Tag: Benjamin Netanyahu

The text discusses how the current framing of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict draws parallels between Palestinians and African Americans, aiming to connect their struggles against oppression.
Tabletseditors criticize the White House and its allies for allegedly smearing American Jews to promote the Iran nuclear deal, pointing to articles in The New York Times and The Washington Post.
Allison, Don, and Noah engage in discussions about various topics including recent speeches by PA President Abbas and Israeli PM Netanyahu at the UN, the rulings of the Israeli Supreme Court on controversial issues, and the silencing of dissent in Israel highlighted in Mairav Zonszein's New York Times op-ed.
The failure of Secretary of State John Kerry's peace efforts between Israelis and Palestinians was hindered by issues such as Netanyahu's demand for recognition of Israel as a Jewish state and continued West Bank construction, along with Abbas linking talks to prisoner releases and not accepting Israel as a Jewish state.
French-born Israeli Meyer Habib, endorsed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, won a special election to become the first observant Jew in the French National Assembly, representing French citizens living abroad in countries like Israel.
The Israeli government is considering ending the exemption of Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) men from military service, sparking concerns about the impact on female soldiers due to potential religious demands and gender segregation issues.
The Israeli media's intense coverage of Egypt's recent events reflects Israelis' deep concerns about the potential impact on their country.
A recent Haaretz poll revealed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's popularity in Israel surged by 11 percent after the botched Gaza flotilla raid, with confidence in his government also rising.