Tag: Benjamin Netanyahu

President Trump addressed the Republican Jewish Coalition, seemingly mistaking them for Israelis, and referred to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as "your prime minister," which some saw as implying dual loyalty, a sensitive anti-Semitic trope.
The United States has officially designated Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization, placing sanctions on the military entity deeply embedded within the Iranian regime.
Eli Kowaz and Evan Gottesman discuss the potential impact of the Israeli attorney general's announcement of intent to indict Benjamin Netanyahu in three corruption cases on the upcoming April Knesset election.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently dissolved the Knesset, paving the way for early elections on April 9th.
In a recent discussion, analysts Eli Kowaz and Evan Gottesman explored the challenges facing Israel's coalition government with a narrow majority, Benjamin Netanyahu's diplomatic opportunities without progress on a two-state solution, and the fairness of Airbnb's move to de-list properties in West Bank Jewish settlements.
Israel appeared to be on the brink of war with Gaza following a $15 million cash infusion from Qatar intended to maintain quiet.
Don Futterman, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron debate hot topics including the legality of unvaccinated children attending school in Israel, the societal impact of online activities based on income disparity, and the ethics of pardoning 70 convicts for Israel's 70th year anniversary.
In a podcast segment titled "The Benjamin Netanyahus New World Order Edition," Miriam Herschlag, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss Prime Minister Netanyahu's tactics of using Iran's nuclear threat to strengthen ties with the Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
Miriam Herschlag, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss Benjamin Netanyahu's strategy of using the threat of Iran's nuclearization to strengthen ties with the Emirates and Saudi Arabia, sometimes without American involvement, raising questions about the implications of his approach.
Anshel Pfeffer's biography delves into the enduring mystique and political leadership of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Anshel Pfeffer explores the enduring reign of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his biography, highlighting Netanyahu's blend of intellect, populism, legal acumen, family loyalty, and self-promotion.
In the "What About Natalie? Edition," hosts Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman cover three key topics including a discussion with Haaretz correspondent Anshel Pfeffer about his book on Benjamin Netanyahu, debates about the legacy of Israels old Labor elite versus moving forward, and a tribute to the music group Pele Ozen and their new single supporting African refugees in Israel.
Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman discuss Anshel Pfeffer's book on Benjamin Netanyahu, debating the impact of Israel's old Labor elite and the significance of Natalie Portman's recent actions in Israel.
Eli Kowaz and Evan Gottesman from the Israel Policy Forum discuss the future of Benjamin Netanyahu following the Israel Police's indictment recommendation with journalist Ben Caspit.
Israeli hosts Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman discuss the police recommendation for indictments against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for bribery, fraud, and breach of trust, with his party supporting him but opposition leaders calling for his resignation.
Israel offered humanitarian aid to Iran and Iraq following a devastating earthquake that resulted in hundreds of casualties, but both countries rejected the assistance.
Conan O'Brien is on a food-filled trip to Israel for his show "Conan Without Borders."
In this episode of The Promised Podcast, Allison, Noah, and Gilad Halpern discuss Benjamin Netanyahu's use of the fake news narrative as a defense strategy, questioning whether Israelis believe in a media conspiracy against the Prime Minister.
This article discusses how Donald Trump's upcoming visit to Israel highlights the complexities of the Middle East and U.S. foreign policy.
In the debate over Zionism and nationalism, a case is made for liberal Zionism as a means to understand and appreciate the constructive aspects of nationalism, drawing parallels between American and Zionist identity.
In "The Triumphs of Benjamin Netanyahu" edition, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss Netanyahu's successful foreign policy impacting Israel amid challenging times, challenging perceptions of the Israeli Left towards him.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu highlighted that the Palestinian Authority seeks a state free of Jews, prompting criticism from various quarters including the U.N. and the Anti-Defamation League.
Moshe Yaalon, former Defense Minister of Israel, has declared his intention to challenge Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the country's top position in the next election.
In this segment, Allison, Don, and Noah delve into three main topics - the motivation behind Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's actions, arguing that it stems from a strong set of principles rather than just opportunism.
The article discusses the firing of basketball coach David Blatt, who is a supporter of Israel and Likud.