Tag: Angel Of Death

The author reflects on her father's ability to evade death multiple times and contemplates the inevitability of losing loved ones as they age.
This text tells the story of Moyshe-Itzke, an anointed writer who believes he will live forever.
This poem by Jennie Mintz explores the horrors of the Holocaust, particularly the dehumanizing and indiscriminate nature of the Nazi atrocities.
Jack Black recently showcased his rendition of the Passover song "Chad Gadya," known for its dark and escalating lyrics, in a video posted online to help lift spirits during the challenging final days of the holiday.
Dr. Josef Mengele, infamous for his cruel experiments on prisoners during the Holocaust, now has his remains utilized for teaching medical students at a Brazilian university.
Rabbi Shmelke of Nikolsburg encountered the Angel of Death at the German border in the 1770s, warning him that spreading Hasidism in Western Europe would lead all Jews there to become Hasidim.