Tag: Benjamin Netanyahu

Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss significant topics including police pressure on Netanyahu's ex-spokesperson in a trial, the IDF's role in addressing climate change in Israel, and government regulations affecting ultra-Orthodox leaders' control over kosher phones.
The podcast discussion covers three main topics of interest.
In this podcast episode, Sally Abed and Noah Efron discuss two important topics: Benjamin Netanyahu's critique of a proposed term-limit law in Israel, and the potential influence of traditionalism on Israeli politics.
In this podcast episode, Sally Abed and Noah Efron discuss two main topics: the comparison of Israel's new proposed term-limit law to those of Iran, Syria, and North Korea, and whether traditionalism (mesoratiut) can influence Israeli politics.
In this episode, journalist Neri Zilber hosts military correspondent and defense analyst Amos Harel to discuss how Israel's security policies have changed since Benjamin Netanyahu left office.
In a recent discussion, journalist Neri Zilber and political reporter Tal Schneider analyze the passing of the state budget in Israel, a significant achievement for the Bennett-Lapid coalition.
In this discussion, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron cover three main topics.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron discuss Yuli Edelstein challenging Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership of Likud, questioning if Netanyahu's reign is coming to an end.
In this segment, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Sally Abed, and Noah Efron discuss the impact of the Abraham Accords a year after its launch, reflecting on the changes since then-President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were in office.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Sally Abed, and Noah Efron discuss a few important topics.
Benjamin Netanyahu's controversial speech to the U.S. Congress in 2015 criticizing the Iran nuclear deal unintentionally accelerated the rapprochement between Israel and several Arab states.
The author, who served as Israel's ambassador to the United States, reflects on his experiences in Washington during the Obama administration.
In his first overseas trip as foreign minister, Yair Lapid is making a departure from the foreign policy approach taken by Benjamin Netanyahu.
Although Benjamin Netanyahu has been replaced as prime minister of Israel, he has no intention of fading away.
The discussion focuses on Benjamin Netanyahu stepping down after 12 years in power and the impact of his tenure on Israelis and Jews worldwide, as the Bennett-Lapid government begins its term.
In this podcast episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Sally Abed, and Noah Efron discuss three important topics related to Israel's new government.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Sally Abed, and Noah Efron engage in a lively discussion on various significant topics including insights into Israel's new government coalition's plans and tensions, Benjamin Netanyahu's legacy, and Israeli societal discomfort with nudity.
In this discussion, Israel Policy Forum Policy Advisor Shira Efron and former consul general of Israel in New York, Alon Pinkas, analyze the new Bennett-Lapid government in Israel and its implications.
Bret Stephens discusses the transition in Israel's government and the legacy of Benjamin Netanyahu on a podcast, followed by conversations about NATO, Biden, and the pandemic's conclusion.
In this article, Tal Schneider and Barak Ravid discuss the current political situation in Israel, focusing on the future of Benjamin Netanyahu and a possible coalition that could remove him from power.
In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss the imminent departure of Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been the prime minister of Israel for twelve consecutive years.
Israel has a new government without Benjamin Netanyahu for the first time in 12 years.
In the latest episode of Israeli Policy Pod, Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz discuss the current political situation in Israel.
This article discusses the acknowledgment by a top advisor to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei that the 2018 Israeli operation that seized Iran's nuclear archive was real.
Israeli journalist Ruthie Blum discusses Israel's potential fifth election in two years despite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's successes, particularly in the national vaccination campaign.