Tag: Army Service

In Israel, a High Court hearing addressing the issue of charedi (ultra-Orthodox) avoidance of army service and funding for yeshivas took place, revealing the government's backing of charedi exemptions despite conflicting beliefs within the government itself.
In this podcast episode sponsored by Osey Chail, a nonprofit organization assisting lone soldiers from Haredi backgrounds in the IDF, the speakers, including Haredi soldiers and the adoptive family of a fallen soldier, discuss the challenges these soldiers face in breaking from their community's norms and enlisting.
The statement by the American Agudah's Moetzes expressing the Charedi position on military service exemption for yeshiva students in Israel has sparked controversy and raised questions.
Rabbi Dr. Natan Slifkin responds to an article in Mishpacha Magazine discussing the charedi avoidance of army service, critiquing the interview with Rav Yitzchok Berkovits of Aish HaTorah.
The Charedi community is facing a shift as the exemption from army service expires, leading to a realization that they can no longer solely focus on Torah study for protection.
The debate arises from a viral video showing children dressed as both yeshiva students and soldiers, sparking controversy over the message it conveys.
The text discusses the concept of Daas Torah in the Charedi world and the tension it creates with other Jewish religious segments regarding issues like army service.
A longstanding conflict between the Israeli army and the Charedi community, centered on exemptions for Torah study, has intensified with the recent Gaza war and the army's manpower shortage.
There is a growing divide among religious Jews in Israel over military service, particularly within the Charedi community.
The text discusses the exemption of Charedi (ultra-Orthodox) Jews in Israel from military service, highlighting the disparity between them and the rest of the country's youth who are required to serve, especially during times of war like the conflict with Hamas.
This article features three young Israelis reflecting on their experiences and emotions in the aftermath of the October 7 terrorist attack.
This article examines a common prooftext used to argue that full-time Torah learning in yeshivas justifies exempting charedi (ultra-Orthodox) students from military service.
In this letter from an IDF combat soldier in Gaza, the author expresses their belief that army service is essential for every Jew.
In this letter, an IDF combat soldier expresses his belief that army service is essential for every Jew.
In this article, Rav Dovid Leibel discusses the issue of charedim (ultra-Orthodox) and their participation in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
The debate over whether Torah scholars should be exempt from military service in Israel has a long history rooted in Talmudic texts.