Tag: Bedouin

The text discusses the reintroduction of Asiatic wild asses in Israel's Negev desert, where they play a crucial ecological role by dispersing seeds.
The article discusses the trend in academia to delegitimize Israel as a settler-colonial regime, even extending to unconventional areas like zoology and conservation.
Israeli Bedouins living in unrecognized areas in the Negev desert lack the safety and security that most Israelis take for granted.
Dr. Sarab Abu Rabia-Queder, a researcher at Ben-Gurion University, discusses the complex position of Israel's Bedouin community in balancing tradition and modernity, as well as their Arab identity and their relationship with the State of Israel.
Dr. Sarab Abu Rabia-Queder, a researcher at Ben-Gurion University, discusses the Bedouin community in the south of Israel, focusing on their complex position between tradition and modernity, as well as their Arab identity and relationship with the State of Israel.
In a conversation by Allison, Don, Eilon, and Noah, they discuss various topics including the prevalence of polygamy among the Bedouin in the Negev, the short half-life of ethnic neighborhoods in Israel, and the dilemma of whether the struggling post office should be bailed out or privatized.
Participants on a Birthright Israel trip experienced a memorable night at a Bedouin tent in Kfar Hanokdim, owned by Israeli Jews but operated by Bedouins.