Tag: Antisemitic Tropes

Rep. Mark Pocan has been engaging in a prolonged social media campaign against AIPAC, leveling criticisms at the pro-Israel lobbying group linked to antisemitic tropes and accusations.
The text discusses the concept of "backlash fatigue" within the Jewish community in relation to instances of negative behavior by Jewish individuals impacting perceptions of Jewish people as a whole.
The recent surge in Holocaust-themed TV shows reflects a trend in the entertainment industry to tackle weighty subjects for prestige, with a mix of accurate historical representation and some inaccuracies due to narrative embellishments.
Lara Trump, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee, along with other top Republicans, falsely accused Jewish billionaire George Soros of funding pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, echoing antisemitic tropes of him being a puppet master.
As the Jewish community faces a rise in antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiments, there is a growing need to better educate Jewish students on these issues.
Hunter College Hillel spoke out against the targeting of Jewish students by protesters demanding that Jews choose a side at a recent rally on campus.
A Jewish woman, known for her adaptation of Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" featuring a female Shylock, recounts facing increased police interactions due to the play's success and her outspokenness against antisemitism, misogyny, and bullying.
Vivek Ramaswamy, an upstart Republican presidential candidate, appeared on the podcast of an influencer known for his anti-Semitic views.
The release of the Hogwarts Legacy video game, set in the Harry Potter universe, has sparked criticism over its portrayal of goblins with antisemitic undertones, such as controlling the economy with large, growing noses.
In this article written by Henry Greenspan, a professor emeritus at the University of Michigan, he critiques a recent column by Rob Eshman that explores the concept of "Zionist snowflakes" on college campuses.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has responded to criticism regarding its remarks on The New York Times' investigation into Hasidic yeshivas.
Kanye West has rejected an invitation to the Holocaust Museum in Los Angeles and has continued to double down on his recent antisemitic rhetoric.
This article discusses the historical myth that Jewish men menstruate.
"The Accusation: Blood Libel in an American Town" by Edward Berenson tells the story of the Massena blood libel, which occurred in 1928 in Massena, New York.