Tag: Association For Jewish Studies

Robert Chazan, a leading scholar in the field of Jewish history and Christian-Jewish relations in the high Middle Ages, has died at the age of 87.
This text is a collection of responses from various individuals reflecting on their beliefs before and after October 7, 2023.
At the 55th annual convention of the Association for Jewish Studies, scholars gathered to discuss their latest research, which often delved into historical issues.
The power of scholarly experts has traditionally come from their objective, informed, and incisive analysis.
Philip Roth's novel "Portnoy's Complaint" celebrates its 50th anniversary, unveiling a tale of Alexander Portnoy, a Jewish man grappling with his identity and pushing against societal constraints, particularly his domineering mother.
In the podcast "The Origins of the Jews" by the Association for Jewish Studies, scholars from various fields such as history, archaeology, linguistics, and genetics delve into the question of where Jews come from.
"In the podcast "Appetizing: An American New York Jewish Food Tradition" by the Association for Jewish Studies, host Jeremy Shere delves into the history and significance of the New York Jewish food tradition of appetizing with guests Eve Jochnowitz, Hasia Diner, Mark Russ Federman, and Norma Joseph. They discuss how appetizing stores, dating back to the early 1900s, offered fish, dairy, and related foods as a complement to meat-selling delis, shaping the culinary landscape of Jewish New Yorkers and reflecting how they lived and ate over the years."
In this conversation between Abraham Socher and Leon Wieseltier, they discuss various topics such as Yosef Yerushalmi, the renowned historian who was Wieseltier's teacher, as well as David Ben-Gurion's attention to grammatical precision.
The Association for Jewish Studies is hosting its annual meeting in Chicago, featuring numerous panels and presentations covering a wide range of topics related to Jewish studies across different disciplines, regions, and time periods.