communal leader, was a shtadlan - an advocate for Jewish interests with those in positions of authority. In 19...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Dr. Jacob Birnbaum (1926-2014) 11 Nov 2021
Dr. Jacob Birnbaum was a prominent advocate for Soviet Jewry in the 1960s. He founded the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry (SSSJ), which mobilized students ...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Irving Bunim (1901-1980) 11 Nov 2021
Irving Bunim was a highly influential figure in advancing the cause of Orthodox Jewry in America. Born in Volozhin, he immigrated to New York with his family...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Shtladlanim: Stephen Klein (1907-1978) 11 Nov 2021
Stephen Klein, a Jewish refugee who fled Austria during the Nazi regime, demonstrated that economic success in America does not preclude Torah observance. He...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Rabbi Joseph Karasick (1922-2020) 11 Nov 2021
Rabbi Joseph Karasick was a visionary leader who dedicated his life to strengthening Orthodox Judaism in the United States and globally. As president of the ...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Zev Wolfson (1928-2012) 11 Nov 2021
Zev Wolfson was a unique figure who dedicated his life to philanthropy and lobbying on behalf of Klal Yisrael. He gave away millions of dollars annually in I...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Dr. Marvin Schick (1934-2020) 11 Nov 2021
Dr. Marvin Schick, a prominent advocate for Jewish causes, passed away in April 2020. Known for his commitment to integrity and Jewish observance, he played ...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Rabbi Herman Naftali Neuberger (1918-2005) 11 Nov 2021
Rabbi Herman Naftali Neuberger, a German Jewish refugee who escaped to the US in 1938, played a significant role in saving and supporting the Persian Jewish ...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Elimelech Gavriel (Mike) Tress (1910-1967) 11 Nov 2021
This text discusses the life and accomplishments of Elimelech Gavriel (Mike) Tress, a key figure in the Agudah movement in America. Despite being a college g...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Rabbi Moshe Sherer (1921-1998) 11 Nov 2021
Rabbi Moshe Sherer was a key figure in the establishment and growth of Agudath Israel of America. He played a crucial role in addressing various crises faced...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Moses Feuerstein (1916-2009) 11 Nov 2021
Moses Feuerstein was the president of the Orthodox Union from 1954 to 1966, a time when Orthodox Jewry in America faced many challenges. However, Feuerstein'...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Rabbi Dr. Israel Miller (1919-2002) 11 Nov 2021
Rabbi Dr. Israel Miller was a prominent figure in the Jewish community, known for his advocacy on behalf of various causes. In a 1988 interview with Mike Wal...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Harold M. Jacobs (1912-1995) 11 Nov 2021
Harold M. Jacobs was a pioneer in American Orthodox leadership, demonstrating that one can maintain a traditional religious lifestyle while actively represen...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Keeping Shemitah in the Technological Age 11 Nov 2021
In an interview with Rabbi Ezra Friedman, he discusses the mitzvah of shemitah and its observance in the modern age. Shemitah is considered a rabbinic mitzva...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action A Good Fry 11 Nov 2021
This article discusses the joy of frying during the holiday season, particularly the tradition of making latkes. The author shares a recipe for sweet potato ...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action What’s the Truth About . . .Counting a Minor with a Sefer Torah Toward a Minyan? 11 Nov 2021
The question of whether a minor can be included in a minyan (a prayer quorum of ten adult male Jews) is a long-standing controversy in Jewish law. The basic ...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Reviews in Brief – Winter 2021 11 Nov 2021
In "Places in the Parasha: Biblical Geography and Its Meaning" by Professor Yoel Elitzur, the author explores the geography of the Bible and its connection t...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Letters 11 Nov 2021
The first letter discusses the impact of an article on a Chesed program, Bobbies Place, which has led to its expansion into new communities. The second lette...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Planning Your Communal Role – Yet Again 11 Nov 2021
The author reflects on their decision to pursue a career in law rather than in rabbinics due to their perceived limitations in Talmudic study and the need fo...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Looking in the Mirror: Growth Masking Attrition 11 Nov 2021
This article discusses the challenge of attrition within the Orthodox Jewish community in the United States. While the community is often seen as robust due ...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action The Wisdom of Not Knowing 11 Nov 2021
In this article, the author emphasizes the importance of recognizing and admitting what we don't know. They highlight how saying "I don't know" can demonstra...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Bringing Teen Outreach to a Whole New Level 11 Nov 2021
NCSY's Jewish Student Union (JSU) is a network of culture clubs for Jewish public school teens in the US and Canada, impacting around 12,000 teens annually. ...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Covid Aliyah 18 Aug 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has unexpectedly sparked a surge in aliyah (Jewish immigration to Israel) from North America. Despite a decrease in overall aliyah figu...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Making Aliyah in the Midst of a Pandemic 18 Aug 2021
This article features two families who made Aliyah (immigrated to Israel) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Rosenblatt family, originally from Montreal, are ...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Online Tool Helps Families Plan for Aliyah Success 18 Aug 2021
A new online resource called the Aliyah Risk Calculator helps families planning to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) assess their chances of success. Develop...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action All Because of Covid 18 Aug 2021
Nelly Grussgott, a 90-year-old Holocaust survivor living in Brooklyn, decided to move into an independent living facility in March 2020 but canceled due to t...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Money Talk 18 Aug 2021
At a roundtable discussion, Jewish experts in career and business building, including Chaya Fishman and Rabbi Zisha Novoseller, discussed opportunities for m...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action New Initiative Targets Personal Finance Issues in the Jewish Community 18 Aug 2021
The Meaningful People Podcast hosts, Yaakov and Eli Langer, have launched Kosher Money, a podcast about personal finance in the Jewish community. In partners...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Parnassah Exchange: A New Clearinghouse for the Unemployed 18 Aug 2021
Parnassah Exchange is a new clearinghouse and connecting point for several Orthodox organizations in the Greater New York area that assist unemployed and und...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Money Mindset: Can We Change the Way We Think About Money? 18 Aug 2021
Rabbi Naftali Horowitz discusses the importance of living within one's means and the different types of spenders. He explains that living at one's means invo...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Combating Financial Illiteracy— One Student at a Time 18 Aug 2021
Rivka Resnik, an educator from Monsey, New York, has been teaching frum (Orthodox Jewish) students about financial responsibility since 1992. She has develop...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Money Matters 18 Aug 2021
Financial literacy and management is being promoted within the Jewish community to help families overcome debt and achieve financial peace. Rabbi Avraham Shm...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action If You Will It, It Is Not A Dream 18 Aug 2021
Financial consultants Rifka Lebowitz and Baruch Labinsky discuss the financial aspects of living in Israel for olim (immigrants). Lebowitz highlights the imp...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Thinking of Aliyah? Tips from Israeli Financial Experts 18 Aug 2021
Israeli financial experts, Rifka Lebowitz and Baruch Labinsky, offer tips for individuals considering aliyah (immigration) to Israel. They advise adjusting e...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Memorable Loaves for the High Holidays 18 Aug 2021
The tradition of shaping challah into various forms for Rosh Hashanah originated in Ukraine. The round challah symbolizes long life and Hashem's unity, while...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Holiday Elegance on a Budget 18 Aug 2021
This article offers tips on how to have an elegant holiday meal on a budget without sacrificing taste or quality. It suggests choosing poultry over red meat ...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about. . .Naming the First Son from Yibbum? 18 Aug 2021
The misconception that the first son of a levirate marriage (yibbum) must be named after the deceased husband/brother is not correct. While there is no requi...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Letters – Fall 2021 18 Aug 2021
In the Fall 2021 issue of Letters, Dr. Joshua Katz argues against the notion that science is inherently flawed, emphasizing that while science is not a subst...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Wealth Disparity Within the Orthodox Middle Class 18 Aug 2021
In American Orthodox Jewry, there has been a shift in socioeconomic tensions. Previously, there was a small wealthy minority and a larger middle class with m...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Dreaming Big 18 Aug 2021
In this article, Rabbi Moshe Hauer explores the importance of thinking big in religious life. While consistency and conscientiousness are critical for spirit...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Culture Reset 18 Aug 2021
The author reflects on the importance of self-reflection and examination as the Orthodox Union (OU) looks towards the future. They draw upon the idea that in...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Shul: The Heart of the Community 18 Aug 2021
Synagogues in North America, particularly in non-Orthodox movements, have been facing challenges in keeping congregants engaged and financially supporting th...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Stacey Goldman 18 Aug 2021
Stacey Goldman, a Jewish educator and philanthropist, has been inspired to bring her teaching online and reach a wider audience after recording her first shi...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Inside Philanthropy – Fall 2021 18 Aug 2021
This article highlights various philanthropic events and achievements within the Jewish community. These events include the IVDU Dream Triathlon, which raise...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Keeping It Kosher in the Age of Corona 9 Jun 2021
This article discusses how OU Kosher, the largest kosher certification agency in the world, had to adapt its operations during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensur...
9 Jun 2021
Jewish Action Putting Hand Sanitizer Within Reach 9 Jun 2021
During the height of the pandemic, a distillery in Chicago began producing hand sanitizer for first responders who were having trouble accessing it. When the...
9 Jun 2021
Jewish Action Quarantining in a Crunch 9 Jun 2021
When the Covid-19 pandemic began last year, the Orthodox Union (OU) faced a challenge in supervising a cheese plant in the Midwest. They needed kosher superv...
9 Jun 2021
Jewish Action Stuck in Samoa 9 Jun 2021
Rabbi Reuven Nathanson, director of OU Kosher's West Coast Kashruth Division, experienced challenges during the Covid pandemic while visiting American Samoa ...
9 Jun 2021
Jewish Action Mashgiach on the Go 9 Jun 2021
Rabbi Yisroel Hollander, a senior rabbinical representative of Europe for the OU Kosher organization, has a demanding job that requires him to travel extensi...
9 Jun 2021
Jewish Action Of Faith and Crisis 9 Jun 2021
Faith is a central aspect of Judaism, but it is often taken for granted and not extensively studied or articulated. Tragic events can force us to question ou...
9 Jun 2021