Tag: Bergen Belsen

Geddy Lee's memoir "My Effin Life" delves into the life of the renowned rock musician and child of Auschwitz survivors.
Holocaust survivor Marion Blumenthal Lazan, at 89, was recently honored with Germany's highest civilian award, the Order of Merit, for her tireless efforts in Holocaust education.
Marion Ein Lewin and her twin brother Steven Hess share their experiences of surviving the Holocaust together in Bergen-Belsen before being liberated and immigrating to the United States.
This text explores the question of how to reconcile faith in God with the realities of the Holocaust.
In this discussion, journalist Dina Kraft shares the story of Hannah Pick-Goslar, a close friend of Anne Frank mentioned multiple times in her diary.
In this podcast episode, two Israeli journalists turned authors, Dina Kraft and Ruth Marks Eglash, are interviewed in honor of Israel's annual Book Week celebration.
"Family Papers: A Sephardic Journey Through the Twentieth Century" by Sarah Abrevaya Stein delves into the history of the Levy family from Salonica, exploring their experiences from the 18th century to the aftermath of World War II.
Holocaust survivor and Schindler's List producer Branko Lustig, aged 83, is donating his Oscar statuette to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial and museum in Jerusalem, stating that it is where the award should be kept after his death.
Seventy years after the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, descendants of survivors gathered to share their memories and emphasize the importance of Holocaust remembrance.
The article discusses the author's decision to pay $120 to see the Canadian prog/hard rock band Rush in concert, possibly for the last time, despite the high cost and his wife's dislike for the band.
Jillian Cantor's novel "Margot" reimagines the life of Margot Frank, imagining what her life might have been if she had survived Bergen-Belsen.
Simone Veil, a French Jewish feminist and Auschwitz survivor, was elected to the prestigious Académie française in 2008 and formally inducted in 2010.