Tag: Alt Right

The text discusses how certain instances of hatred and threats towards Jews are downplayed or excused based on who is making these threats.
In this Antisemitism Monitor, several incidents of antisemitism are highlighted from different parts of the world.
The author reflects on the dilemma of owning a Tesla in light of Elon Musk's problematic statements condoning and embracing antisemitism.
A college student and devout Lutheran, Ryan Turnipseed, faced the possibility of excommunication by his church after criticizing the church's new edition of Luthers Large Catechism on Twitter.
Alt-right figure Richard Spencer, known for his white supremacist views, recently tweeted in support of Joe Biden, leading to some confusion and even endorsement from both pro-Trump and anti-Biden groups.
The text discusses the rise of digital anti-Semitism, focusing on the evolution from ironic online memes to dangerous ideologies that fuel acts of violence like the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting by Robert Bowers.
Atomwaffen Division, the neo-Nazi group to which Samuel Lincoln Woodward, charged with the murder of Jewish student Blaze Bernstein, belonged, stands out as one of the most violently inclined neo-Nazi organizations in the U.S. Founded in 2015 and drawing members from the alt-right movement, AWD advocates for an all-out race war and openly promotes violence against minorities.
An alt-right publication, The Unz Review, accused Jews of trying to indoctrinate American children through subversive children's books, referencing the disproportionate number of Jewish authors on the American Library Association's list of banned/challenged books.
Josh Mandel, a U.S. Senate candidate from Ohio, has accepted the first endorsement from a new Super PAC called #REV18 created by alt-right conspiracy theorists Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec, signaling an alliance between a Jewish politician and the alt-right.
Many Jewish groups remain hesitant after President Trump emphasized "America First" in his inaugural speech, a phrase historically associated with anti-Semitism and U.S. isolationism during WWII.
The text discusses the concept of golems in Jewish folklore and how it has been used in modern contexts.
The text discusses the mainstreaming of anti-Semitism in America coming from both the political right and left, with examples ranging from online harassment to public statements from various figures.
Donald Trump's transition team avoided directly condemning a white supremacist conference where his victory was celebrated, stating broadly that Trump opposes racism.
The article discusses how a writer, Joshua Seidel, misquoted Steve Bannon regarding his alleged views on Jewish women.
The article investigates whether Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump's former chief strategist, is really an anti-Semite, citing various instances that question his stance on Jews.