Tag: Apartheid

In this discussion, Jewish scholars Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain examine the increasing criminalization of Israel and the accusations of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide made against the country by liberal American Jews.
In this discussion by Miriam Herschlag, Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida, and Noah Efron, several topics are covered.
In a discussion led by Times of Israel, the focus is on significant topics such as an Israeli company leasing spy software for surveillance, perceptions of Israel as an apartheid state, Ben & Jerry's decision to cease sales in settlements, and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid's comments on combating antisemitism.
The author, a former Human Rights Watch researcher, reflects on his initial skepticism about applying the term "apartheid" to the Israeli-Palestinian context but now acknowledges that Israeli officials are committing the crimes of apartheid and persecution.
In "Manufacturing Falsehoods," journalist Ben-Dror Yemini refutes false allegations against Israel made by NGOs, academics, and the media, aiming to correct the negative view often portrayed.
Albie Sachs, a key figure in the fight against apartheid in South Africa, survived a bomb attack and went on to help draft the country's democratic constitution in the early 1990s.
The text discusses how the current framing of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict draws parallels between Palestinians and African Americans, aiming to connect their struggles against oppression.
The discussion covers three key topics: the use of the term "apartheid" to describe Israeli policy following an essay by Bradley Burston; the politicization of the Judicial Appointment Committee in Israel; and a planned cross-country journey by social protest leader Daphni Leef and singer-songwriter Yael Deckelbaum to listen to people's visions for the country.
In the "Blatt, Blatter & Blattest" Edition, Allison, Don, and Noah tackle key issues including the controversy surrounding a Palestinian proposal to expel Israel from FIFA, trials of IDF soldiers for expressing opinions against the government, and reflections on Israeli treatment of American-Israeli coach David Blatt.
Dr. Ephraim Chamiel discusses his book on the emergence of Modern Orthodoxy, where Jewish philosophers aimed to blend tradition with modernity.
Arthur Goldreich, an undercover ANC operative and close collaborator of Nelson Mandela, was imprisoned by the South African government in 1963, escaped, and sought refuge in Israel, becoming a vocal opponent of apartheid.
In Johannesburg, South Africa, a new eruv construction sparked opposition due to security concerns, reflecting the unique challenges faced by the Jewish community in a country with a history of high crime rates.