Tag: Anti Zionist

David Bragin criticizes the use of a photo in an article about antisemitic incidents, arguing that it misrepresented an event.
Refaat Alareer, a Gazan poet and professor, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City.
This article discusses the play "Amid Falling Walls" which features a scene depicting the suicide of Artur Zygielbojm, a prominent Polish Jewish politician who was critical of Zionism.
Columbia University has suspended two student clubs, Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, for repeatedly violating university policies related to holding campus events.
The article discusses the recent protests against Israeli violence in Gaza and highlights the problematic response from some Jews who declared that the protesters were not Jewish.
The writer describes the hostile environment that Jewish students face on American college campuses, particularly in the aftermath of the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas.
In this article, the editor-in-chief of Jewish Currents reflects on the emotional and political challenges faced by Jewish activists in the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Hundreds of protesters, including Jewish organizations, gathered outside the Israeli consulate in New York City for an Emergency Rally for Gaza.
Avodah, a Jewish social justice organization, has fired an anti-Zionist activist, Anna Rajagopal, following pressure from StopAntisemitism.org.
The Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis criticized the online blacklist site Canary Mission for targeting a college student from their community, Sophie Hurwitz, who is involved with Jewish Voice for Peace.
Ilene, Don, and Noah discuss the purpose and impact of Israel's blockade on Gaza, questioning its effectiveness and consequences.