Tag: Benjamin Netanyahu

Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the recent Israeli elections, reflecting on the voters' sentiments and the future leadership under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu amidst legal challenges.
The text explores significant historical rivalries in Israeli politics, highlighting the intense infighting among key figures such as David Ben-Gurion, Chaim Weizmann, Golda Meir, Abba Eban, Yitzhak Rabin, and Shimon Peres.
"Incitement," a film directed by Yaron Zilberman, delves into the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by Yigal Amir in 1995, portraying Amir not as a lone extremist but as a product of a wider societal environment.
President Trump's 180-page peace plan for the Middle East includes a proposal to build a 25-mile tunnel connecting the West Bank and Gaza, although specific details on how it would function are lacking.
The Trump administration's Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, long delayed, is now reportedly imminent, leading to speculation whether it is a genuine proposal or a political move against Netanyahu's rival, Benny Gantz.
Eli Kowaz and Margaux Nijkerk talk about Benjamin Netanyahu's significant victory over challenger Gideon Sa'ar in the primary election.
The text discusses Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's repeated mentions of annexing the Jordan Valley during Israel's election campaigns, potentially impacting Israel's security and relations with Jordan.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the idea that not having a government in Israel might be better than having one, questioning the impact of Benjamin Netanyahu on the circumstances of Palestinian Israelis.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the potential benefits of not having a government in Israel, suggesting that it might be better than having one.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss various significant topics including whether Benny Gantz should break his promise not to serve with Benjamin Netanyahu, the role of humanities in a Jewish state, and the trend of Rabbis sending people for DNA tests to verify Jewish heritage.
In a Jewish-themed podcast episode titled "The It's All About the Benjamins Edition," hosts discuss Benny Gantz potentially breaking his promise not to serve with Benjamin Netanyahu, the role of humanities in a Jewish state, and the trend of rabbis sending people for DNA tests to verify Jewish ancestry.
Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz explore the upcoming political transition in Israel as Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to relinquish his mandate to form a government, leading to a period of uncertainty.
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, is facing a challenging time with legal issues, pre-indictment hearings, and political setbacks despite being given the chance to form a government.
In a podcast following the Israeli elections, hosts analyze the Joint List's surprising endorsement of Benny Gantz for prime minister, Avigdor Liberman's unpredictable actions, and Gantz's strategy of letting Benjamin Netanyahu attempt to form a government first.
In a recent episode, the Israeli election results were analyzed following the country's second national election in five months due to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's previous coalition challenges.
The book "The Gray Lady and the Jewish State" discusses the New York Times' controversial editorial decisions regarding Israel and Zionism, particularly highlighted by a 2019 anti-Semitic cartoon in the international edition.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to annex the Jordan Valley in the West Bank, along with other settlements, should he win the upcoming election, emphasizing hopes for support from President Trump.
Issa Amro penned an open letter to Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib expressing disappointment that they were barred entry into Palestine by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, at the request of President Trump.
Senator Elizabeth Warren has expressed support for ending the Israeli occupation when approached by Jewish anti-occupation activists.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron tackle three significant topics in "Parties Like It's 1999," exploring Israel's Left returning to past male leaders, the lasting impact of PM Benjamin Netanyahu's 2009 endorsement of a Palestinian state, and the potential role of hummus in Middle East peace.
The "Parties Like It's 1999" podcast with Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron delves into various Israeli political topics.
Avigdor Lieberman made a bold move in Israeli politics by refusing to join Netanyahu's coalition due to his objection to compromises on conscription policies for Haredi men.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to rename a tiny settlement in the Golan Heights after President Donald Trump, in appreciation of Trump's recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the territory, has sparked mixed reactions among residents.
The podcast discusses Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's efforts to seek immunity from prosecution, facing criticism from within his party by figures like Gidon Saar.
Evan Gottesman discusses Israeli public opinion on Benjamin Netanyahu and West Bank annexation with pollster Camil Fuchs.