Tag: Anti Zionist

Despite the history of anti-Zionist antisemitism under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership, the director of Labour Friends of Israel, Michael Rubin, expresses confidence in Labour's current leader, Keir Starmer.
The Halachic Left is a new group of observant Jews in the U.S. who oppose Israel's military actions in Gaza, viewing advocacy for a ceasefire as a religious obligation.
Israeli students and academics on U.S. college campuses face a challenging environment due to anti-Israel sentiments, leading to ostracization, threats, and hostility, even when they try to engage in dialogue or explain their perspectives.
Dr. Harold Behr, a retired child psychiatrist, highlights that the current wave of student protests surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on university campuses reflects the adolescent need for certainty and belonging.
Nathan Thrall, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, wrote the book "A Day in the Life of Abed Salama," which offers a nuanced perspective on Palestinians living under Israeli occupation.
At The New School, a campus rabbi, Louisa Solomon, stands out as an anti-Zionist figure supporting students in pro-Palestinian activism, leading traditional Jewish events with a politically charged twist.
The former chair of Dartmouth's Jewish Studies program, Annelise Orleck, was arrested for joining pro-Palestinian student protests despite warnings from the school.
The Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco faced controversy when some artists accepted into the California Jewish Open identified as anti-Zionist and advocated for Palestinian liberation.
"Israelism," a documentary by Erin Axelman and Sam Eilertsen, follows the journeys of young American Jews Simone Zimmerman and Eitan from passionate advocates for Israel to outspoken critics.
Last week, events in Berlin and Belgium highlighted the issue of banning conferences from different ends of the political spectrum.
Seven Jewish anti-Zionist artists have withdrawn their works from the California Jewish Open exhibit at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco in protest.
Josh Radnor reflects on his experience starring in the play "The Ally," where he plays a Jewish theater professor caught in a dilemma regarding his progressive values and allyship amidst issues surrounding Israel and Palestine.
Some Jewish summer camps are under pressure to reconsider their Israel programming, with families at a New York camp urging the exclusion of Israel Day celebrations, citing concerns about the ongoing conflict.
The video discusses the controversial group Neturei Karta and questions whether they truly represent authentic Judaism according to the worldwide organized Jewish community.
Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano, a Christian nationalist, introduced a bill for Holocaust education in public schools alongside Rabbi Joseph Kolakowski, who has previously blamed Zionism for the Holocaust and has endorsed Mastriano's political campaigns.
The owner of Weathered Waves bar in Salt Lake City sparked controversy by posting on Instagram that no Zionists are allowed, equating Zionism with racism and white supremacy but claiming not to be antisemitic.
Dr. Geoffrey Levin, Assistant Professor at Emory University, delves into his book "Our Palestine Problem: Israel and American Jewish Dissent, 1948-1978," which examines the early anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian intellectuals who emerged after Israel's founding.
George Galloway, a long-time anti-Zionist figure, was recently elected to the U.K. parliament, representing the far-left Workers Party after a campaign focused on appealing to Muslim voters in Rochdale amid the Israel-Hamas conflict.
In an essay by Loolwa Khazzoom, the author reflects on a conversation with an anti-Zionist individual, highlighting how closed-mindedness and preconceived notions can hinder meaningful dialogue.
Twenty pro-Palestinian protesters affiliated with the anti-Zionist Jewish Voice for Peace were detained during demonstrations against pro-Israel lawmakers and the AIPAC lobby in New York City.
Jewish seminaries and synagogues are facing a shortage of young people interested in becoming rabbis, leading to more flexibility in acceptance criteria.
The text highlights various instances of what the author perceives as Jewish double standards.
Australian Jews are on high alert after a list of Jewish creatives' personal information was published online by pro-Palestinian activists.
An Employment Tribunal ruled that while David Miller's dismissal from Bristol University was unfair, it was partly caused by his own actions.
The Westchester Peoples Action Coalition Foundation (Wespac), a small nonprofit based in Westchester, New York, is revealed to be the financial linchpin for hardline pro-Palestinian groups such as Within Our Lifetime and National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).