Tag: Apartheid

An exploration of the effectiveness of the long-standing security barrier around the West Bank in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Political scientist Diana B. Greenwald discusses Palestinian local governance under Israeli occupation, showcasing how even at the local level, Palestinian leaders must navigate Israeli control while trying to serve their communities.
Rapper Macklemore released a new track titled "Hinds Hall," supporting pro-Palestinian college protests and criticizing Israel, accusing it of apartheid and genocide in Gaza.
The text emphasizes the moral imperative of fully supporting Israel, rejecting comparisons of Zionism to Nazism and underscoring Israel's treatment of its Arab citizens as fundamentally different from apartheid.
An Orthodox Jewish reader raised concerns about witnessing racism among Orthodox families while also grappling with the Torah world's alignment with views he finds repugnant, particularly towards Israeli society and non-religious Jews, hindering unity.
In his book "The End of Israel: Dispatches from a Path to Catastrophe," Bradley Burston criticizes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for leading Israel towards a destructive path, desiring accusations of genocide, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing to maintain power by presenting himself as the savior against a hostile world.
Israeli journalist Yuval Abraham faced death threats after winning two awards at the Berlinale International Film Festival for his documentary on Israel's expulsion of Palestinians from West Bank villages.
Harvard professor Derek Penslar faced criticism for his book "Zionism: An Emotional State," which explores the emotions that have influenced Zionist thought and practice.
Israel is facing charges of genocide at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) by South Africa, which claims that Israel is committing genocide in its war against Hamas in Gaza.
The article highlights instances of stupidity and hatred displayed by individuals towards Jews and Israel.
The Jewish community in South Africa is facing challenges as the government demonstrates a bias towards Hamas and strengthens ties with the terrorist organization.
In this interview, Mohammed Zraiy, a Palestinian living in Gaza, describes the dire situation on the ground, with no electricity, internet, medicine, or basic supplies due to Israeli bombardment.
In this opinion piece, the author discusses three words that are often seen as taboo when criticizing Israel: apartheid, racist, and fascist.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has expressed concern about a South African song calling to "Kill the Boer" after Elon Musk publicly urged the group to speak out.
Malkah Fleisher argues in defense of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which she refers to as Judea and Samaria, while most of the world and international legal bodies consider them occupied Palestinian territories.
The author discusses their experiences and emotions while being in Israel-Palestine, expressing a sense of ambivalence and division within themselves.
Shine A Light is a new campaign against rising antisemitism in the United States, backed by major foundations and led by the Kirsh family.
National Wake, a Black and Jewish punk band formed in South Africa during the late 1970s, defied apartheid by bringing together Black and white musicians who lived, jammed, and played to mixed crowds.
The use of the term "apartheid" by human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International to describe Israeli rule over Palestinians marks a significant shift.
The foreign affairs committee of Catalonia, Spain's second-most populous region, has accused Israel of committing apartheid in a draft resolution that was recently passed.
In this article, the author reflects on the current state of LGBTQ rights in the U.S. and the need to continue fighting for equality.
The recent report from Amnesty International accusing Israel of committing apartheid against Palestinians has sparked controversy.
Amnesty International has released a report accusing Israel of apartheid, which has gained support from major human rights groups.
Amnesty International is set to release a report accusing Israel of committing apartheid and depriving Palestinians of basic rights.
In this discussion, the participants explore the use of the words "apartheid" and "antisemitism" in relation to Israel.