Tag: Ahad Haam

The article discusses the relationship between the holiday of Purim and the concept of Jewish sovereignty, highlighting differing viewpoints on the importance and limitations of having a Jewish state.
The article discusses the manipulation of language and historical narratives in the Palestinian propaganda complex to demonize Israel and the Jewish people.
The book "How Jews Were Modern" edited by Elisheva Carlebach is part of The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization series.
In Micah Goodman's book, "The Wondering Jew," he argues for a middle path between strict adherence to tradition and complete abandonment of Jewish values.
In "State or Substate?", Dmitry Shumsky explores the idea of nonstatist Zionism, focusing on major Jewish figures like Judah Magnes and Martin Buber who envisioned a binational state in Palestine where Jews and Arabs would coexist without one group ruling over the other.
The text explores the Old-New Debate surrounding Theodor Herzl, the Founding Father of Israel, and his relationship with Ahad Haam, a Jewish intellectual and critic.