Tag: Al Aqsa Mosque

Hamas launched an attack on Israel called 'Al-Aqsa Flood,' citing defense of the Aqsa Mosque and opposition to Israeli aggression and control in the region as motivations.
Isabella Hammad's novel "Enter Ghost" explores the intersection of art and politics, showcasing how an individual's politicization can actually enhance their creativity and personal growth.
The latest Gaza war between Israel and Hamas was not a spontaneous outbreak of violence caused by a local property dispute, as portrayed in some media narratives.
The author discusses the current situation in Jerusalem, highlighting the complexities and nuances that are often overlooked.
Rep. Ilhan Omar's upcoming trip to Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank has sparked discussions about the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
In 1977, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's groundbreaking visit to Israel took many by surprise, including Palestinian leaders who were aligned with the PLO.
The text discusses the complex dynamics in Jerusalem as seen through the lens of a walk around the city.
Yehuda Glick, a prominent figure advocating for Jewish prayer rights at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, was shot four times by a Palestinian assailant in an attempted assassination.