Tag: Benjamin Netanyahu

Some uncommitted Democratic voters, dissatisfied with President Biden's stance on the war in Gaza, are considering supporting Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming election.
In a thought-provoking analysis, it is suggested that President Joe Biden, by devoting the remaining days of his presidency to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and achieving lasting Middle East peace, could leave a significant mark on history despite the immense challenges involved.
Vice President Kamala Harris is not underestimated in terms of intelligence or political acumen, having risen through the ranks to secure the vice presidency and gain strong support within the Democratic Party.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to the U.S. Congress emphasized the shared fight against evil in the Middle East and the importance of Israel-US cooperation.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing accusations of intentionally sabotaging a potential hostage deal with Hamas, despite claiming to be working towards their release.
On the Bonjour Chai podcast, the hosts discuss recent developments in U.S. politics, focusing on President Joe Biden's decision not to seek re-election.
Following a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Kamala Harris, in her first statement on Israel as a presidential candidate, expressed concern over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and stated that she will not stay silent about the plight of Palestinians.
Martin Indyk, a prominent Jewish academic and U.S. diplomat, known for his efforts to bring peace to Israel, has passed away at 73 due to esophageal cancer.
Pro-Palestinian protesters in Washington D.C. displayed "Hamas is coming" graffiti, sparking controversy and condemnation from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Vice President Kamala Harris.
Vice President Kamala Harris condemned antisemitic and anti-American displays during protests against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress, denouncing individuals associating with Hamas and affirming that antisemitism, hate, and violence have no place in the nation.
The Republican Jewish Coalition released an ad criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris for not attending Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech at Congress, choosing a sorority luncheon instead.
In this podcast episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Linda Gradstein, and Noah Efron discuss Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress, Kamala Harris and her potential impact on Jewish communities, and the reasons behind Israeli-Americans voting for Trump.
Vice President Kamala Harris chose to skip Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech before Congress, opting to address a sorority event instead.
The text is an open letter addressing anti-Israel Jews, expressing frustration with their protests against Israel while ignoring atrocities committed by other countries and advocating for peace and self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent speech to the U.S. Congress highlighted the need to reassess the U.S.-Israel relationship and stop enabling Netanyahu, as his repeated warnings about Iran have not been backed by concrete achievements during his long tenure, leading to growing cynicism.
President Joe Biden has emphasized ending the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza as a top priority for his remaining six months in office.
During Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress, he acknowledged the families of hostages and their suffering but was interrupted by six relatives wearing yellow T-shirts and calling for action to bring the hostages home.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress celebrated the U.S.-Israel alliance but faced challenges, including criticism and boycotts over his handling of the Israel-Gaza conflict.
Donald Trump expressed gratitude to Mahmoud Abbas for his good wishes following an assassination attempt.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu misrepresented comments made by the president of MIT during his address to Congress by claiming that the MIT president, along with the presidents of Harvard and Penn, hesitated to condemn calls for the genocide of Jews on campus, whereas in reality, MIT's president, Sally Kornbluth, gave a clear and direct answer stating that such behavior would be a violation of MIT's policies.
In a speech to the U.S. Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated Israel's commitment to defeating Hamas in Gaza and achieving total victory.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress, receiving numerous standing ovations during his speech where he emphasized the historical ties between Israel and the U.S., thanked President Biden for support, and criticized pro-Palestinian protesters.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk was spotted with Sara Netanyahu, wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at a Congressional speech.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress amid high stakes, not for the first time, becoming the world leader with the most appearances before Congress.
The text criticizes leftist Jewish protesters staging a sit-in against the war in Gaza and the leftist politicians boycotting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's address to Congress.